She Knows

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Camila's Pov.

I kept replaying in my head what happened when Jessie was dreaming while we were trying to wake her up. 


Ugh who keeps moving? I got out of bed and figured out that the noise was coming from Jessie's bunk. It's probably another nightmare... I pulled back the curtain and sure enough she was fidgeting and mumbling in her sleep signaling that she's having a bad dream. Before I had a chance to try and wake her up, the rest of the girls were behind me asking what was going on.

"She's having another nightmare..." I said before I got interrupted by Jessie mumbling.

"Noo.. Please don't." She kept repeating while crying. We all looked at each other, silently trying to figure out what her nightmare is about. Just when Lauren was about to pour water on her to wake her up Jessie said something...

"I love you Ally.." 

After that was said, Lauren dropped the water on the ground, Normani and Dinah started squealing with excitement with Lauren soon joining them, Ally was still in shock, meanwhile I was utterly confused. Lauren must've noticed because she nudged Ally, Normani and Dinah. 

"C'mon Ally, you gotta tell her sometime..." Normani said. Tell me what?

"Uh-hh ya I-I guess. Umm so Camila, I-I kn-o-ow you don't wan't Jessie da-at-ting and all... but I-I re-eally like her..?" She stuttered. Everyone looked at me questioningly waiting for an answer. 

"Ally..." I started, " I... KNEW IT!!! YESSS! DINAH YOU OWE ME FIVE DOLLARS!" I screamed. Ally looked at me in shock before continuing to stutter again. 

"We had a bet to see how long it would take for you to admit it to Camz!" Lauren told Ally while laughing.

"Wait.. how did you know?" She asked astonished.

"You'd have to blind not to see it! You are so frickin obvious! And ya before you ask.. I totally ship you guys together! But if you hurt her... I will take your head and smash it to pieces with your pink sparkly microphone!" I said in a cheerful tone. It was really funny watching her reaction going from extremely happy to extremely scared. 

"Wait really? Uhh... thanks?" Ally questioned.

"Yea! Don't worry about it!" I replied with a wink "Don't you think we should wake up Jessie?" I finally asked. All the girls nodded before we screamed her name and tried anything to wake her up. After about two minutes of screaming she finally woke up. She shot up and backed up against her bunk panting heavily.  She looked over at us with a worried expression which quickly changed to... relieved? I'll ask about that later, along with the fact that she likes Ally and never told me! 

She then threw herself at us, crushing us all in a giant group hug before starting to ramble about things that she only pretended to be annoyed about, but she wasn't. Lauren, Normani, Dinah, Ally and I all shared a devious smirk, and we all knew what was about to come next.

Flashback Over

It was scary that Jessie was growing up so fast... well not completely. She's still like a baby to the girls, but she's stating to get more into dating and crushes. I DON'T WANT HER TO GROW UP. I know that sounds bad because everyone has to grow up, but I still want her to be young and want to be with me all the time. I never really got to go through the stage where she would want to go everywhere with me. I wish that happened. 

"Camz!" Lauren screamed waving a hand in front of my face. I turned a deep shade of red noticing that I spaced out while we were eating lunch. 

"We were talking about what we wanted to do until the show tonight?" Dinah questioned.

"Umm... we could just have family time? Like ya know talk or maybe watch a movie...?" I asked. They all nodded before Ally spoke...

"Ok which movie?" She asked looking at everyone too see if they had any suggestions.

I suddenly looked at Jessie and smirked, "Well nothing to scary cause we don't want the baby to get nightmares!" I said in a baby voice pulling Jessie into my side. She groaned and looked at Lauren for help.

"I kind of like the idea of a scary movie! I mean Jally could cuddle together if they get scared!" Lauren said winking at Ally and wiggling her eyebrows at Jessie. Ally turned a deep shade of red making the rest of us, except a blushing Jessie, burst out laughing. 

"Ally do you want u to leave you two alone? Just so you have some privacy with her? I don't wanna see all that!" Dinah said making a disgusted face. 

"Ew. I would rather not think of my little sister in that way thank you very much." I said making another disgusted face. "Alright movie time!!" I screamed as I raced everyone else to the bus lounge.





-Lol did you like the moment?? I know this chapter kinda sucks but I'm trying to get back in the writing flow still. So ya... COMMENT ANY SUGGESTIONS OR IDEAS. BYEE :)


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