More Jealousy?

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Questions at the end! :)

Jessie's Pov.

Lately Camila and Ally, a.k.a. MY GIRLFRIEND, have been spending all their time together, even if they're just hanging out. I don't know why though, Lauren's been noticing it too. 

"Alright, we'll see you guys later! Ally and I are going out for a bit." Camila says grabbing Ally's hand and dragging her out the door. Once the door closed Lauren launches her book across the room.

"I DON'T GET IT. What did we ever do?? I just want to spend time with MY girlfriend, and instead she's hanging out with yours!" She yells in frustration. "YOU." She yells pointing at Normani, "Do you know why this is happening?" 

"No!? Calm down Laur, they probably just want to spend time with each other."

Lauren turns towards Dinah, who just nods her head in agreement. She sighs in frustration and looks ahead not saying anything. "I have an idea!" She says snapping her head towards me. "Do you want to get back at them?" I just look at her confused. "We could start spending all our time together and not hang out with them?" She offers. 

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea! I mean I haven't seen Ally in like what? Four days?" I agree. 

"Alright!", she says clapping her hands together, "We'll start once they get back." 

*4 hours later*

Camila's Pov.

"Ally do you think we should start to head back now? Its getting kinda late." I ask. We've been out exploring the city we're in and shopping, and it's been about four-ish hours. 

"Ya sure, I was hoping to spend some time with Jessie anyway, I haven't kis-" She stopped and looked at me. I shot a glare at her. "I-I haa-aven't spe-eent an-y tiime with her in a bit..." She stutters. I just playfully hit her arm and roll my eyes. 

"Mhm." I say. We both get into a taxi and head back to the bus so we can spend time with everyone else. We have been really distant lately, but we're not doing anything. I just want to bond with her. 

"Alright ladies, that'll be $23.50 please." The cab driver says in a heavy accent. I hand him a 20 and a five dollar bill, "Keep the change." I say giving him a smile. He says a quick genuine 'thank you', waves, then drives off. 

Ally and I both turn around o start walking to the bus, which fortunately isn't that far away. 

"We're back!" Ally yells once we open the door. 

"IN THE KITCHEN." Somebody yells back. We both put our stuff quickly in our bunks and head to the kitchen to see what everyone is doing. 

"Hey guys! How was shopping!" Dinah asks. 

"Good! There was a guy that kept checking Ally out though." Everyone laughs while Dinah just screams "GET IT GURL". "So where's Lauren and Jessie?" I ask. 

Normani and Dinah both look at each other quickly, "I don't know. I think they were planning on going out!" Normani says. That was weird. 

"Yup! We'll be back soon!" I hear Lauren say behind me. "You ready to go kid?" She asks Jessie who's adjusting her jacket. 

"Yup!" She says once she finishes, "And don't call me 'kid'" She grumbles. 

"Aww is the baby grumpy again?" I ask in a baby voice, helping Lauren out. 

"No?" She says with a weirded out expression looking at me. That's weird, normally she kind of plays along with it. Is she on her period or something?

Lauren winks at Jessie, "Alright, we'll see you later!" She shouts dragging Jessie behind her as they bolt out the door. 

"That was weird." I state looking back at everyone else. I see Ally is just as confused as I am, while Dinah and Normani have a weird smile on their face...? "Alright I'm going to go to my bunk!" I say awkwardly. 

"Me too..." Ally says walking towards hers.

*5 hours later*

"Alright! It's nearly 10 at night and they still aren't back! Normani and Dinah what do you know?" I accuse them. 

"Nothing! You're honestly overreacting." Normani replies. "Ya! They will probably be back in like seconds!" Dinah says. 

And just like that, we here the door of the bus opening.





Ayyeee cliffhanger? XD SORRY. What do you think is going to happen? OH AND PROPS TO @iluv5h for the idea! It will be continues into the next chapter! :) How are you guys doing? ANYONE EXCITED THAT IT ALMOST CHRISTMAS... except if you don't celebrate it... Sorry. HAS ANYONE RECENTLY SEEN THE NEW STATISTICS PAGE? I want to see how accurate it is and stuff so inline comment if you are age:

1. 13-18

2. 18-25

3. 25-35

4. 35-45

BECAUSE APPARENTLY I HAVE READERS IN ALL OF THOSE CATEGORIES. So yaa if you could do me a favour and comment that would be great! THANK YOUU BYEE :)


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