CHAPTER 1: It's Now or Never!

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        I have just turned eighteen (actually two months ago), and decided that with the money I have been saving up since I was sixteen, to move the hell away from my abusive parents and boyfriend, I am moving in with my cousin Erika.

       She lives in Rhode Island and she knows my situation. She told me I could stay with her and her boyfriend, Chase. Though they live in a house where I would get my own bedroom and bathroom, but also would be sharing the house with a few other people as well.

       Which of course, I didn't mind sharing. I was just happy to know I had a place there that I could stay at until I found a job and was able to get my own place.

        I was excited, yet scared at the same time. I made sure to pack very light, since I was going to be meeting her at school anyways and didn't want to be carrying around a lot of things.

        So I finished grabbing my backpack and duffel bag before I made my way towards the Greyhound Bus Station.


        The bus ride wasn't all that bad and luckily, it took me only a day to get to her city.

        I was very lucky too, that I was able to stop by a gas station and use their bathroom to freshen up the best I could until I could take a shower or bath when I got to the place.

        I was also glad and really relieved when I was told by the man at the gas station, that the school was just twenty-five minutes away.

        So I began to walk and knew that out of the five periods I would have throughout the day, that by the time I arrived, got my locker and everything, that I would be there towards the end of second period, which was also before lunchtime.

        Once I finally arrived at the school, I headed straight into the office, got my schedule, then chose a locker.

        Then after placing everything into the locker, I headed off towards the last 45 minutes of what was considered to be my 'second period.'

        I was bullied quite a bit at my last school and I had known a lot of them since elementary. So I was really nervous now. Especially, when you're a big curvy girl. You're an easy target. But I just took in a deep breath and just went for it. Any place was better than home.

         As soon as I had opened the door and walked in, of course, everybody's heads turned towards me and it seemed like a full class. Though I tried not to look at anyone other than my teacher, Mr. Hendersen.

        "Hello, can I help you?" Mr. Hendersen asks.

       "Yes. My name is Maya. I'm new. Sorry I'm late." I say shyly, a little embarrassed and nervously.

       "Well, Maya. Welcome to my math class. Please take a seat in the back somewhere. I know there's at least one opened."

        "Yes, sir." I replied while clutching my binder to my chest and trying not to look at anyone as I hear them whispering.

        'Here we go.' I told myself as I continued walking towards the back and found one seat left that wasn't taken.

       Before taking a seat, I noticed four pairs of eyes staring at me. Three of the guys were really good looking and smiled at me, while the other one glared then scowled at me while shaking his head. Even though he was the hottest out of the other ones, I tried not to drool.

        I look back down towards the ground with my hair in my face before taking a seat.

        I can feel the three guys still looking at me but I don't look at them. I just ignore them the rest of the period and start to write in my journal.

        Suddenly, I feel like the jerk that glared at me, still was. It was making me uncomfortable. What was he thinking about? Was he thinking of the many ways to kill me? Do some type of hazing towards me for being new? What the hell?!

        The bell finally rang and I quickly got up and left the room.

        Right as soon as I got out, I took out my cell phone and started texting Erika.

        After I sent her the first text letting her know where I was at. It wasn't too long after that that I heard her scream in excitement. While pushing her way through people and running up towards me, giving me a bear hug.

        "Oh my god, you're finally here! Oh my god!"  She says to me. Then takes a step back and looks me up and down, "You look great as ever, Doll." She winks and smiles.

        "Thanks." I chuckled. "You look great still also. (Still skinny and every man's dream). "So, where's your boyfriend?

        "Oh, he's...." she begins, while looking for him until she spots him. "There he is." She walks up to him and they start hugging while giving each other a kiss. 'Aww' I thought to myself.

        Then as he kissed the back of her hand after interlacing their hands together, they begin walking over and right away, I recognize him as one of the guy's in the back of the class that smiled at me.

         As they walked up to me, he held his hand out.

        "Hi. I'm Chase. It's Maya, right? She's told me great things about you." He smiles at me.

        "Hi. It's nice to meet you too. And she's told me great things about you as well." I replied with a smile.

        "Ugh. I don't know about you guys but I'm starving. I'm sure you are too." Erika says while looking at me.

         "A little." I reply.

         "Let's go eat." Chase says.

         I walk beside them as we begin walking towards the cafeteria.

          We get our food and then start walking over towards the tables and she has me follow her and Chase towards the table that has two of the other guys I saw in class, as well as Mr. Scowl. At least that's what I'm calling him for now.

          As soon as we walked up to the table the guys looked up at me and smiled while Mr. Scowl was too busy looking at his phone to even bother making eye contact with me as Chase began introducing me to his friends. Which were Corey and Ray. They were twins. They seemed really nice and cool and were apparently also the ones that were living in the house as well as Mr. Scowl. Who gave me chills after hearing he was living there too and that it was his house. Then I noticed as soon as Chase introduced me and told them I'm their new roommate, they were very welcoming and happy about it. Unlike Mr. Scowl, who's name I had recently found out was, Abel.

        Once he heard I was moving in, I noticed him squeezing his phone as though he was about to break it.

        After seeing that and freaking out, I made a choice to steer clear from him.

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