CHAPTER 15: I Can't Stay Here

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**WARNING: Some Mature Content**


        After we confirmed that there was nobody on the premises, I had my guys dispose of the dead bodies and had the others start to clean up the house.

        I hadn't seen Maya. So I began looking around and smelled her scent coming from upstairs in our bedroom.

        When I opened up the door, I saw her sitting on the bed, shaking and crying.

        I quickly ran and knelt down in front of her while cupping her face in my hands.

        "Baby, what is it?" I asked feeling concerned.

         She looked at me with puffy red eyes and fear.

         "I-I have to leave." She tells me.

         "Why would you say that? What's wrong?" I ask her.

         She shakingly hands me a note that after reading it, I abruptly stand straight up, crumble the paper and throw it down to the ground.

        "Who the FUCK is Ian? And why the hell is he saying you're his?!" I ask angrily. Though I'm not upset with her as much as the asshole Ian who is trying to claim MY Luna as his.

         I look at her and she's shaking. Which I know I have caused her to be even more afraid now. But of me. So I take in a deep breath, let it out and ask again, more calm.

         "Maya, please tell me who this is?" I ask, kneeling down onto my knees again in front of her.

         "H-he's my ex boyfriend. I came here because both my parents and him were abusive. He was always controlling, extremely jealous and protective. He hurt me so bad that I had to escape. I just had to leave. And since my parents hated me to, I came here without telling them. But now that he's found me, you are all in danger." She breaks down and starts crying.

          My heart starts beating painfully. Somebody hurt my Luna? Her parents and this Ian guy are fucking dead.

         Though for right now, I am extremely angry. Not at all with Maya of course. But the ones who have hurt her.

         I want to hold her in my arms and assure her it's okay. That everything will be fine. But I couldn't right now. All the anger I was feeling at this moment, I was afraid I would hurt her. Not purposely of course, but just didn't want to take the chance.

         So I ran out and headed downstairs, though before leaving, I told Ray and Corey that I wanted information on Ian and where he was. I know he was a wolf by the way his scent smelled.

         I needed to go for a run though and blow off some steam.


         I woke up this morning on the couch. When I came back, I couldn't sleep with Maya. I was too afraid to cause I was still upset.

        Though I started to feel guilty cause I never should've left her to sleep alone. She probably thought I was mad at her or something. I should've comforted her more last night.

        Especially after Erika mind linked with me during my run and told me how bad she felt that I left and felt scared as if she was the reason.

        So this morning, I got up and quickly walked upstairs and slowly opened up the door and walked inside and quietly closed and locked the bedroom door after removing all my clothes and getting underneath the blankets and pressing my body up next to her already nude body and putting my arm around her and lightly kissing her back, shoulder and then her neck before laying my head beside hers.

         Then I hear her start to wake up and move around a little before turning over and looking at me.

         Though I could tell she had been crying so hard from last night from her looking to be puffy. So I begin to gently caress the side of her face with the back of my hand.

         "I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to leave last night the way I did and leave you to sleep alone." I told her.

         "I thought you were mad at me. So I just closed off from anyone mind linking with mine and cried myself to sleep. Cause I felt guilty about how your men died cause of me. How your house got destroyed because of me." She started crying. "And how I didn't tell you about Ian. Which I only didn't because I thought I escaped him for good. And now that he's too, a werewolf, and claiming me as his, I'm scared of what he will do until I am his again. I am so scared Abel. I know he knows that I am no longer a human. What if he claims me as his mate? Because I would kill myself before I ever went back to him." She starts breaking down and crying even more while trying to cover her face with her hands. "I swear, sometimes I think it might be better if I just kill myself and do everybody a favor." She began to sob.

        Which hearing all of that was making me angry but more hurt than anything else. But then when she said how she wants to kill herself, my heart broke apart.

        I remove her hands from her face with mine, cup the side of her face with one of my hands and look into her eyes.

       "Baby. Listen to me carefully. First off, it is NOT your fault for what your parents, but especially Ian in what all he has done to you. Second, this mating thing, doesn't work with someone claiming you as theirs. The Moon Goddess has a set plan. It is fate that brings us together as mates. Not of our choosing. In which, with that said, I am so happy that you are my mate. I have never been this happy with anybody. I have never felt as whole as I do with you. And I promise you, nobody will ever hurt you again. Especially Ian. I swear that you will watch him die."

         She looks at me with a smile as I can't help but smile at her as well.

         "I love you Maya. You are mine, forever. I want you as the mother of my children and the woman I spend the rest of my life, loving." I tell her.

          I then see a big smile form across her face. Then tells me, "I love you too."

          I lean in to kiss her and what starts off as a passionate kiss, suddenly turns into a more lustful kiss. As it does most of the time.

          I then start moving my hand down towards her clit and begin rubbing it as she starts stroking my already erect cock.

         We both begin moaning and I then roll on top of her while we're still kissing each other.

         Then suddenly, I begin entering inch by inch of my cock inside of her until I am fully inside. To which I start slowly moving in and out of her soaking wet pussy. Both of us moaning.

         I lay my head in the crook of her neck as I continue moving in and out more and more. Picking up my rhythm a little more.

         She begins moaning more and more. A little louder as I start picking up my pace more and thrusting in harder and deeper inside of her.

         I then wrap both her legs around my waist for deeper penetration and then prop myself on my hands as I start thrusting in faster and faster while kissing her mouth and sucking on one of her nipples.

        My god, I love the sound of her pussy and my cock hitting each other.

        I then begin slamming into her faster and faster until we both cum at the same time and I fill her pussy up with my cum as she cums on my cock while moaning out loud and the try catching our breaths, before saying 'I love you' to each other.

         We then fall asleep, cuddling in each other's arms.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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