Ch. 5; Finally Got Him/ Okay!

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Hi people.!

    ***Namiko Pov***

     The party was winding down there were a few people left, but not people that I talked to so I went in the back and took a shower, then I put on my pajamas and sat at Kami's computer desk and pulled out my phone. Once I unlocked it I saw that I had a missed called, I'm guessing it was from Zayden, so I called the number back.

     "Hello." I answered. "Hey, is the party over?" He asked me.

"Nah, not yet, but people are starting to leave." I told him while I started playing with something in front of her computer.

"Oh well what you doing?"

"I'm in the room, I done took a shower and everything I'm sitting back here in the room, what you doing?"

"Nothing, just got out the shower myself thinking about you." I could tell he was smiling.

"Oh really," I giggled," Well that's great cause I was thinking about you too glad you called me." I marveled and then Kami walked in the room and asked who I was talking to. "Nobody." I told her and  motioned for her to leave the room.

"Who you talking to bae?" Zayden asked me, but I was shocked cause he had just called me bae, "Oh I was talking to Kami." I said, Kami was still in the room about to get a shower cause she had just told me that everybody had left but Terra was going to be staying with us and that's when she walked into the room.

"Girl yo party was A1." Terra came in still dancing with a handful of chips.

"You want me to call you back later Miko?"

"Nahh, you good, I'm bout to lay down so I can talk." I said getting at the foot of the bed and folding the cover back to lay down, "Alright now we can talk."

"Ok, can I ask you a question though?"

"You didn't call me to just hold the phone did you say anything you need to." I insisted.

"Alright, you know I like you and all..." He trailed off.

"Yea, and?" I was just waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"Well how bout you and me, we uh, make it official just don't tell nobody yet though."

"Hold on," I quickly got up out of the bed and went into the living room where no one was luckily," Alright now about that question or whatever, I'm kinda scared cause I know how you are, you have a lot of hoes and stuff and I ain't tryna be another one of them."

"Nah it ain't even nothing like that if you really liked me as much as you told me you did you would know that I have changed I been focusing on school a lot more, but I'm not gone sit here and lie to you like I don't talk to no other girls at all cause I do."

"I like that you being honest, and yes I do like you, but I'm kind of scared." I admitted.

"Scared of what Miko?"

"Scared that you gone cheat on me if I say yes."

"Believe me you don't have to worry about that, I will let you check my phone everyday at school and everything, I won't delete not one message or call anything to prove to you that I'm not gone cheat."

"Ok ok dang, yes we can make it official." I giggled.

"Good I love you bae."

"Don't you think its a little too soon for all that I love you and stuff?" I acknowledged.

"Yea, you right, but I hope it ain't to soon for us to kiss when ever we see each other cause I'm ready to see how those lips feel."

"Ohh snap, you a freak on the low ain't ya?" I smirked making my way back into the room to talk to my new bae.

      ***Jhene Pov***

     We had just gotten back from the club and I was sitting on the couch rolling up with Lino, Leena, and Tyler, just waiting for the night to pass by.

"Damn I need to be getting home to my man." Leena ass grabbed her purse acting like she was high and she only had one hit, any time we would smoke anything, even if it was just a Newport her scary ass would just leave.

We all knew she didn't have a man but we didn't say nothing to her ass we just let her leave, she would aways just find any excuse to get away and she knew that we knew she was lying.

"Bye bitch." I stuck my tongue out at her as she was leaving out the door.

"Bye booskies." She waved at all of us.

I had about 5 hits off the blunt then I looked over at Lino and Tyler who was sucking each other's faces off, I was highly disgusted so I got up and went into my room and let their nasty asses have my couch.

I woke up with a slight head ache but nothing really to bother me every second so I just got up and took something for it before it got bad, and when I went downstairs Tyler and Lino was all naked on my couch and shit, I just wanted to throw the fuck up right where I was.

"Get y'all freaky asses up off my couch got all that cum and shit everywhere, get that shit up right fucking now." I fussed at the both of them then I went in the kitchen to fix something to eat. After I was done eating I went to take a shower to make my way to the gym to work out only to get sweaty.

I trusted Tyler and Lino to watch my house so I left them there and made my way to the gym. I was on the treadmill walking at a steady pace so that I could calm my nerves and then this nigga walked up to me.

"Yo man, that shit wasn't cool." He leaned on the treadmill, then I turned it off and hopped onto the floor.

"What are you talking about?" I tried to look and sound confused.

"You know that was the wrong number you gave me."

"Oh was it?," I furrowed my eyebrows," Lemme see it." I said and he handed me the phone then I looked at the number."Nahh that's my number." I lied.

"Oh really." He grabbed the phone and called the number, "Then why isn't your phone ringing?" He asked pointing to my phone which was in my hand.

"Oh cause it's off." I lied again and shifted onto my leg and crossed my arms.

"Damn, I don't even know you well and I can already tell that you lying just by the way you acting." He grabbed the phone out of my hand and hit the lock button which revealed that my phone was on.

"Stop fucking tripping and give me your number ma." He chuckled.

"Okay! damn." I sighed and put another number in his phone, that wasn't mine.

"Let me call it while I'm here." He said and then called the number, while I tried to walk away. "Man you be on that bullshit." He laughed an grabbed my phone which had no password and he voluntarily put his number in my phone and called himself.

"Okay! You got my number now, are you happy?" I was beyond annoyed at this point.

"Hell ya ma, I'll see you later." He smiled and walked away. This nigga is fucking crazy I thought to myself and hopped back on the treadmill.

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