Chapter 28: Game Over

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I spent the remainder of the week avoiding everyone. I kept my bag and books inside the car in order to avoid any awkward run-ins with the two happy couples. I ate lunch in either my car, or in Seth's classroom. I even managed to change my study hall class to independent study, which I also conducted in the photography room. My photo taking was at an all time high but instead of taking pictures of things I found beautiful, I took ones that evoked sadness or desperation or loneliness. My art literally depicted what I was going through without me ever having to say it.

Aidan continued to try and cheer me up at work but stopped looking for me during school. I couldn't blame him. He didn't have to suffer just because I was feeling unhappy. As much as I tried to avoid Taylor and Jason, I still overheard conversations about them. Apparently Vanessa was pissed, which I found ridiculous since she already had a boyfriend. Taylor was fitting in to the popular crowd quite nicely and everyone seemed to like her. If she hadn't taken the love of my life from me, we could have been friends, but that option was long gone. My bedroom window remained locked and the shutter stayed closed. I didn't know if he tried to climb through it at all and I tried to convince myself that I didn't care one way or another but when I heard a noise from outside, I rushed to open it, but it was just the branches brushing against the glass.

Lauren was out for the week because she contracted mono. Leave it to her to get an infectious disease from kissing. I'd just hope that was the only thing she caught from one of her conquests. One weekend while she was sick, I found myself driving to her house, things were still strained between us but I needed someone to talk to about this whole Jason situation. I was let in to her house by one of her older brothers who blatantly hit on me as I made my way to her room. Her brother, Roman, was good looking and just as flirtatious as she was, but it was the first time that his flirtation was aimed at me. It was uncomfortable but I would be lying if I said it didn't make me feel a little better about myself.

Lauren was dressed her her pj's when I walked in. She was upright watching tv and looked shocked when she saw me in her doorway.

"I hope its ok that I dropped by" I said. "Roman let me in."

"I'm surprised he didn't try to keep you for himself."

"Oh he tried" I laughed. "But I seem to be immune to his charm."

"That must have bruised his ego." She joked back.

"He'll get over it." I stood there awkwardly until Lauren offered me a seat at her desk.

"You look good." I told her after a few minutes.

"I'm getting better." She replied. "You should've seen me last week. My throat was the size of an apple and it hurt like hell."

"I'm glad your feeling better." It was quiet again.

"I know why you're here." She finally said. "Vanessa told me about Jase." My anger flared up. After everything, she was still being friendly to Vanessa.

"Maybe coming here was a mistake." I got up.

"You like him." I stared at her in disbelief. I almost blurted out that I loved him but my mouth couldn't find the right words. "How did you know?" I asked.

"Please Kai." She rolled her eyes. "I've known since we first met him. I think everyone knows except for you and him."

I plopped down on the chair heavily and dropped my head in my hands. All of this was news to me. "I don't know what to do." I admitted. "I feel like I'm missing a piece of myself." It felt good to finally say that out loud.

"I have to say, I was confused when Vanessa first told me. I didn't think Jase would ever commit to someone unless it was you." Her last words sounded bitter. "I wouldn't worry about it too much, she is just someone to pass the time with. She's wont be around for long." I wanted to believe Lauren but I knew it was more than that. He had to at least stay with her until his father had her dad as a client, but while that was happening, he could be falling for her. Everyone else at school liked her, it seemed like only a matter of time before he followed suit.

"I kissed him Lauren. I mean, we kissed, after my party." Lauren's face remained unreadable.

"You kissed him and he got a girlfriend?" I nodded. "Wow. I didn't see that coming. Maybe when he kissed you he realized he didn't have feelings for you." The pit in my stomach grew wider. "Maybe he liked you because you were unattainable but once he had you, the game was over." If I wasn't feeling bad before, I sure as hell was now. The pit might as well just swallow me whole. If it did, I would be thankful for it. These were not the words I wanted to hear. I came to Lauren for some sort of advice or guidance, not to be looked at as some sort of game. She seemed to be satisfied, no, damn right giddy, with this explanation of hers, as if the answer to the meaning of life had just been revealed. She believed that the only reason Jase would ever have feelings for me was because I had shown no interest in him, that is, until we kissed.

"I came here for help Lauren! Now I feel worse and I didn't even think that was possible."

"You want my help Kai?" her voice sounded angry. "Let him go. Move on. He has, so you should too." This was her great advice, to move on from someone who was ingrained in me. A big part of me wanted to tell her to fuck off but the more rational part told me that she was right.

"Thanks. I'll take that under advisement." I headed towards the door. "See you at school."


That Friday was the day that the undefeated County Falls High was eliminated from the state Championships. According to the local newspaper, Jason Summers played his worse game all year in front of a sold out crowd. The picture in the paper was of a somber looking Jase, sitting alone on the bench, with his head down.

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