Chapter 23: It Gets Sadder?

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I ran without looking back. When I reached the park near my house, I turned back to see what was going on at my house. Cars left my street and driveway in a rush. I could only imagine what Jase said and did after I left. Even though I was pissed off beyond belief, I worried what Jase would do to Justin. I didn't want him to get in trouble for assault and battery or worse, murder. I took a seat on the tire swing in the middle of the playground. When I was little, I use to come out here everyday and swing until I got dizzy. It was my favorite thing to do in the whole world and left me with happy memories from my childhood. When I first got in to photography, this park was the first place I'd go to take pictures.

My thoughts drifted back to the party. I knew Vanessa was a bitch but this was low even for her. She came specifically to cause trouble and Lauren gave her an all access pass to do just that. What was going on with them? How did she manage to take my boyfriend and take my best friend away in one fell swoop? Well, Lauren could possibly be salvaged but Justin? He would be lucky if I ever looked at him again. If he was upset about last night, he should've come to me and talked but instead he left with my enemy to hook up in my room. MY room. I was getting angry all over again just thinking about it. I would have to burn my sheets, hell, I would have to buy a new bed just to get rid of their essence.

I continued to swing when I heard footsteps approach. Jase stared at me with a concerned look in his face. He was probably wondering why I hadn't jumped off a cliff yet.

"Did everyone leave?"

He nodded. "Aidan helped me kick everyone out. Vanessa put on a good show saying how sorry she was and how she didn't mean to do it." I scoffed and swung harder. "I'm going to need you to talk me down Kaia because I am seconds away from breaking Princes face." His fists tightened at his sides and I knew he meant it.

"I'm surprised you hadn't already."

"I managed to get a few hits in before the rest of the team pulled me back. They said they would take care of him."

"Do I even want to know what that means?"

"Probably not. I wouldn't want to give you nightmares." He said with a small grin. I returned the grin and pat on the empty space beside me on the tire swing. He came forward and sat down across from me.

"You want to know what's even more sad?" I asked him.

"It gets sadder?"

I smacked him lightly. "The sadder part is, I'm not even crying. I think I've ran out of tears over this waste of time relationship. I feel like fool. I can't believe I thought I was ready to have sex with him." I covered my mouth as soon as the words left. I was shocked that I confessed that tidbit.

"You're not doing a very good job of calming me down."

"Sorry." We sat quiet for a while, gently swinging back and forth. I propped my feet up next to Jase and managed to position myself on my back so i could stare up at the stars, which provided the only light in the park. "I wonder why guys don't like me." I thought out loud.

"Shut up Kaia."

"I'm serious! I'm not feeling sorry for myself but I really wonder why no one ever asked me out before or why Justin couldn't wait for me until I was ready. Am I not worth the wait? Am I really that intolerable that someone wouldn't want to spend time with me?"

"Don't ever think that!" Jase's voice grew firm. "None of those guys are worth a minute of your time. Guys like Prince or your dad don't deserve to know you and you shouldn't waste your time on them. They don't see what I see and that's they're loss."

He grabbed my face in to his hands. "You are the kindest, funniest, most beautiful person I have ever met and I won't let you think otherwise about yourself."

I shook my head free from his grip.

"Stop. Please listen. I have to say this before I lose the courage to." He continued.

I nodded, still unable to say anything. This was a side of Jason that I never saw before. He seemed scared and vulnerable.

"You want to know why they stay away? It's because I make them stay away." I sat up a bit. Jase was unleashed now.

"I threaten anyone who so much as looks at you that way to stay away or else. I can't stand the thought of anyone spending all that time with you. I was too late to warn Justin and I've regretted that since that day in the diner. That's the real reason I was pissed off that night."

I was stunned. I stared at Jason while I went over everything he just said. He was the reason the boys at school stayed away.

"You've always been too protective over me."


"I'm so grateful for you Jason but you cant protect me forever."

Jase laughed out loud. He let go of my chin and ran his hand through his hair which was his nervous gesture. What was he nervous about?

"You're so dense sometimes." Before I could open my mouth in rebuttal, Jase's hands grabbed my face again and pulled me to his. His lips touched mine and I sat there frozen in place, my eyes wide open but a second later, I found myself kissing him back. My whole body was on fire. This kiss was like none I'd ever experienced with Justin. It was like my whole existence depended on this one kiss and I never wanted it to stop. Jase pulled away and I immediately missed his lips on mine. We locked eyes with one other, even in the dark his eyes bore through me and neither of us said anything, afraid to ruin the moment.

It was Jase who broke the silence first. "We should probably get back."

I gave a slight nod before my emotions took over and I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in to another kiss. This time I was ready. He was shocked initially but then his hands came around my waist and pulled me closer to him. The kiss was so intense I was ready to give it up right then and there. Virginity be damned! I moved my hand slowly up Jason's chest and he tensed. He pulled away at my reluctance and rested his forehead on mine. We stayed this way for while, in perfect contentment before Jase grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the swing. We walked together in a comfortable silence until we reached my front door.

"I'm sorry about everything tonight." Jase said. This brought me back to reality. I'd forgotten about the events that occurred only an hour ago but it seemed insignificant compared to what was possibly happening with the two of us. He hesitated a second before he grabbed my face again and planted a feather light kiss. "I'll see you in two weeks but in the mean time, please, don't forget about this." Then he walked away and left me standing in my doorway with a thousand unanswered questions.

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