Chapter 25: A Regular Buddy Hackett

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Christmas came and went and I found myself volunteering to work a shift on New Years eve. Every year the Diner hosted a charity event for the “Keep County Falls Beautiful” campaign. Those who could afford the ticket came for the free booze and food at the party. Unfortunately, for everyone working, the diner didn’t just come like that, it had to be transformed. We spent hours turning the diner in to a high society ball room complete with hor d'oeuvres and a well dressed wait staff. Beautiful dark drapes were hung all around the walls and ceiling. The room was lit with candle light and every table had flowers on them. If I didn’t see it for myself, there was no way I could imagine the diner looking so elegant. Uncle Carls wife, Janice, took care of all the arrangements considering this was Uncle Carls least favorite event. He hated that his diner was being turned in to some high society shindig for people who wouldn't normally set foot in his establishment. You had to admire Uncle Carl for his morals.

Aidan and I changed in to our uniforms which consisted of a a white shirt, black sequined vest and black slacks. We looked like the background for some really bad off Broadway play. Normally I would find all of this amusing and make fun of it relentlessly but today I wasn’t feeling like myself. Jase hadn’t contacted me at all since Christmas, not even one text. I agonized for days over whether I should be the one to contact him and since I wasn’t on great terms with Lauren, I couldn’t ask her for advice. I fumbled all day with the dishes, I spaced out whenever someone talked to me and it wasn’t long before someone took notice.

“Are you high?” Aidan asked when I dropped yet anther plate.

“Huh?” he felt my forehead.

“You’re not sick so you must be high.”

“I’m not high you idiot, I’m distracted.”

“That’s an understatement. You haven’t been to able concentrate all afternoon and you didn’t even laugh when I made the comment about Mrs. Crosby and her dog Fluffykins. It was comedy gold, right Joyce?”

She snickered. “Oh yeah Kai, he’s a regular Buddy Hackett.”

Aidan mouthed “Who?” to me and I laughed.

“Finally!” Aidan yelled out. “What’s wrong?” I stayed quiet refusing to tell him what was going through my mind. “I know. You’re worried about seeing Justin and Vanessa together at school on Monday.” The thought of school put me in a deeper depression, not because of Justin and Vanessa, whom I hadn’t even thought about since Lauren visited me. No, I was worried about seeing Jase for the first time in weeks. Now that I was aware of my feelings, I wasn’t sure how to approach him or even be around him anymore. Everything was so complicated.

“Yeah, that’s it.” I lied. 

“I knew it. Don’t worry about it Kai, I won’t let him near you. I’ll even hold your hand down the hallways to keep him away from you.”

I chuckled. “You would do that?”

“Of course. We’re friends, and a friend holds their friends hand in their time of need, no matter how hard she fights it.”

“I wouldn't call it a time of need.”

“I would.” Marie interrupted. “You haven’t been fully here since you were cheated on by that hottie.”

“Thanks Marie.” I mumbled. She loved rubbing the fact that I got cheated on every chance she got.

“Not helping Marie.” Aidan scolded.

“Oh we were helping?” she gave me a smirk and walked off. She was Vanessa 25 years in to the future.

“Anyway,” Aidan emphasized “I got your back.”

“You really do, don’t you?”

He shrugged. “I know I’m not a replacement for Lauren but if you let me, I’d like to be there for you.”

I opened my mouth ready to relieve him of his obligations to me. I didn’t want to hold Aidan back from anything but before I could, Janice called us all in to a meeting. She was dressed in a dramatic black floor length dress and white elbow length opera gloves. I almost bursted out in laughter at her Audrey Hepburn impression but Aidan nudged me to shut up. He smiled down at me, clearly relieved that I was acting like myself.

“The guests will be arriving in an hour. I want the food coming out every 15 minutes. Remember to circulate the entire room and no speaking to the guest unless spoken to. Are we all clear?” Everyone nodded, a few people said yes out loud. “Excellent, let’s have a happy new year!”

Guests started to walk into the diner, dressed completely in their formal wear. The gowns and suits were all very beautiful but I couldn’t help but think how over dressed everyone was. Janice may have managed to make the place presentable but it was still a diner. I circulated around the room like I was told to, not once dropping my platter of food. I caught bits of conversation, everything from politics to the new gossip around town. Apparently, a man in their inner circle was dating someone in a lower class. I blinked hard to stop myself from rolling my eyes at the petty gossip. Aidan stayed fairly close in our circulations occasionally shooting me a silly look to make me laugh. It was nice to have someone around like him especially during an event like this. As midnight grew nearer, we passed out glasses of champagne for the new years toast. Everyone grabbed their noise makers and hats, ready to ring in the new year. We were directed to stand on the side until 5 after midnight to collect the glasses. I stood over to the far side where Aidan was leaning against the wall. I looked at everyones happy faces and felt mine drop. A month ago I was in a happy relationship with someone I liked and even thought as far ahead as to getting my fist midnight kiss but now I stood there, single and alone, staring at the happy couples and wishing I was the one kissing someone I loved.

“5,4,3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!” The crowd went wild. Everyone started yelling and making noise, throwing confetti in the air and kissing their significant others. I turned to Aidan to give him a hug when he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. I was startled and placed my hand over the spot that he kissed.

“What was that for?” I asked, genuinely confused.

“It was to seal our growing friendship, plus you looked so sad staring at the couples. I wanted to make you happy.” I continued to stare at him, eyes stinging with tears.

“Thank you Aidan. That means more to me than you know.” We went around to collect the glasses and I smiled to myself. This year was off to a good start.

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