Chapter 6

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I loosened up after a few drinks. It was weird for me legally drink, but it felt nice that I wasn’t sneaking around behind anyone’s back. Sitting on a couch in the same living room I watched people dance, and barely listened to the conversation around me. I just digested what was going on around me. I enjoyed it. I sat next to Adler who was watching me watch people. Feeling his eyes on me for an uncomfortable amount of time I shifted lightly and glanced back to him. His serious expression broke into a faint smile. I couldn’t help but smile back. “Having fun watching people have fun?” He asked me.

Laughing lightly, mostly full of nerves, I sat back so my back was against the cushion support of the couch. Looking to Adler I nodded then looked back to the crowed. “I just like being around people.” This was true. Being in Australia has been torture only due to the fact I wasn’t being smothered by my parents. There was silence, and I felt it was my fault. “It’s fun. You should try it sometime.” That was stupid for me to say. Blame the liquor. 

Adler laughed. This made me laugh. Wetting his lips he seemed to be examining my face under his glasses. “Do you… want… to dance?” He suggested, almost like he was confused. 

Thinking about if for a moment I gripped the red cup I held tightly making it crunch slightly. Letting go of the cup I exhaled and set it down on the coffee table in front of me, “Oh I don’t see why not.” I stated with a smile. He too smiled and stood up as I did. 

He took my hand. This made me a bit uncomfortable but I went with it anyway, letting him lead me into the middle of the room where other people were dancing. His hands seemed to command me, turning me around so my back was to him, more importantly, my backside was to him. Pressing himself into me I could feel his thick breath against my neck and felt a chill rush up my spine. Even with liquid courage I still felt nervous. His body rocked with mine, and I rocked against his. The room was dark which made it easier for me to dance. He technically couldn’t really see me. It was lighter on the skirts of the room, but once in the middle. Oh no. It was dark. I was fine. 

I guess I was fine because my body started getting into it. I didn’t mean to, but the music felt good in my ears which made it feel good through my entire body. This I could feel excited Adler, but that only encouraged me to grind my body against his, against the sound of the music. We were maybe halfway through the second song when he started pressing his lips against the crook of my neck. This caught me off guard and I pulled my body away from his. His arms were quick to pull me back. “Stop.” I told him, pushing his hands off of my body. Turing around so I faced him, I looked at his face. He looked back at me in confusion. “Don’t do that.” 

“You were asking for it.” He told me. These words felt like acid against my skin and my face gave a disgusted expression. Reaching, he grabbed my wrist, “C’mon, babe… I can help you have fun. You’re a long way from home…” His hands gripped tight around my wrist, “You could use some company.” 

I tore my arm away from him, wrist tearing from his grasp. Grabbing my wrist in my other hand I glared at him before starting to walk away from him and the dance floor. When walking back to where I sat originally on the couch I was startled when I found that my spot was taken by a couple making out. I cussed and looked around for Harrison. Where was Harrison? My mind started racing and I felt the adrenaline rush through my body as my eyes searched the room. They didn’t find Harrison, but what they found was Adler looking for me. Cussing again I started walking. Maybe if I kept walking he wouldn’t find me. 

I shuffled through some people, probably going through three different rooms. I was looking for Harrison, begging he would just appear in front of me, and making everything okay again. I felt overwhelmed by the situation, by the party, and by Adler. I wasn’t asking for it. I just wanted to dance. Looking, searching, and panicking I continued my search. My body got warm under the jacket, and I needed a break. 

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