Tour? Antonio?

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Jessie's Pov.

"FOOD!" Camilla and and I both screamed as we ran into the kitchen. In front of us looked like the best breakfast I have ever seen in my life! There were about 7 stacks of 2 dozen pancakes and waffles, scrambled eggs, like 50 pieces of toast, as well as orange juice, apple juice, milk and water. My mouth was watering as I was looking at it. 

All of us sat down then Ally insisted on doing a prayer before breakfast. "Thank you god for all the food before us, our home, a shelter, friends and family, and thank you for bringing us Camilla's long lost sister Jessie. Amen." 

"Amen" All the girls said after while looking at me smiling. 

After we all ate as much as we could before vomiting, I started to clear plates and clean up. With everyone, but my mom because she had to go to work, helping we amazingly got it done in less than 10 minutes! "Wow that was fast!" I said, all the girls nodding in agreement. As put the last dish away I felt someone starring at me, I turned around and before I could even speak Lauren picked me up, threw me over her shoulder and carried me to the living room, with the rest of the girls following behind laughing because I was trying to get off of Lauren. 

"Jeez little one, you're heavy and squirmy!" Lauren said while switching me onto her lap, like a baby as she sat down. 

"Little one? I'm not little!" I protested. 

"Haha well you're younger than me so I can do and say whatever I want to you!" Lauren said with a smirk. 

"Yeahh we all can!" All the other girls said while sitting down. 

"Ugh I'm not a baby cam you please put me down?" 

"Nope!" Lauren said while popping the p.

I started squirming trying to get out of Lauren's grasp, but she just tightened her grip instead making me unable to move. "Oh come on." I pouted. 

"Haha I'll let you down but first we have to ask you something!"

"Okk.. what do you have to ask me? If its truth or dare again I will leave." I said sternly. 

"No its not that" Dinah said laughing.

"We were wondering, since our tour is coming up, if you would like to come with us for the tour?" Ally asked with a hopeful look.

"OMG YESSSS!! THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!" I screamed. I then tackled all the girls with a group hug. 

"Wow someones excited!" Normani said.

"Oh by the way we're leaving for the tour tomorrow afternoon!" Camilla said.

"Lol whoops, sorry we didn't tell you earlier. You just got here and we didn't want to ask you last night because you were so tired." Ally said. 

"Its cool! How long is the tour for?" 

"I believe its around 2 months long." Dinah said.

"Wow that's a looong time." 

"You don't have to come if you don't want to! We understand if you don't think you can handle us for two months." Ally said with a smirk. 

"No I'm definitely coming! I'll go start to pack!" 

"You just got here last night, you haven't unpacked yet!" Lauren said.

"OH yeahh! I'll just go pick out what I'll wear tomorrow then!"

Dinah's Pov.

Jessie looked a little suspicious when she walked up the stairs. It's almost like she was trying to go upstairs for a reason. 

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