Chapter 19: Confrontations

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After another hour of listening to Lauren tell me how childish I was and how sophisticated she was now that she had done the deed, I was ready to crash on my bed. Jason picked me up at exactly two hours and took me home. He offered to stay another night but I was honestly not in the mood for anymore company. My mom was waiting in the room for me when I got back.

“I hate that we fought mom,” I told her. “but I still need time to process. Give me time and I’ll come to you when I’m ready.” She nodded slowly and I walked away.

I arrived at the school parking lot the next day, dreading the gossip I was going to hear today. 

“Hey!” Aidan came up from behind and scared the crap out of me.

“Hey yourself.” I started walking to campus.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“Is that a trick question?”

“Lets leave and get some breakfast. I'm starving.” 

“I can’t. I have a paper due. What’s going on?”

He grabbed my arm. “I don't think you should go inside.” I felt panic surge. What was Aidan trying to protect me from? I yanked my arm away and saw exactly what he was trying to hide. 

The hallway was littered with flyers, some taped up but most were on the floor. I picked one up to see the word slut in red ink and a picture of me in my devil costume dancing provocatively. I looked around to the other flyers which had different pictures of me doing a variety of “not so lady-like” things. One was of me sticking my tongue down Justin’s throat, some with me taking shots, and the rest were of me in various dance positions. Everyone in the hallway pointed and laughed at me as I stood there looking at the flyers. I heard murmurs and whispers from students as I walked to my locker. Some of the bolder people just yelled profanity my way. 

I turned to Aidan. “Who did this?”

“I’ll give you one guess.” I didn't need a guess. I knew exactly who it was. I walked to the middle of the quad and spotted my target. Vanessa had a stack of flyers in her hand that she and her minions handed out to everyone who passed by. She glanced my way and gave me the most sadistic smile I had ever seen.

“Speak of the devil…” her group of girls giggled and whispered god know what in each others ears. My rage took over and I marched right up to her and pushed her against the wall.

“Girl fight!” someone yelled across the quad.

“Get your disgusting hands off me!” Vanessa yelled out.

“This is low Vanessa, even for you.” I snarled.

“I’m not the one who played stripper in front everyone. It was pathetic and desperate.” 

“Considering I was dressed as you for halloween then mission accomplished. I pushed harder against her shoulder. “I’m done with these games, if you so much as look at me wrong, I’ll do more than slam you against the wall.”

Vanessa found her strength and pushed me back. “Get off your high horse Evans we’re all sick of it. I’m not scared of you so save your breath because this is just the beginning.” The bitch flipped her hair and walked away.

I did the only thing I could think of after that, I ran. I ran until I reached the photography room which had always been my sanctuary. Seth sat at his desk and looked up when he saw my flushed face.


“Can I stay here?” I asked. “Just for first period?”

I ended up staying the whole day in his classroom, including lunch. Seth didn't ask any questions. He could tell I wasn’t in the mood to talk and I’d always admired his ability to sense someones emotions. He distracted me by giving me the task of grading homework and tests. I called my mom at work with Seth’s phone to cover any administrative phone calls that might come for not going to any of my classes. I told her that I was going home because I wasn’t feeling well. 

I knew I could just go home instead of staying at school but I didn’t really want to be there either. She understood and didn’t ask any questions or give me a lecture considering I still hadn’t forgiven her for lying. Aidan found me during lunch and told me that Justin, Lauren, and Jase weren’t in school today. I found that odd but I was thankful that they weren’t here to witness my confrontation. He also told Uncle Carl that I couldn't make it in to work today. I could've kissed Aidan after all he did for me today. I left twenty minutes before school let out so I wouldn’t have any unnecessary run-ins. I just had to make it a few more weeks until thanksgiving break and by then I was confident that someone else would do something note worthy and I would be long forgotten.

I pulled up to my driveway to see a sitting Justin at my doorstep. He was dressed in sweats and a thermal. His eye was a ghastly shade of purple and his forehead had been bandaged. I tried to keep from gasping when I saw him but I couldn't hold it in.

“It’s not as bad as it looks.” He said.

“Thats a relief because it looks like it hurts a lot.” I touched the side of his face and he winced.

“Ok maybe it is bad as it looks. Summers has one hell of a right hook.” I took a seat next to him and took his hand in to mine.

“I’m sorry for everything.”

“It’s alright. I deserved to be hit. I was drunk off my ass and you looked so hot in your costume, I couldn't think straight. I should have stopped you from getting on that table.” He looked up at me sincerely.

“Its not your fault Justin. Nothing would have stopped me. I wasn’t being myself.” He nodded like he understood.

“I want to say something to you Kai and I don't want to offend you.” This was it I thought. He was going to break up with me right here. I braced myself. “I need to know if theres anything going on with you and Summers.”

I wasn't expecting that. “Where is this coming from?”

“It’s something that I've wondered since I first asked you out. He obviously cares about you. I don't think he would have hit me for just anyone.”

“Are you jealous?” The question wasn’t angry or accusing and honestly, I don't even know why I asked, but for whatever reason, I needed to know. Like this one answer would give me the answers I needed about our relationship.

“Insanely.” He answered. It was then that I realized how much I liked him.

I grabbed his face gently making sure I didn’t touch his wounds, and looked him straight in the eye. “There has never been, nor will there ever be, a me and Jase. He is my best friend and that’s it. I really like you Justin and I hope you won’t let my friendship with him affect my relationship with you. Will you be able to accept that?” I held my breath.

After a beat of silence he answered. “Yeah. I think I can.” I let out a relieved breath.

“Come inside. I’ll put on a movie and make you some tea.” I grabbed his hand and we walked inside together.

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