Leaving for the Tour

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Jessie's Pov.

I was about to score the winning goal of the world cup. Everyone was chanting and on there feet, while I was bounding towards the net. I took one last step until I brought my leg up and swung at the ball...


"Are you serious right now? I was about to score the winning goal!" I said while looking around the room. 

"Haha were you dreaming about soccer?" Camilla giggled from above me. 


"LOL well last night we slept through dinner and we have to leave soon... So get up! We need to get ready!" 

"Ugh what time is it?" I asked, it feels like its 2 a.m.

"Its 4a.m." 

"What the actual hell are you doing waking me up at 4 a.m.???" I practically screamed at her.

"We have to leave for the tour today, remember? Oh and language!" She replied. 

"Ugh I didn't say anything bad...OMG I SMELL FOOD! Lets go!" I jumped up and grabbed Camilla's wrist and dragged her downstairs. We entered the kitchen and saw another giant breakfast! There were sausages, pancakes, eggs, bacon, and lots of fruit! "This looks amazing! Thank you so much!!" 

"No problem sweety, now eat up! You have to leave soon!" 

"Gladly!" I replied. Camilla just laughed at me while sitting down. 

"Am I always like this?" Camilla asked while giggling. 

"Yup!" My mom responded. Its weird calling her mom. I'll probably get used to it eventually. Once we finished breakfast we helped to clean up, then ran upstairs to get ready. I was first in the shower because Camilla and I had to share. 

"Jessie hurry up! They're going to be here in like 45 minutes!" Camilla screamed. 

"Ok calm down!" I turned off the water, wrapped myself in a towel and went into our room to get ready. Camilla looked at me with an annoyed look. "I'm sorry! Jeez, I juts got lost in my own thoughts." 

"Ok, well we'll talk about what you were thinking about later." 

Before I could respond she shut the door and started the water. I went to my bed and picked up my outfit. I was wearing Roots sweats and sweatshirt for the bus ride, and I had a lacy flower patterned skirt with, a black cami and a beige shall in my bag because Camilla's going to force me to wear it if we have to stop anywhere. 

I quickly threw on my outfit, put my hair into a messy bun then slipped on my converse. Almost as soon as I had finished Camilla came out of the shower. We both washed our hair the night before so we wouldn't have to wash and dry it so early in the morning. I layed down on my bed, then heard a towel fall... "Camilla!! Can't you change somewhere else??" 

"We're both girls calm down." She responded while laughing. 

"Ew ew ew ew!" I put my hands over my eyes. 

"You can open your eyes now, I'm fully clothed. Jeez." 

I turned around and saw that Camilla was wearing a Roots sweatshirt like me, black legging and converse. "Copy cat much?" I said. 

"I thought we could be like twinsies!" Camilla said while grinning. 

"CAMILLA THE GIRLS ARE HERE!" Mom yelled from downstairs. 

"Woah its already 6 a.m.?" I asked.

We both grabbed our backpacks and phones and left our room. As we walked downstairs the girls greeted us. 

"Hello ladies, we need to board the bus now." Our bus driver said. 

The girls said goodbye to my mom then left to board the bus. 

"I'll miss you girls, call whenever you can!" 

"Bye mom! We'll miss you too and yea we'll call." Camilla and I both said while hugging her. We said one last goodbye before walking out of the house. 

"Hey Jessie!" 

I turned around and saw Antonio standing by his car. I looked to my left and Camilla looked pissed, oh no.




OMG whats Camilla going to do??? DUH DUH DUNNNN

SO PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT! I got one comment on the last chapter from @AngelicaMaeMonong Thank you so much! You actually have no idea how much that made me smile! :) So yea! Byee :) 


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