Ch. 6; Invitation to dinner.

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***Jhene Pov***

I had just left the gym dripping with sweat then I walked into my house only to catch Lino and Tyler on my couch once again but this time they were in the middle of fucking, I just walked right past them like I saw nothing and went into my room to check my phone.

I had like 5 missed calls and about 10 messages from Chris he is beyond annoying though. I wasn't in the mood for texting so I just called him and it seemed like he was just sitting there waiting for me to call his phone.

"Hello?" I asnwered.

"Oh hey beautiful you decided to call me back what took you so long?"

"Well I think you know what took so long." I laughed at his ignorance.

"Not really that's why I asked you."

"Ok I was still at the same place you had left me at." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh you been working out for you nigga over here." He joked.

"Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes and put the phone on speaker and sat it down on the sink while I ran some bath water, then Lino or Tyler, whoever the fuck it was got loud and I'm pretty sure Chris heard that shit through the phone.

"You in the middle of fucking ma?"

"Oh naw, that's my friend he was just playin'"

"You didn't tell me you already had a nigga."

"I don't, that's the friend that was at the club with me, he's uh.. bi." I managed to say, I don't really like to tell my friend's business but I just went ahead and told him anyway.

"Oh well glad you told me now I can stay away from that nigga whenever I come over there to see you."

"Who in the actual fuck said you were ever coming to my house?" I asked while I stepped into the hot water that was in my tub.

"I said it, I heard ya bath water went off, I got good ears ma, I'm gonna let you relax call me when you're through." He said then hung up which I don't think he should've said that cause I really don't plan on calling him back any time soon.

I was relaxing in the tub for a while until my phone starting ringing again, at first I thought it was Chris but it was Namiko calling to tell me that she was ready to come home. I hopped out the tub threw on some clothes did the regular fussing at the two nasty bitches that was on my couch then I made them get out of my house. After all of that choas I was on my way to pick up Namiko and then my phone started ringing and sure enough it was Chris.

"Yes, Chris?" I picked up the phone.

"I thought I told you to call me back."

"Yes you did, but you said when I was through."

"Yea and you through ain't ya."

"Of course I'm not through living so can you please get off my line I'll call you when I get to heaven now goodbye." I was about to hang up until he told me to wait, that's when I pulled up in the drive way of Kami's house.

"Bye Chris I have to go, I just picked up my daughter at her friend's house and I would like to talk to her, I'll call when the good Lord opens the gates for me." I hung up the phone not giving him a chance to say anything as Namiko stepped in the car.

"Hey baby, did you have fun?" I pulled out of the drive way.

"Omg, Yess mama!" She looked so happy and she turned around in her seat ready to tell me something.

***Namiko Pov***

I turned around to my mama anxious to tell her that I had a boyfriend, but I thought about her reaction, what if she beat my ass or something, I really didn't want to tell her, "Nevermind." I turned back forward in my seat.

"Noo go ahead and tell me baby, you can tell me anything." She smiled at me.

"You sure?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Hell yea girl." She giggled. "Well alright then what I wanted to tell you was that I got a boyfriend, my biggest crush ever mama!" I hopped up and down in my seat.

She then turned up the radio and The Language played through the speakers," Are you talking about that Zayden dude that you used to come home everyday talking about?" She asked asked me.

"Ohh yea him, mama I was so happy when he asked me out."

"Oh really now baby."

"Yass mama!" I squealed and then I totally felt like some desperate bitch, so I just calmed down and turned around singing along to the radio.

"Oh wow invite him to church and dinner with us tomorrow then."

"Oh no ma, you can't be serious." I sighed.

"Yea he is a church boy isn't he?" She had a concerned look on her face. "I don't know let me call him and see what his mama say." I pulled out my phone.

***Jhene Pov***

I was so happy for my baby she finally got the boy she been wanting since she was little, but I just hope he don't play her cause I will be beating his lil ass. My baby is growing up so fast though, I don't want her to get too grown and not think about her mama anymore.

"Hello bae." My baby answered the phone and I just felt like I was loosing her already and that's when a tear was about to drop down my face and I pulled up in the driveway.

"Do you want to go to church and come over later for dinner with me and mom tomorrow?" She continued to talk. I just sat there and listened to convo, "Alright then I will give you the directions see you tomorrow boo byee." She made a kissing noise in the phone then she hung up.

"Y'all don't do the normal stuff that most young couples do, you know that I love you and stuff." I mentioned.

"Oh yea about that, we both agreed that it was too soon." She said then just got out the car like she didn't want to talk. Now I really felt avoided because of how she just dismissed the conversation.


I'll try my best to get this updated tomorrow!

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