EPILOGUE: One Year Later

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         I'm still not sure how I became a wolf. Or even how I made a hot guy fall in love with me, but then again, I don't care anymore.

         After graduating high school, we had a big party for both Erika and I.

         Then several months after that, we got married and right as we kissed after saying  'I do' to each other, my water broke.

         Now, a year later, we are happily married with one child cause we aren't ready for another one, though of course, that hasn't stopped us from having sex a lot.

        I have always wanted to be a wife and mom but never did I expect it to happen this soon. But it did and really, I don't regret one single day or moment.

        I do love my life and can't wait to see where it goes.

        Though, Abel needs to learn how to share the baby. I swear, ever since Selene was born, everybody, especially Abel, has held her more than I have.

         Which don't get me wrong, she's a very cute and adorable baby, but hello? I carried her and gave birth. I think I should get some holding time too.

         Though on the other hand also, I really do appreciate and love that Abel helps let me get some sleep when Selene wakes up and cries in the middle of the night. He always gives me a kiss and tells me to go back to sleep. Though finally, he agreed to start letting me get up and try to get her back to sleep.

           I swear I fall more and more in love with him whenever I see him holding her and kissing her head gently.

         Then tonight as he gets up to help get her back to sleep, I get up out of bed and start walking into the baby's room that's right next to ours and I stop in the doorway and lean on it a little as I smile while admiring my amazing husband and him swaying back and forth while kissing our daughter head softly.

         He looks up and see's me as I start walking in and walk up beside them.

         I place one of my arms on his back while my other hand gently caresses our baby's head. Then I lean my head onto Abel's chest as he places his arm around me and we give one another a kiss on the mouth, then continue putting our baby back to sleep together.

         I guess that if it wasn't for Abel, I never would've believed in Happily Ever After's.

                          The End!!

Again, sorry it's a short Epilogue, but I felt if I wrote anymore, it would have just been crap. So once again, sorry it's short, but this is the end and I really do hope you all enjoyed it! :)


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