Truth or Dare?

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Ally's Pov.

Jessie is such a sweet girl! We don't really know her so we decided to play truth or dare, we know she gets uncomfortable really quickly so I hope this doesn't bother her. 

When Antonio left and Jessie hugged him I felt a little jealous? Which was really weird because I'm straight... I think. I've grown up with rules that being gay is wrong so I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll talk to Normani about it later. 

"Do we have to play this game?" Jessie asks. She looks really uncomfortable and really innocent its really adorable. 

"Aweehhh are you already uncomfortable?" to girls asked. 

"Yea kind of." 

"LOL sucks to be you because we're going to play anyways!" 

"Ok I'll start!" Camilla said. "Umm Normani truth or dare?" 

"Dare." Normani said confidently. 

"I dare you to tweet out to One Direction 'I love you, I want to marry you. Will all of you marry me?'  "

She looked a little worried at first but did it eventually. We went through everyone but Jessie just so she gets a little more comfortable first. 

"Alright, now that we've gone through nearly everyone... Jessie truth or dare?" Camilla asked.

Jessie looked really nervous "Truth?". 

"Alright, sooo whats going on with you and Antonio? Have you met him before?"

"Umm.. nothing is really going on, well he asked for my number and we talked a lot but other than that we are just friends. And I just met him today so yea!" She said kind of happily. 

"Ok good! I don't want you dating yet, you're too young!" Camilla told her. 

"Wait, why?? I'm 14!" 

"Because I said so!" Camilla looked proud of herself, she probably likes to boss her around.


"No buts!"

After we played a couple more rounds Jessie finally passed out in Camilla's arms, so we layed her in her bed, tucked her in the  left the room so we could talk some more without disturbing her. 

"OMG ONE DIRECTION TWEETED ME BACK!!!" Normani squealed. "They said 'LOL yea sure! Is this a dare or something?' Awehh they know." 

"Damnn 5 husbands Normani?"  We all said at the same time then laughed. 

"So what do you guys think of Antonio?" Lauren asked while wiggling her eyebrows.

I looked down and Normani must've noticed because she looked at me suspiciously then asked "Ally can I talk to you for a second?" 

Oh no... Not now. was all I could think about in my head.




HEYY guys! Well my cousin found this... awks. SO anyways how are you guys liking this so far? Is it good? Sorry this chapter is so short! :( What should I add or like not add to this story? Please comment and vote! Love ya! <3


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