CHAPTER 8: I Love You...MY Mate!

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It's been a week since Abel told me he was a werewolf. Which I have been wanting so badly to see him transform into it so I can see during the day. But he said not yet.

I began thinking about what it would be like to be a wolf. I mean, I know that it probably sounds weird and you probably think I'm crazy for agreeing to this whole situation so quickly.

However, to be honest, I feel more accepted and loved now more than I ever have. Even at school. Now that I'm with Abel and he always has his arm around me, is holding my hand and showing a lot of public affection everywhere we go together, especially at the house. I loved it. I also was falling for him.

Erika took me for a walk a couple of days ago, explaining about becoming a Luna and how I was to officially be claimed as his. I had told her also about what Abel explained to me before, about what would happen to him if he didn't find a mate to truly fall in love with him. She wanted to tell everyone but I made her swear to me for her not to cause I wasn't even supposed to tell anyone.

Yes, I did feel I was a little bit under pressure because I knew time was ticking. And I did feel like I was falling for him. But I still don't know him that well yet. I still didn't know his likes or dislikes or what makes him mad. There were still so many things I didn't know about him, that I know I can always ask him about but....

Suddenly, I get interrupted from my thoughts when I hear yelling and shouting coming from downstairs.

I quickly get up out of bed and start running downstairs. All the guys are yelling at Abel as Erika is trying to hold Josh back.

"You should have told us, Alpha!" Chase yells at Abel.

"It is none of your guys' business!" Abel says while Ray and Corey are trying to hold him back.

I quickly run up and get in between Abel and Chase.

"Stop it!" I yell at both of them then look at Erika. "I told you not to tell!" I said through a clenched jaw.

"I didn't. He overheard us." She said with her head facing down, ashamed.

"You told her?!" Abel asked while sounding like he was hurt and yet holding back anger.

I looked at him with an 'I'm sorry' look. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to....." He cuts me off.

"Just....." He stops and jerks his arm out from Ray's and Corey's grip.

His eyes, I notice, instantly, have turned dark. Which I have never seen him this mad before.

He starts walking away and I quickly run after him as he opens the back door and before he leaves, I have him turn to face me after I grab his arm. However, when he does, the look that is on his face, makes me wish I just continued to let him go.

He yanks his arm from my hand.

"Please, just talk to me. I'm so sorry. I was scared when you told me and after telling me, I was afraid that if you had found something about me you didn't like, then you would leave me." I said while trying to fight back tears.

"But you still fucking told them. And why would I care about your flaws? Nobody is perfect Maya. But you still told something that you promised you wouldn't. I trusted you." He says while closing his eyes and shaking his head before continuing. "You know what? Maybe this was a bad idea." He says while avoiding eye contact with me.

I was hurt and crushed. I started to feel the tears roll down my eyes and didn't want him to see them. So I turned and ran up to the room and locked the door.

Once in the room, I collapsed onto the bed and buried my face into my pillow and cried myself really hard to sleep while he went for a run.



I couldn't believe that she told Erika. I mean, technically, I shouldn't be too mad. But I knew what would happen if they found out. And it did happen. The guys all freaked out. I know they care a lot about me. We are brothers. We are family. But I didn't want them to know also because it didn't matter cause I didn't want Maya to feel more pressure and also, she said she wanted to be with me. And even though Chase already knew, I don't know, he just became protective of her like a brother would.

But then....Oh shit....I just snapped at her....Fuck. I need to apologize to her.


When I returned from my run, she didn't answer to my knock. So I thought I would just wait for the morning.

But when I finally woke up, I noticed that I was running late for school.

So I quickly got dressed and headed over to school.

When I arrived, it was the end of second period. Everybody had just gotten out of class and walking through the halls.

I look and find Maya standing at her locker, putting some books into her backpack. And I see her eyes are puffy and red, like she's been.....crying.

I quickly begin walking up towards her. And as soon as she see's me, she quickly slams shut her locker and starts trying to make her way through the crowd of people while I start doing the same to go after her.

I finally catch up to her and luckily, we were close to the janitor's closet to where I grabbed her by her waist and quickly went in and locked the door behind us.

"Let me out of here, Abe...." I cut her off by slamming my lips onto hers.

We start kissing, though at first she's trying hard to push me away but finds it too hard and soon realizes that I am too strong and that she doesn't want to. So she quickly surrenders and starts kissing me back. Having both of our tongues trying to ask permission into each other's mouths. Which we both allow one another to do. She then starts moaning, as do I.

We pull apart quickly and as I lean my head against hers, I tell her, "I love you. I'm sorry I got mad. It wasn't your fault you said anything. But I'm so fucking sorry if I scared you. But I love you and this, US, is NOT a mistake." I begin to tell her while lighting caressing the side of her face with my hand.

"I'm sorry too. And.....I love you also." She tells me while cupping both sides of my face. "And I want to mate with you. And it's not because of the time, either. I know you are it for me." She says while looking like she's on the verge of tears.

I kiss her again, then pull back and ask her, "Are you sure? Cause once I get to a certain point, I wont be able to stop. Then when I mark you, you will feel pain for just a brief moment, but quickly turns into an AMAZING feeling." I warn her.

"Erika told me. Just, let me know when you mark me." She tells me.

"Okay." I smile at her then kiss her lips again. "Okay, we'll do it tonight, then."

"No!" She blurts out. "Now. I want you now." She says sounding hungrily.

"Okay." I grin and chuckle a little bit. Then we start heading home.

So next chapter will be a 'mating' one which will of course be a sex scene. It will be posted tomorrow. :)

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