Chapter 31

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“Well that went well.” Ashton’s tone was its usual chipper self. Went well my ass. “I really think they liked you.”

We were up in his room, our bodies lying on his bed, and music playing softly in the background. I was calming up here in Ashton’s room, calming compared to what I felt at the dinner table. The window above the bed was opened, and let in a gentle breeze. The breeze felt good. Even though it was technically their winter, it still felt like summer to me. My eyes watched the thin curtain as it started to drift from its spot at the window. As a breeze would go away it fell again, and went back slowly to its spot.

I swallowed, closing my eyes for a moment, and recalling the dinner conversation. “It didn’t go terrible.” My voice was forced excitement. Glancing over to Ashton I gave a faint smile.

As we laid on the bed our legs tangled lightly with one another. The leg that was closest to him was up over his, and the leg I was on would bounce lightly to then bounce my own leg. He’d kick at me playfully, and I’d kick back. It was a brainless flirting game we played, but it was a game we played often when we were together. When we sat on couches, laid in the grass, or just sat in chairs our bodies somehow managed to find one another again. Just like how the curtain always flew back to its spot on the window.

“It was great.” Ashton stated, glancing over to me with a gentle eye. “It was a little awkward at first but awkward is bound to happen, ya know?”

I thought about that for a moment. Biting the inside of my cheek I asked, “Were things awkward when we met?” I turned my head to look at Ashton.

A soft chuckle escaped through his nostrils. His smile wasn’t full, but it was there. As his smile shifted his dimples became prevalent which I liked. He didn’t look at me. Ashton’s eyes gazed up at his ceiling where he seemed to replay our first meeting over and over again. I saw it in his eyes, the way the hazel lit up. “What do you think?” His concentration of that day ended, and he looked over to me with a broadening grin. “You were so scared of us when you first met us.”

“I was not!” I protested, reaching and shoving Ashton so he almost rolled onto his side. “I was just nervous…” I was a little scared. I didn’t know them and I was just walking into their clique like I already was an established member.

There was a pause for a moment. Ashton propped himself up on his elbow with his hand holding under his jaw. He looked down at me with a suggestive eye. “Why were you so nervous?” Leaning down carefully he pressed his lips to my forehead.

“Because.” I stated, leaving it at that. I didn’t want to tell Ashton why I was really nervous because it sounded dumb. I was nervous because I thought Ashton was attractive, still do. Still get nervous because I find Ashton attractive, and I get even more nervous because I wonder if he really finds me attractive.

He’s about to prove it.

Seeming both pleased and unpleased by my answer Ashton wet his lips, slowly letting his teeth grasp the pink skin of his bottom lip. “Because…” The word was drawn out, long and low in a hoarse tone that made my skin tingle slightly. “Because why?” He asked, eyeing me hungrily.

I swallowed hard. My heart was pounding in my ears, and I felt my skin heat up as the color shifted to a shade of red. I didn’t quite know what to say, so I just mimicked his long low, “Because… I said so.” Biting by bottom lip I glanced between his mouth and his hazel eyes. I was tempted to kiss him.

Ashton’s face was so close to mine, but I didn’t notice; he was leaning over so our noses almost touched. I could feel his uneven breath, and I could almost taste the tension between us. My eyes became unfiltered as they obviously stared at Ashton’s wet lips. I felt a fire rise in my chest as I noticed his lips start to part open. They opened, but then they moved as if they were going to shut again. This teased me. His breath looked so sweet as it flowed between his lips and teeth. I wanted to taste it.

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