Chapter 19

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Time went by. Quite some time. I stood the entire time and watched the boys as if I was some pageant mom that was walking through her child’s performance. That’s how I was though. I stare. I am never the type of person to dance around. What I did do is sing along softly to the songs I had memorized and let my knees lock and unlock my weight. I mostly just focused. I didn’t want to miss a thing.

I was offered a drink from Derek who would occasionally check in with me. He probably thought it was weird that I just stood there. I declined the drink but I accepted a bottle of water. I could hear the sound of laughter fill a hallway near where I was located backstage. Curiously I looked to see who it was. When I saw the source of laughter I felt a rush of jealousy and insecurity hit my body.

The girls were three inches over five feet with long hair. Their hair seemed to perfectly fall in straight lines, and frame their faces and bodies effortlessly. My stomach started to ache looking at their frames. They seemed so delicate, and so put together. I then felt embarrassed for what I was wearing. One girl was wearing shorts that accentuated her long tan legs. Another was wearing a tight fitting dress.

There was another snip of laughter from the brown haired girl. The one with obviously dyed black hair reached and smacked her, “Shh!” She said in an intoxicated voice. I was instantly annoyed. They had little badges on their shirts that showed that they were allowed backstage.

I think it was obvious I was staring because the brunette spoke up, “Hi.” Again she let out a small giggle.

Nervously I stared back at the stage as she looked at me. Feeling insecure I counted to ten. Opening my mouth I calmly said, “Hello…”

The girls walked over and peaked to the stage, “Oh my God!” The darker haired girl gasped, hand to over your mouth. “You’re so right—he’s so cute.”

The first girl looked at me and asked, “Who are you?” Rude.

“I’m um…” I motioned towards the boys on stage, “Friends with—“ do I say all of them? I didn’t know. “We’re friends.” I decided on, motioning from them to me.

The girl stared at me half disgusted half shocked, “Oh.” She looked onto the stage and examined the boys. Taking a sip from her straw she then pointed to Luke, “He’s my friend.”

“Just your friend?” Her friend asked in a teasing voice. The girl then smacked her friend playfully.

I forcefully laughed along with the two girls.

There was a silence before the brunette spoke up again, “I’m sorry… who are you?” She asked me again rudely.

I just shrugged it off and told her, “My name is Mel.”

“Oh!” The girl’s eyes went wide. “Your that girl from the states who—“

“Yup.” I cut her off, nodding, and stuffing my hands in the pockets of Ashton’s zip-up. I sighed out, “That’s me.”

The girl watched the boys for a moment before announcing, “I’m Amber, and this is my friend Chloe.” She motioned to her friend who gave me a smile.

I didn’t like them. Maybe it was because I was just judging them, or being a bitch, but I didn’t like them. I have heard about Amber before from Luke. Part of me wanted to tell Amber to leave. Amber was to say the least a bit of a handful. Luke doesn’t really like her, but has known her for a long time. It was one of those friendships that only lasted because of history. What I’ve heard from Luke is that he and Amber used to be close, then naturally they started to go separate ways. Of course once the band started she wanted to be close again. This is probably why I didn’t like her.

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