CHAPTER 7: I Choose You, My Love!

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        I only was able to get a little bit of sleep last night, when I came home.

        I was nervous and scared about how she would react to me being a werewolf. Would she think of it as being cool? Would she be terrified of me? Can I handle her rejecting me? Bottom line: I am scared shitless.

        Though I still find the courage to make my way towards her bedroom and start to lightly knock on her door, hoping she is already awake.

        After knocking lightly, a few times, it takes about a minute before I hear a soft voice on the other side allowing me to come in.

        I slowly begin opening up her door and notice she's still laying in bed, looking through her phone. Probably reading more stories on Wattpad.

        I clear my throat a little bit to get her attention. Which she looks up at me instantly and has a smile across her face!? Is she really happy to see me? I thought to myself.

        "Hi." She says to me while sitting up in bed. Is she feeling okay? I asked myself.

        "Hey." I replied. "I wanted to ask you if, to join me for lunch today? I would really like to talk to you about something." I ask nervously and avoid eye contact. My gosh what the hell is she doing to me? I feel like a kid who might get into trouble for asking their parents for something.

        "Yeah. I'd like that." She replied with a smile.

        I look at her surprised that she said 'yes' and yet, am also very excited.

        "Great. Um, how about we meet downstairs in a couple of hours?" I asked.

       "I'll see you then." She replies happily.

       "Okay. See ya then." I replied trying to keep in my excitement that was starting to make me feel like a girl that was excited to go on a shopping spree or something. Gosh, she has got me bad.


        After talking with Erika about what kind of things Maya likes, flowers?, candies?, etc. I wanted to make this date perfect. Or at least as close as I could to it.

        She suggested a picnic by the bay that isn't too far away from here.

        Erika knew what all was going on after I had told her last night about with what my mother said to me. Also, that I truly do want to be with Maya more than anything and have real feelings for her.

        Now, I'm not really one on being romantic, but I definitely wanna try. Cause I know that's what Maya wants. It's what she deserves.

        So, I grab us a couple of sandwiches from the deli down the street, her favorite chips, as well as an Arizona Green Tea that's her favorite, then also a few other things that I like too.

        The car was packed with a blanket and the food in a picnic basket, I bought at Target. I hope she likes this set up and doesn't freak out.

        I hear her bedroom door open up and see her walking downstairs in her jeans and hoodie. She looks amazing.
        "You ready to go?" She asks me once she's at the bottom of the stairs.

        "Yeah. Definitely." I reply.

        "So let's get going then." She replies with another one of her amazing smiles.

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