Getting Ready for Jessie

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Camilla's Pov.
*Beep Beep Beep* 

Ughh why am I up at 1 p.m.?? That's like the middle of the night. -.- 
"CAMILLA YOU HAVE TO GET UP AND HELP CLEAN THE HOUSE" my mom yelled. I groaned then sat up while scratching my head wondering why we needed to clean the house. Like its never that messy to begin with so why do we have to clean it? 

Flashback to last night
"Camilla we have some news, its about your younger sister." My parents told me.

"Like my 'long lost sister?" I asked.

"Yes. It seems that we have found her." 


"Yes, she is currently living in Kitchener, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada." 

Woahh that's like half way around the world, I think? Well we live in Cuba.. I'll figure it out later. "Aaand?" I asked impatiently. 

"Well shes being flown down here tomorrow so that she can live with us!" 

"OMG" I started freaking out "I'm going to go call the girls (the rest of Fifth Harmony) and tell them to sleep over that way they can all meet her together! Is that all right?" 

"Yes of course! I was actually thinking of actually asking you if you could take her with you while you're on tour? That way she can get used to her and you can catch up!" 

"I would love that!! I'll ask the girls if that's okay when they get here." 

"Oh and by the way its around a 12 hour flight so she'll be tired when she gets here!" My mom yelled. 

End of Flashback

I CANT BELIEVE IT! I'm finally going to meet my long lost younger sister! I quickly got up and attacked the girls with pillows to get them up. 

"What Mila?" Asked Ally (A). 

"Yeah, seriously what are you doing up so early? Asked Normani (N) and Dinah (D).

"Today I'm going to meet my younger sister!!" I screamed.

Lauren's Pov. 

I suddenly hear loud banging noises from right beside me as Camilla attacked the other girls with pillows. I was hoping that Camilla wouldn't notice me sleeping and I could rest a little longer, but unfortunately she noticed then proceeded to attack me with pillows and jump on me. 

"Ouch Camz!!! Just give me like 5 more minutes."

"NO you have to get up!! She's going to be here in like 6 hours!" 

"Her names Jessie, right?" 

"Yeahh now come on we have to get ready!"

Luckily Camz has more than one bathroom for all five of us to share so we were ready in less than 2 hours which is faster than usual. Once we were dressed we split into 2 groups to make the cleaning go faster. Camz and I started cleaning her room, while Dinah, Ally and Normani started cleaning the bathrooms and living room. 

"Hey Camz?"


"How did you guys split up and how did you find her?"

"Umm... I don't know actually. My parents probably couldn't afford her at the time so they gave her away to a family that they knew that could. But I don't really know, I don't know how they found her either. Probably they just found someone who kinda resembled me and then took a DNA sample just in case. But I don't know, I'll ask my parents both questions later."

"Oh alright. I bet she's really nice and goofy like you!"

"I hope so! Maybe she'll even have the same obsession like me!"

"Whats that?


We both laughed then quickly finished cleaning her room, then we went downstairs to help the girls with the rest of the house. 

Ally's Pov. 

The house was looking pretty clean if I don't say myself. Everything was neatly put away, everything was vacuumed and dusted, and the bathrooms even smelt like roses! Everything was going to be perfect when Jessie comes! Which got me thinking...

"Hey guys, what time is it?"

Dinah looked at her watch then said "OMG ITS 4:30!! She'll be here in less than 2 hours!!"

I looked at Camilla and Sinu (Camilla's Mom) and they looked like they were about to faint. Meanwhile her dad was just casually sitting down reading a newspaper.

Sinu's Pov. 

Did Dinah really just say that? In less than 2 hours I'm finally going to meet my daughter after over 14 years of being separated from her. I feel terrible for what I've done, and I need to explain to the girls why this happened before Jessie gets here. 

"Hey girls?" I asked.

"Yea?" They all said in unison. I lightly chuckled to myself, its like they all have the same brain. No wonder they're called Fifth Harmony. 

"I feel like I should tell you why we had to give Jessie away when she was born, and why we just got contact with her this year." I said nervously. I gestured for them to sit down, they followed my gesture and sat down opposite from me.

"Well umm. You've probably already guessed that we wern't that wealthy back then and with Camilla over here and her love for food it wasn't easy to pay for things, and Jessie was really a surprise. We didn't expect her to come and we did't want to get an abortion because I didn't want to kill an innocent life, so we just stuck it out and when Jessie finally was born we decided to make her life easier and let some old friends of ours in Canada take care of her. They wern't able to have a baby so they gladly took her in. Over a couple of years we lost contact with them, until recently we found them in the phone book and called them. They still had her and we asked for them to let us have her again because we were ready to take her in. They gladly agreed because they knew that in the end she was our daughter and your sister and you should finally meet her. So they bought her a plane ticket to fly over. She thinks she has a soccer tournament, so she doesn't know that she's going to meet us. I don't know how shes going to react but we'll hope for the best" I say with a smile. 

"Wow" all of them said at the same time. 

"So who's going to pick her up?" Camilla asks.

"She's going to have a body guard that will take her here." 

"I'm so excited!" All five girls said at the same time before turning to look at eachpther and giving eachother weird glances. They really were adorable, and they took the story pretty well too!

"I think we should all go take a nap before she gets here that way we'll be well rested."

All five girls nod and head upstairs.






Heyoo! How are you guys liking this story so far? I know this is my first story/book and I only have like 2 reads but I hope you guys are enjoying it! Comment any ideas and vote if you like it! :) OHH and I think something happened with the fonts because they're different from the editing side soo idk hopefully they're not different and if they are they don't bother you. :/ Anyways thanks for reading byee :)


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