Chapter 26

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On our walk Bridget did most of the talking. I didn’t mind that, I liked to listen. I was a good listener. She talked about school. It wasn’t just school she talked about, rather it was the drama that related to school. I hated being 13. There was who-like-who drama, who-is-dating-who drama, and who-kissed-who drama. I found it amusing the way she would get so passionate about the different love triangles, love rectangles, and how Samantha kissed both Joshua and Ricky. Oh to be young again.

I gave Bridget some advice about boys when she asked, but I warned her that I probably wouldn’t be much help. I wasn’t good in the boy department, never was. I’m always their friends, nothing more. Guys never really saw me like that. I did have a few boyfriends, but that’s something I wasn’t comfortable sharing with Bridget. Plus my past relationships play a very unhealthy expectation for others.

Bridget wouldn’t end up like me.

We got called in by Felicity when it was time to go. I didn’t want to go. I wanted to stay in this little world with Bridget. But of course we made our way back up to the stuffy building, filled with people I couldn’t stand.

Bridget said goodbye to her grandparents as we waited for Harrison to pull up in the car to drive them back. I stood with Darcy, watching silently. I shot Ashton a text telling him that everyone was getting ready to leave. He said he’d pick me up.

Darcy glanced over to me and shifted his weight slightly. I could tell he wanted to say something so I turned to him and smiled politely. He smiled back. Still not saying anything I bit on the inside of my cheek and looked straight ahead again.

“So um…” I started talking. Darcy looked to me and I looked at him, “Lovely brunch, huh?”

He nodded, hands in his pockets. What was I even doing? I guess the gilt of leaving the family again was coming over my body. I was here just over a week and I wasn’t involved in their lives like I thought I’d be. I also thought I wouldn’t have made any friends.

“It was lovely.” Darcy agreed, nodding.

There was a silence, and we both kind of just stood there. I drew in a large breath and asked, “So what now? What’s the plan for the rest of the day?”

Darcy gave a slight chuckle, “I don’t know, Mel…” Looking at me he creased his forehead in question. I guess I was acting as weird as I thought, “Do you have any plans?”

Not knowing how to respond I just nodded. Pressing my lips tightly together I bit on them, continuing to nod. “Yeah I do…” My voice was soft.

But it didn’t seem to bother Darcy. He just gave me a smile, “That’s good.” Maybe he wasn’t as harsh as Harrison. Maybe he was like Felicity, encouraging. Harrison was just like Shay. He judged people. “Are you hanging out with Ashton?” Darcy seemed curious, but wasn’t impolite like Harrison.

Felicity butted into the conversation, “You are?” She asked with excitement. When she looked at me her eyes lit up. I looked at Felicity and nodded. Mom’s always found a way to get into a conversation. “Will you be home for dinner?”

I shook my head and nervously stated, “I think I’m going to stay over at his house to night…” I paused, but felt inclined to add, “His mother invited me over for dinner. He’s actually picking me up…” Felicity looked pleased.

Shay pulled up in his car and I lingered behind. Felicity approached me and gave me a hug, “Well have fun and be safe.” Looking at me her eyes were serious, “Call me if you need me, alright?” Again she embraced me.

I said my goodbyes then made my way over to a small bench near the base of the stairs that led up to the doors of the restaurant. I waited. I hated waiting because it made my mind open up, and made my brain race with ideas and problems that I probably didn’t even have.

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