Chapter 10

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Driving with Calum felt like a rush. All the windows were down, and the warm air filled the car. Loose strands of hair escaped my bun and tickled my face and neck. The music was loud, and our voices were louder as we sang along. For someone who was coated in ink, Calum had an odd taste in music. Kind of like me. We listened to mostly 90s throwback CDs he burned and kept in the sun-visor. The entire car-ride was filled with us singing and asking random questions. What surprised me the most was his favorite color.

“Baby blue?” I half yelled, half laughed, against the loud music and wind.

He laughed at me and nodded, “Yeah.” Looking at me he rolled his eyes, “What did you think it was?”

“I don’t know!” I motioned towards him, “You just don’t look like someone who likes baby blue.”

“Now you’re just judging me by how I look!” He reached over and gave me a shove.

I laughed and crossed my arms, “Maybe I am, but let’s be honest you probably would pick a stereotypical color for me too…”

Calum paused for a moment to think. Glancing between me and the road he wet his lips before guessing, “Your favorite color is magenta.”

“Magenta?!” I started laughing again, hard. It was too specific, and not even my favorite color. He laughed too, and once our laughing calmed down I stated. “I like orange and red.”

“You’re weird.” He told me in a teasing voice.

“Look who’s talking.” I said in a sing-song voice, and stuck my tongue out towards him.

The drive seemed short, but I assume it was way longer. We pulled up to a house, more importantly, we pulled up into someone’s empty driveway. I examined the house, it was painted white. I thought it was cute. Smaller than the Bennett’s, but that ultimately didn’t matter. I hesitated before getting out of the car. Calum was already out and walking towards the garage door. I got out and followed. Clapping my hands together as they swayed I watched Calum punch in numbers to open the door. “Soo…” I wanted to ask what we were doing, or where we were. “Is this your house?” I asked, thinking it was the most reasonable question.

“My buddy Luke lives here.” That name sounded familiar. I believe Michael mentioned something about Luke’s house last night. I nodded, and my expression obviously looked nervous to him because he smiled kindly, “Don’t be so tense. My friends will like you.” Friends? Plural? That almost made things worse.

The garage was slow to open, but as it opened it revealed the sound of a television. The television was loud and fought against the sound of music that played from what sounded like the speaker of a phone. I was eager to see who was inside. As I waited I lightly chewed against the inside of my cheek. I wish I had some gum.

When the garage door opened enough, Calum ducked slightly and walked into the garage. I followed after him, tense, and examining my surroundings. There were about three televisions. Two of them were side by side with game consoles scattered around below them. One television was raised higher on an opposite wall that was perpendicularly located across where the garage door lifted. The garage smelt like… boy. It was musky, but had a hint of old cologne and that skunk scent of weed. That was familiar. It was the same skunk I smelt in Calum’s car. There were some couches and what either looked like giant cushions or bean bag chairs. On the couch that faced the elevated television that displayed, what looked like, reruns of the show Ja’mie: Private School Girl sat two boys who were slouching. One had dirty blonde hair, and the other brown. I could only see the back of their heads, but I was curious. Mostly curious to see if they were decorated like Calum and Michael.

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