Chapter 9: Girl Fight

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I remained silent in the car ride to Brian's house. I could feel the occasional glance from Justin who was joyfully humming a long with the radio. Brian lived on the rich side of town in the same neighborhood that Jase lived. I usually loved looking at all the different style mansions whenever I drove here but this time, I kept my eyes forward. I could tell which house was Brian's right away from the amount of cars parked in and around his driveway. The vibration of the music inside radiated throughout the driveway causing my heart to beat along with it.

"Are you feeling sick?"

Now that he mentioned it. I did feel the urge to vomit in the nearby bush but I said "I'm fine." He reached for my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze before he opened the door and we entered into the madness.

The house was crowded with a sea of unfamiliar faces. I checked to see if Lauren was already here but didn't see her anywhere.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"Sure. Non alcoholic please."

"No problem. Lets go to the kitchen and find something."

Justin shoved around the crowd to make way to the kitchen. The scene around me was just as Aidan had described it. A game of beer pong was being played in the corner of the room and it looked intense, a few couples were on the dance floor grinding on each other and everyone had a red plastic cup, including myself, as Justin placed one in to my hand. I gave it a little sniff.

"It's orange juice." He whispered in my ear and I gave him a thankful smile.

"Oh shit!" I heard a voice call out. "Kai Evans is at a fucking party?" Marcus picked me up in to a hug and spun me around.

"Who are you here with?"

"Justin brought me." Marcus looked up, apparently just noticing the tall guy behind me.

He frowned. "Does Jase know you're here?"

"No. He doesn't need to know everything I do.

"If you say so Kai. Come by the bonfire later." Marcus took a swig of his drink and then walked off. Justin put his arm around me and led me to the living room where Brett and a few others stood around.

"Glad you could make it Kai." Brett said with a grin. "This is Luke, Tracey, and Lynn, they're juniors at County North."

County North was this ritzy private school not too far from this neighborhood. Jase and Brain should technically have gone to school there but decided otherwise due to a lack of a good football program. They're school was known for money and academics, not athletics.

I introduced my self to the group who turned out to be pretty nice, with the exception of Tracey who shot me an evil look whenever Justin touched me. I cuddled closer to his side just to mess with her.

From my peripheral view I saw a familiar figure standing on the stair case. When I zeroed in, I saw that the figure was Jase, but he wasn't alone. Leaning against his body and rubbing along his chest was a big boob blonde whom I've never seen before tonight. If I had to guess, she looked like she was in her early twenties and probably attended the local college. What was she even doing at a high school party? Seeing her continue to push up on Jason made my stomach churn. This was the first time that I'd ever seen Jase with another girl. Sure, he was constantly getting hit on but this was different. He wasn't being defensive like he usually was when some chick came on to him, in fact, he was welcoming her advances. He pulled her in to him, rubbed her back and whispered something in to her ear. Evidently, it was something funny because she started to giggle. She whispered something back, and grabbed his hand to lead him upstairs.

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