Getting to Know Each Other

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Lauren's Pov. 

The credits are starting because the movie just finished. I looked over at everyone, they were all awake except for Jessie and Ally. Awww they look so cute! Damn though they sleep a lot. 

"Omg look at Jally! I'm going to post that on instagram!" Dinah says, taking a picture of them. We all look and everyone 'awwed'. 

"Do you think we should wake them up?" I asked. "Maybe we could ask Jessie about herself, like we barely know anything about her." 

"Yea that's a good idea!" Camilla said while smiling. She walked over and gently shook them awake. Ally awoke first and looked startled but then looked at Jessie and smiled. Eventually Jessie woke up, she sat up a little bit but was still on Ally. 

"Ok so Lolo had a good idea about getting to know about Jessie more!" Camilla said. 

"Ok? What do you wanna know about me?" Jessie asked. 


"DINAH SHUT UP" Camilla said cutting her off. Jessie looked a little scarred, awww she looked adorable., I swear if there was a cute award Jessie would win it. 

"Ok umm... What was life like back home?" Dinah asked. We all turned our attention to Jessie. 

"Umm good I guess? I played a lot of soccer, well that's what everyone does. But I was captain of our soccer team! And our team was so good they actually let us compete in older tournaments!" She said smiling proudly. 

"Dammnn girl how many hours did you practice a week?" Ally asked. 

"Umm as a team we practiced everyday after school except for Sunday! Practices were around 1-3 hours depending on weather, the day and other stuff!" 

"Jeez.. Ok next question!" Camilla said.

"How about you guys tell me about yourselves! Like random stuff or whatever!" Jessie said.

"Ok ya sure! Umm I'm Normani Hamilton, I'm 17 and I've had a couple relationships..."

"OHH Arinn!" All the girls cooed.

"SHUT UP! OK next person." She said back. 

We all just laughed. After we went through everyone, just talking about ourselves the bus driver shouted, "Girls we'll be arriving in an hour! I suggest you start getting ready!" We all got up to get ready. 

"Wait what do I wear...?" Jessie asked nervously. 

"Ohhh I dibs picking an outfit!" Camilla and I both screamed. We ran to Jessie's bunk and looked through all her clothes. After arguing for a while we finally came up with a white t-shirt, a pair of jean shorts and a white pair of converse. 

"Not bad, but ya know you don't have to dress me right?" Jessie asked while giggling. 

"Ya but we wanted to, we'll probably be doing this like everyday so get used to it!" I said. Camilla and I both left so Jessie could get dressed, and we could get dressed ourselves. We were doing a meet and greet so we had to go to hair and makeup before, so we all just put on jeans and a top. Nothing too fancy because we'll be getting changed, and plus there will probably be no paparazzi. Thank god, we don't want them to start interrogating Jessie and Camilla yet!




Hey guys thank you so much for almost 2k reads!! Love ya! Sorry this chapter is so short... Please comment on what you think of this story and what you think is going to happen! Don't forget that your opinions can help and that they do matter! LOL peace out! BYEE :)


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