Ch. 7; Sunday Dinner With.?

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***Namiko Pov***

We, and when I say we I mean me and my mom, were sitting in the pew before church service started to wait on Zayden and who ever was bringing him. Service was just beginning and everyone was taking their little change up to the front of the church and that's when him and this light skinned sexy ass looking man walked through the door.

"A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never-dying soul to save, and fit it for the sky, To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill- O may it all my powers engage To do my Master's will!.." The people in the church sang along.

"Hey I thought you wasn't going to be able to make it." I hugged Zayden as he came in and sat beside me. "Girl, you know I had to come of course you did invite me, and by the way this is my uncle's friend." He introduced me leaving out his name.

"Hi." My mom said and turned around joining in with the others in the singing and so did I not even worrying about the man's name. Just about the whole time we were in church me and Zayden were whispering, eating candy, and pretending to be reading the bible.

I knew that my mom would get me for not listening to the word but oh well this might be a once in a lifetime chance to get to have Zayden sitting beside me in church as my boyfriend.

"So what are we going to be eating?" Zayden asked rubbing his stomach.

"Well I was planning on going out to eat since it was just going to be four of us but I guess we can stay at home." My mom suggested.

"Nahh we can just go out to eat, I wanna go to Ryan's." I spoke up for the group. After moments and moments of arguing everyone finally decided on Ryan's and we piled into the car to make our way there.

The place was so packed it felt like an hour before they got us seated but when they did I was beyond glad. "So what is your friend's name?" I asked Zayden, because I noticed him and my mom giving each other this weird glare so I didn't want to interrupt.

"Oh his name I-"

"His name is Chris and he is annoying as hell." My mom spoke up in an aggravated tone.

"Well then, no need for a further introduction." Zayden and I started laughing as we watched the two of them argue.

***Jhene Pov***

If I would've known that this nigga was bringing the child then I wouldn't have volunteered for him to come and have dinner with us. It seems like everywhere I go the nigga seems to pop up, I just can't get away from him for a whole day.

"Um can we get a separate table?" The kids asked the waitress when she walked up. I gave Namiko a stank look when she looked back at me laughing.

"Soo, what was your name again?" Chris asked me.

"My name is Jhene child, and I would appreciate it if you'd leave me the hell alone." I angrily snatched my phone off of the table and waited for the waitress to bring me a refill.

"Come on don't be like that." He pleaded and I quickly got up and went to the buffet to get something to eat, then I sat at the table with the kids.

"Mom what are you doing? Stop being so rude!" Miko nudged me in my side when I sat down beside her. "Please get up and go back to the table, give the man a chance." She mumbled to me.

"Alright fine." I got up and did as she said as if she was the mother in this situation.

"I see you decided to join me again." Chris smirked taking a bite of chicken.

"My daughter made me come."

"Oh so she is the woman of the house , she runs things around this bitch eh?" He joked.

"Maybe, maybe not." I rolled my eyes continuing to eat my potatoes.

"Not for long, ma, not for long." He shook his head.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I looked up from my plate.

"That means that when you finally give me a chance I'm gone be running thangs." He popped his collar and showed of a perfect smile.

"Oh whatever." I giggled then in an instant I stopped.

"Aww see look I got you to smile, that's all I ever wanted."

"Ok ok, whatever now eat your food."

"Only if you agree to go out on a date with me Wednesday night, just give me one chance if I mess up then I won't bother you again, but if you enjoy yourself and you think I would treat you right just give me a chance."

"Alright, yes I will go out on a friendly date with you." I put an emphasis on friendly to let him know that we were going as nothing more than friends.

"Alright, finally, you got a nigga beyond happy over here." He did a little dance in his seat.

***Namiko Pov***

Zayden and I watched my mom and Chris carefully to see what was going on and it looked as though they were enjoying themselves.

"You know I'm actually glad to see my mom have fun and smile with some one else rather than me." I said taking in a forkful of rice.

"Yea, Chris is always around my uncle playing the game and eating up all his food cause he has nothing better to do."

"Well damn, nigga would've been out of my house."

"Shi, ain't it, but do you think he would be happier and get out more if your mom actually gave him a chance?"

"She has always been the type to play hard to get, she says that it is just for the safety of me and her or whatever she doesn't want anybody abusive or anything around me, so I doubt if she will even agree to walk down the street with him."

"Damn, atleast she looking out for you though, I wish I could say the same when it comes to my mama and my sisters, it's like I have a job at home and it's only to protect them." His voice started to crack and I could see that he was about to cry, so I got up and moved over closer to him.

"Don't cry." I rubbed his back and pulled him to my side.

"I'm good bae." He looked up at me and kissed me on my cheek. I could honestly say this is one of the best Sunday's I have ever had.


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