Living with the cocky Alpha and his mates~*~*Chappy 6*~*~

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Ok, this is longer JUST LIKE I PROMISED!!!!

And it's kinda sad... Not im weeping my eyes out sad, but sympathetic sad.

Next chappy should be up soon. Im not promising though.


Chappy 6

"Uh, where do you think you're going?" Danny asked me as I was putting on my beat up converse. What? I think it looks better this way!

"I have to go home." I said my voice shaky.

"Wait why? Who was that? Was it your dad?" He asked. I didn't say anything. "Gabi-"

"Danny I HAVE to go." I said.

"Who's going where? When, how why?" Lyle ran in looking around. Leave it Lyle to make something as serious as putting your life on the line to something super stupid.

"You're not leaving." He said.

"Would you want him to come in and see me here? He will humiliate me in front of everyone then I'll get it worse when I get back." Oh and he won't just beat me in front of you... But why do you care? You only dominate me. "Just let me go."

"No can do darlin." He said.

"If he tries anything. I promise to god-" There was a hard bang on the door. I damn my dad for being a part of the Army special forces, and the CIA. Damn him over and over again! He knows just how to track and kick ass. He's also disturbingly handsome-Bleh-I just don't understand how my SJ can do it (Sex Junkie). Oh yeah but then again... were talking about a woman who loves sex. I sighed.

"It's probably him." I said. Thank god Lyle and Danny were wearing clothes. Danny answered the door.

"Yeah." He said.

"Gabi, I know you're in there. I just tracked you and I know your there get your ass out or I'm coming in." He said. Rude! I stood up and Lyle pushed me down.

"Uh, you're not going anywhere remember." He said.

"But... he hurts people." I whispered.

"Look, mister whoever you are. Even if we had your Gabi or whoever the heck she is we would NOT give her to you with this kind of behavior. It's disrespectful." Danny said.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" My father asked.

"The man standing outside my door." He said.

"Gabi I promise you I will fuck your little boyfriend up! Get out here you dumbass whore." He shouted. I winced. I'm not dumb!

"Quit yelling in my house. You wouldn't like it if I found out where you lived and yelled in your house." Danny said. "So don't do it to me."

"How can he take things so easily?" I whispered.

"He's Alpha, dominant its part of his nature to be fearless. Nothing scares him." Lyle said. My dad yelled in the house again and Danny shut the door on his face. He walked over to me.

"That guy's rude." He muttered. He flopped on the couch and turned on the T.V. and checked the news. The banging on the door irritated me.

"Can you tell him to go away?" I asked.

"He's not gonna go away till we have proof that you're not his daughter." Danny said.

"How does he know there's a girl here?" I asked.

"Because he's looking in the window." Danny said without looking back. "I can tell his beery breath stinks." I turned around slowly and saw the face I fear most. He looked at me anger all over his face and went to his car. I turned around quickly so I didn't have to see what he was doing. The door swung open and Danny and Lyle glared at him.

"So you are just like your mother?" He said.


"Get the hell out of my house." Danny said.

"Give me my girl." He said.

"Sorry but she says she doesn't know you. And I'm not giving up my best friend to some guy she doesn't even know." Lyle said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"If you don't tell them who I am I will tear another hole in you." He said. I grimaced, knowing him he would too. I stood up and Lyle pulled me down forcefully.

"Lyle, just let me go." I said. Blinking away tears.

"But..." They protested. I pulled my arm away from them and walked to my father who grabbed my arm so hard it became numb. I've gotten used to it now.

"See, boys. Simple and easy. Now tell me did she give you a good time?" He asked.

"Your about to piss me off." Lyle said. "Let her go."

"Men like us don't care for sluts and whores like her, we use them. Get your fat ass in the car and don't run away or I'll make your night worth it." He let me go after painfully grabbing my ass. I couldn't run away because he will take it away. And that's the last thing I want. Especially from him... I got in the car and put my seat belt on. I closed my eyes and imagined I was in a happy place. Then to spoil the moment HE came in all touchy feely. I opened my eyes and moved away from him. "Bitch get your ass over here. You know you like it." I shook my head. NO I DON'T LIKE IT YOU NASTY BASTARD!

"No... please dad no." I said. He caressed my inner-thigh and ventured up. Then stopped. And put his hands on the wheel and drove off. See how he torments me? He TRIES to rape me and is never successful. We drove and he had a dirty filthy mouth. I swear some of the things he was saying I didn't want to remotely think about. It's that bad. We got home and he pulled me out the car. Hell hole home. Gotta love the beautiful place. When the door was shut he grabbed me by my hair and back handed me HARD. I fell and he took his belt off. OH NO not the belt with the spikes please not the spikes. It was the spikes.

"You know. You ran away." He said and brought down the spikes on my skin. I still wasn't used to this. And we've been doing it since I was... 13 I think. I can't remember when he started anymore. Maybe because all of his beatings messed with my memory. "Your gonna get it whether you like it or not bitch. I'm tired of teasing you." No, no, he picked me up and I fought my way away from him but it seems like my fighting doesn't faze him anymore. He threw me on his bed and pulled his shirt off. When I tried to move my arms to get off the bed they screamed pain. He began to pull my shirt off when I accidently kicked him where it counts. He doubled over and I limped out and limped/ran to my room and locked the door. This lock you can't pick buddy! He banged on the door. "Open the fucking door bitch!" I didn't say anything I just sobbed on my bed like I normally do. "Your gonna have to come out some time. When you do I'm not going easy!" he kept promising and I sobbed myself to sleep. In my dream there was fur brushing my face. The fur felt so real that I thought Danny and Lyle were here... Keep dreaming Gabi Danny and Lyle aren't your super hero's your knights in shining armor.... There just dominant wolves. I reached my arm out and felt the face of the furry animal when it nuzzled my chest I shot awake. I was gonna scream but the hand covering my mouth stopped me along with the husky dominant sexy voice in my ear. It had me melting. This I know... is not a dream.

Currently working on the next part should be up soon.



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I need feedback please thanx


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