Chapter 23

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I bet in Ashton’s head he had an idea about how the next morning would be. He probably had an idea where he’d roll over and find me innocently sleeping, and swoop me up in his arms. This was not the morning we had. What woke me up initially was a nightmare where I was falling down stairs. This made me jump awake, and with unfamiliarity around me I jumped again but unlike the first jump I gave the second one ended with me on the floor. There was a loud crash as my body hit where the carpet met the hardwood. With the wind knocked out of me I said nothing, and just stared at the wall I was facing. Did I wake him up?

After the short pause a loud laugh echoed through the room, and there Ashton was. He was laying on his bed with the palms of his hands pressed into his eyes as he boldly laughed out at my expense. I didn’t know if I should laugh, and I didn’t know if I wanted to laugh. I was just so embarrassed. “You should’ve seen your fucking face!” Ashton wailed.

The door to Ashton’s bedroom door opened and instantly Ashton stopped laughing. I was nervous as he stopped laughing and was nervous at the sound of the door as it opened. I wasn’t wearing pants!

“Is everything alright?” The voice was breathless, probably from running up the stairs at the sound of my boom. It was a woman, a concerned woman. My eyes went wide. Was this Ashton’s mom? Fuck. “What fell?”

Ashton started laughing, rolling, and pressing his face into his own pillow. Ashton’s mom was obviously getting irritated. It was obvious something fell. Ashton sat up and looked at his mom, “Melanie fell.”

My head popped up from the side of the bed, and I looked over to the blonde haired woman who had her hands on her hips. Her expression was slightly annoyed at Ashton, probably due to his immature laughing, but they softened as she looked at me. Her mouth opened and she looked back to Ashton, “Ashton! Why didn’t you tell me Melanie was coming over?” What? I was expecting her to freak out and kick me out… but maybe she liked me? We haven’t even met yet! Well now we have…

Slowly I stood up, using Ashton’s bed for support. I felt so insecure in my panties with only Ashton’s shirt to cover me. Thank God we weren’t naked. My eyes examined Ashton’s mother. They looked so similar. They had the same facial expressions, smile, nose, and eyes.  She was shorter than her son, but couldn’t be taller than me. Okay maybe an inch and a half taller than me, tops. “It was late when we got home.” Ashton looked over to me, and his eyes admired me. I looked like a mess…

“How late is late?” She asked him. It seemed she didn’t care or notice that I was barely decent.

Ashton shrugged, “I think like 1 in the a.m.”

Ashton’s mother and I both looked at Ashton with wide eyes. Simultaneously we asked, “One in the morning?” This made Ashton look at me and his mother strangely, and made his mother and I actually truly focus on one another. “Oh Melanie.” Her hand went to her chest, “I am so happy to finally meet you…” She started walking over to me, so I felt inclined to meet her halfway. She embraced me, pulled away, and looked at my clothes. “Do you need your clothes washed?” This was bizarre.

“Oh no, Mrs. Irwin, they just had sand on them… I didn’t want to sleep in sandy pants.” Who was I right now? Ashton snorted as I said ‘sandy pants’. I shot him a glare and he bit his lip, trying to contain more laughter.

“Anne Marie.” She corrected me, “Please, love, call me Anne Marie.” Rolling her eyes she looked to Ashton, “I just wish someone would’ve told me we were having company! I would’ve cleaned up more… and cooked.” Anne Marie looked almost embarrassed.

“Oh no—“ I started to say, trying to assure Anne Marie that it wasn’t a big deal, but Ashton cut me off.

He sounded playful, “She’s not here to see you, mum. She’s here to hang out with me.”

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