Ch. 21; Reunited

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***Jhene Pov***

.... I knocked on the front door, and moments later the door opened and I was held at gunpoint.

   I was so scared at this moment I just closed my eyes not caring who was holding then gun. Closing my eyes kept me from shitting on myself.

Maybe I should have went to go get Chris, I thought to myself.

"Please don't kill me, I will do anything you ask me to do." I begged who ever was holding the gun.

"Jhene calm down, I'm not going to kill you." I opened one eye slowly to see who the person was.

"Michael what the fuck are you doing here?" I hissed, "You fucking scared me you idiot." I punched him the chest.

   I was still scared and shaking as if I was about to lose my life.

"Look don't worry about what I'm doing here, I should be asking you that." He said rubbing his chest.

I explained to him what had happened with Chris and his baby mama to how I got here.

"Good, don't go back and get his bitch ass." He smirked.

"So are you going to tell me what you doing here?" I asked rocking back and forth with my hands behind my back.

    "Nope, now when we go inside I want you to play along just sit down and act scared, I-"

"Um, can you tell me what's going on?" I cut him off in the middle of his sentence.

"Will you shut cho ass up and listen, li-"

"Fine." I rolled my eyes at his choice of words, and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Are you through interrupting me?" He asked waiting for my reply I just nodded my head letting him know that he could continue. "Alright now like I was saying, I don't want you to say a word just act like you don't know me."

     "Why can't I just go home?" I groaned.

"Cause I said so now go on and get in there and don't try shit or I will blow your fucking brains out!" He raised his voice.

I bit down on my lip trying not to laugh at how he was acting.

"Okay, okay I'm going!" I turned around and mugged the shit out of him when he pushed me inside the house.

"Get cho ass in there and sit down!" He raised his voice a little more as he lightly pushed me, so I had to be the dramatic one and fall on the floor since he said play along.

     "Oh my gosh Jhene are you alright?" Leena rushed down to the floor beside me.

"Yea, I'm alright." I said dusting myself off as I got up to sit in the chair that was beside the couch everyone else was sitting on.

When I got settled in the chair I looked up to see Michael giving me a strange look with the gun pointed to me. I'm not gone lie even though I knew he wasn't going to do anything to me I was still scared as shit.

"Aye Tyler, come her lemme talk to you for a minute." He motion for Tyler to come up to him, "Y'all better not move either." He looked back at us as he and Tyler were exiting the room.

"What is going on?" I asked not talking to anyone in particular causing Leena and Lino to start talking at the same time. "One at a time please."

    "Ok so apparently this crazy dude comes in here with his gun ordering us around because of some shit Tyler did." Leena tried to explain to me.

"You know that girl Chyna you were telling me about?"

"Yea, what about her?" I asked as I focused on Lino.

"Tyler got her pregnant a while back, so they have a child that the dude thought was his." He told me, filling me in on everything that had happened before I arrived.

What he told me caught me by surprise, how could Chyna lie to Michael and have him thinking that King was his.

"Wow." Was all that I could say. Everytime Michael would come over he would always talk about how much he loved his son more than anything.

     I know that recieving this news was hard for him.

After they had told me what happened we all sat there until we heard a knock at the door. I looked back and forth between the both of them to see which one of them was going to get up and answer it.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Whoever it was, was going to continue to knock until somebody finally came to the door. "Anybody care to go open the damn door?" I said still looking at Leena and Lino.

"Hell no."

"He told us not move." They said together making me get up and head to the door to see who was there knocking. "Punk ass niggas." I mumbled when I finally made it to the door.

I opened the door to see who was standing there and it was girl dressed in the clothes that the sonics employees wear.  "Who you looking for?" I  questioned getting straight to the point, I wasn't in the mood to properly greet her at the moment.

 "Not you sweetheart." She plastered a fake smile on her face and brushed past me to enter the house, "Lord please help her." I smirked and shook my head.

      I walked back to living room where everyone including Michael was now, "I thought I told y'all not to move." He pointed the gun my way. He better be glad he told me to play along cause I would have been cussed his ass for constantly pointing that gun at me.

"I'm so sorry sir." I huffed and drug my feet all the way over to the chair that I sitting in to see that the girl had stolen my seat so I just stood there waiting for something to happen.

"Who are you?" Michael asked pointing to the girl that sitting in the chair. She removed her hat and the shades that she had on revealing herself. "You're the girl that gave me my food at Sonics earlier." 

I didn't even bother to look her way, I kept my eyes focused on Michael he was just sitting there looking at me then he would look back at her which was starting to annoy me cause he wouldn't say anything.

"Damn, y'all look so much alike." I squinted his eyes as he continued to shift his gaze between us. 

"Sure whatever." She said with an attitude.

"Stop being so rude Mila." I heard Leena say. "Mila?!" I thought and suddenly turned around to look at her. 


"That is my name." She plastered another one of those fake smiles on her face. "Jamila Chilombo?" I slowly walked over to her.

"Yes." She folded her lips and furrowed her eyesbrows. "It's me, Jhene."

    When I told her who I was she stood up from the chair and hugged me we stood there for a while like that. I didn't know whether to cry or not.

"I missed you so much!" I cried into her neck.

"I missed you too lil sis." She rubbed my back. While we were having a moment, a bullet flew by our heads so fast, I literally pissed on myself cause I thought that my life was over.

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