Going for a Run

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Ally's Pov.

NO. I'm not ready to come out yet! What am I going to say? Why me? Why now? WAIT! Maybe I'm over exaggerating and she'll ask me something completely different. Like what do you want for dinner, or what do you think of Jessie? I also don't even know if I fully like her yet, maybe its just one of those one day crushes! Normani must've noticed me thinking because she asked "What are you thinking about?" UGH BRAIN SHUT UP YOU RUIN EVERYTHING. 

"Nothing really just thinking about what you are going to tell me or ask me."

"OK... Umm well you were acting really weird around Jessie! Like when she hugged Antonio you looked jealous? What's up with that?" 

"Nothing, don't worry about it!" I said a little too quickly bevause she looked at me weirdly.

"Ok seriously Ally whats going on?" She said sternly. 

"Can I please talk to you about this later? I'm not ready yet and I think I need to think this over." 

She nodded then pulled me back into the living room. We talked for only 5 more minutes before we all went to bed exhausted. 

*The Next Morning*

Camilla's Pov.

I wonder whats wrong with Ally? She was acting really weird around Jessie and she almost hated Antonio. What did Normani have to talk to her abut last night? If it was really important she'd tell us she would've, so I'll just leave her alone for now! But eventually I'll want answers. We're practically all sisters, she'll tell us anything, right? 

Jessie is soo cute! I looked over at her bed and noticed she's gone, I wonder where she went? I looked downstairs and didn't see her, so I went to the basement to check. I finished looking in almost every room in the house except for one more, the bathroom. I walked nervously over to the bathroom, "Jessie?" I asked. I peered inside and nobody was there. 

I ran over to the girls room and started freaking out asking if they knew where Jess was. They all looked really scared and Ally looked more nervous than I was. We started calling out her name frantically, After about five minutes I ran outside with the girls trailing behind me. I burst out into tears. 

"Its all my fault, why'd she leave? Where is she? I haven't known her for 24 hours and she's already gone! What did I do?" I started screaming while the girls finally caught up and started to try and calm me down. 

"Hey I think I see someone running over there! Wait..I think its Jessie!!!!" Ally screamed.

We all ran over to her probably looking like wild apes, then we tackled her once we knew it was her. She looked really terrified.

"Where have you been? What are you doing up so early? Why'd you leave without a note?" We all screamed at her while hugging her for dear life. 

"Guys I just went for a run, like I do every morning!" 

"Next time you better leave a note or text me or something!" I said sternly. 

"Jeez, overprotective much?" She said.

"We were so worried about you, we thought you died or something!" Ally said. 

"How'd you know where to go for your run?" I asked. "Have you ever been here before?"

"Nope! I just kinda guessed!" 

"You could've died or got lost or raped! What were you thinking??" I asked.

"That I wanted to go for a run?" The girls all kind of laughed at this so I shot them a stern look.

"Calm down Camz she just went for a run!" Lauren told me.

"Next time you go you have to take one of us with you!" 

"OMG no. There's no way! Its my time and I like to be alone!" 

"Yea come on Mila! You're overreacting!" Dinah and Normani both said at the same time.

"I don't care! I haven't seen you for over 14 years and I'm not loosing you again!" I said.

"Whatever. I'll just wake up earlier" She said quietly.

"What did you say?" Knowing what she said. 

"Nothing!" She said quickly.


We walked back to the house, when we entered we immediately smelled fresh made pancakes and waffles. "FOOD!" Jessie and I both screamed. Everyone looked at us then we all burst out into laughter, "You're definitely sisters!" everyone said. 




HEYYY! This chapter is kind of short... OMG 80 READS!!! I know that doesn't sound like much but thank you so much! :) How'd you like this chapter? I want some feedback so I can make this story better, so please comment! BYEE :)


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