CHAPTER 5: Life or Death

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        It's been a few days since I kissed Maya and I've noticed she's been trying to stay away from me and seems to be afraid of me, since that night. I wonder why she flinched. It's not like I was going to hurt her.

        Now, I know I haven't had the best record of showing any kindness towards her, but still. She needs to know that I would NEVER hurt her.

        My phone rang and when I answered, it was my mother telling me I needed to see her tonight. That she had something important to tell me.

        I could tell the severity of her seriousness from the tone of her voice.

        I had thought I would get a run in before heading off towards my mom's.

        Though as I began making my way downstairs towards the back, I heard Erika.

        "Alpha?" She asks.

       "Yes?" I turned as I answered.

       "I need to talk to you about Maya. There's some things about her that I'm sure she'd kill me for telling you, but I know she cares about you a lot. And likes you. And.....I know you do too." She tells me.

       "I do." I replied. "Come on, let's take a seat." I suggest while walking towards the table.

        She first takes in a breath before saying anything.

        "Look. I know it's hard dealing with the idea of you having a human being your mate. But she's really a good person."

        "I know." I tell her. "I know she likes me a lot. Because I like her a lot. Maybe even more."

        "What do you mean?" She asks me confused.

        "Since the first moment our eyes locked onto each other's, I have felt something I have never felt before. I was terrified before but, now that I'm no longer afraid to feel what I feel and to let her know, I feel as though it might be too late." I confessed while running my fingers through my hair.

        "What makes you think that?" She asks me.

        "The other night, I kissed her and she kissed me back. I thought she liked it. But then I noticed quickly, she got upset and tried walking off. But I grabbed her by the wrist to keep her from leaving, that's when I noticed that she flinched and instantly grew fear in her eyes. I'm not sure how this is going to work." I tell her while trying not to sound like I've given up, feel hopeless or defeated. But I do. She's MY Luna and I want her.

        I hear her let out another breath.

        "Something else that you should know about her that'll explain why she reacted the way that she did. See, before she came here, her parents and her now ex-boyfriend, were beating her everyday and making her feel useless. Then once she turned eighteen, a few months ago, she told me she had to leave. So I told her to come here. She has been bullied all her life by not just her boyfriend and parents, but also by her school. I didn't personally realize the severity of her depression, until I heard about her cutting herself."

         She stopped for a moment to catch herself from crying. While I myself felt my heart drop down to the bottom of my stomach. She has harmed her beautiful body?

        "Oh my god." I said under my breath, hoping she didn't hear me. But she did.

        "Promise me that you'll take care of her." She says, looking into my eyes with a pleading look as I notice tears fighting their way down her face.

        "I promise. I will protect her with my life." I genuinely meant what I said. Cause I really do care about Maya and really do love her even. I'm not afraid anymore to tell her and to show her just how much I love and care for her.

        Though first, I look down at my phone and see that I'm running a little late in meeting up with my mom.

        So I link with her to let her know I'm on my way.


        After arriving at my mom's house, we take a seat next to each other.

        She looked at me and smiled, but it wasn't her usual genuine smile. She had a worried look on her face.

        "What is it?" I asked.

        "Sweetie. I know that you don't want to settle down. And I understand that. I really do, but, there are more sensitive matters in our case. You were born werewolf and you were always destined to become an Alpha. However, something happened between your grandfather many many years ago. Your grandfather was out hunting for an enemy one day. This wolf had betrayed their pack and went rogue. And during his hunt, he finally found the wolf. Though the place he was found at was at a well known home deep in the woods that belonged to a witch. Her name was Esmeralda. Then after your grandfather had completed his mission, he soon found out that the wolf whom went rogue was married to that witch. And in revenge for her beloved being killed, she cursed our family name. She told your grandfather that his grandchild, who is to become Alpha, will only have a short period of time to find his mate. Otherwise, you will suffer great agony and pain. You'll first become weak instead of the strength you have now. You will slowly, yet painfully die. Losing all of your gifts and abilities. But most importantly, your life."

        I noticed her covering her mouth with her hand to keep the sounds of her sobs from escaping her mouth even though tears began to already fall down her face.

        "It's okay mom." I assure her. "I promise, I will not die." I try to convince her though we both don't know for sure.

        "You must stop being stubborn and selfish." She says while sitting up more straight, looking at me with red eyes from crying.

        "I did find my mate mom. So you don't need to worry." I again, tried to assure her.

        "Darling. There's more to it than just the mating and claiming her. You must also truly love one another. The moon goddess makes no mistakes."

        "I understand mom. Don't worry." I smiled and hugged her tightly as she did to me as well.

        However, while trying to drive back to the house, I started thinking about how hard this will be. Because I have to try and convince Maya, that I genuinely really do care and love her.

       Though I had already planned and tried doing that, this time, I needed to try harder.

       This time was literally, life or death.

Sorry, but I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter. I'm thinking about adding a little about his mom and dad's relationship. But I have had a few people messaging me, saying to leave it as is cause otherwise it would be irrelevant and such. So I may just keep it up for now, I guess. :) Sorry. But next chapter will be posted tomorrow and we will see if he tells her or not. Hehehehehe

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