New Rules

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Normani's Pov.

"Mila, I honestly think your're being to hard on her! She doesn't need rules, she's just talking to him. And plus while we're on tour he's not coming so she can't see him! So they can't really date." I explained.

"Yea Mila come on, just give her a little slack!" Said Ally. The rest of the girls nodded their heads in agreement then looked at Camilla. 

"Ugh I know. I just wanna be there for her, I haven't been there for over 14 years and I don't want to loose her again! He might spend all of his time with her then I won't get to see her. I really just want to keep her mine for forever." Camilla said sadly. We all reassured her then gave her a giant hug. 

Just then Jessie came running into the room and tackled Camilla into a bear hug. "I love you Camilla, I'll never leave you! I promise we'll just stay friends until you feel comfortable with us dating." 

Camilla instantly hugged back, "Ok but there are still some rules!".

"Oh come on!" Everyone said at the same time.

"I get to look through your phone whenever I want, actually any of the girls do." Camilla directed her gaze at us then told us "If you think something suspicious is going on you get to look through her phone and do anything you want to her to get answers, got it?"

"Yes ma'am!" We all said while saluting, causing everyone to laugh.

"OK two more rules! Everything that goes on in your life you have to tell me about, and..." 

"And?" Jessie asked impatiently. 

"You have to tell me you love me at least 3 times a day!" Camilla said while smiling proudly. 

"I love you and I love you. Glad I got that over with!" Jessie said before getting off the couch. She tried to walk back to her room but was stopped...

"HEYY!" Camilla said while pouting. Camilla then looked at us with an evil grin, she ooked at us then did some silent actions. We nodded our heads knowing what was going to happen next. We all got off the couch silently and sprayed a giant mountain of whipped cream into all of our hands, then tip-toed behind Jessie. 

"1..2...3..."Camilla whispered.

"SUPRISE!!!" We all screamed while smacking Jessie in the face multiple times with whipped cream. "Smack Cam!!" 

Jessie turned around crying.. OMG she looks so sad, what have we done. We all rushed over to her and started hugging her telling her we're sorry. Then she stopped crying and her face turned into an evil grin. Oh no. 

She took out a bucket of flour from behind her back and threw it onto us! Where'd she get that from?? All of us were standing there pissed. Her grin turned into probably the most terrified face I've ever seen. She started running outside towards the pool, with us closely running behind. BUT damnnn she was fast! Probably from the soccer training! When she slipped on the grass we all picked her up then started chanting "SACRAFICE SACRAFICE" Before throwing her into the pool. 

When she surfaced she looked pissed but then started laughing with us. 


I turned around and saw Camilla jumping in the pool with Dinah closely behind. Lauren and Ally started backing away. I glanced back at the girls who were in the pool and noticed Jessie was no longer there. They all pointed to behind where Lauren and Ally were, motioning for me to throw them in the pool. I looked over at Jessie who was standing behind Ally. She pointed to Lauren and I knew what she wanted. I walked over to Lauren and said "Hey Lauren can I talk to you for a second?" 

"Yea sure!" she started walking towards me while Ally was just watching. 

Jessie was motioning with her fingers 1...2...3! I grabbed Lauren while Jessie grabbed Ally. 

"SACRAFICE SACRAFICE!" We screamed before throwing them into the pool. When they surfaced we all laughed so hard that we couldn't breathe. I didn't see Jessie so I turned around and saw Jessie bounding towards me, and before I knew it I was being pushed into the pool with Jessie falling on top of me. 

Once we all stopped splashing eachother we all got out. 

"Camilla can you go get some towel's?" Asked a shivering Ally. 

Jessie went over to Ally while Camilla ran inside. Once Camilla came back she threw a towel at each of us. Ally was still shivering, I was about to go over to help her but Jessie beat me too it. 

"Hey Ally, are you ok?" She asked.

"I c-caaan-t-t f-e-ee-el m-yyy l-eg-gs" Ally stuttered. 

"Here I'll carry you!" Jessie said while picking Ally up bridal style. AWWWW they looked so cute together! WAIT DOES ALLY LIKE JESSIE?? Maybe that's why she was acting weird! But she's straight right? I think...





Hey guys! OVER 333 READS!!! *Does a happy dance on top of roof* Thank you guys so much! Please please please please please please please comment! I need ideas!!!!! Anyways I hope you had a good day! Love ya! Byeee :)


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