CHAPTER 18: Alpha VS Alpha

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        All morning and all day long, we have been preparing for the big fight that was going tom begin in an hour. Of course, after telling Erika and everyone about me being pregnant. To which everybody was happy, excited and all saying congratulations to the both of us.

        Then as we began walking into the woods, towards the opening spot where the fight was going to take place at, Abel and I held one another's hand while leading our pack.

        I was nervous. Almost as bad as you feel when it's your first day of school or something. I guess more than being nervous though, I was terrified. Not of getting hurt or of dying. But mostly because I was afraid that Abel was going to get killed.

        I dreamed last night about how Ian had killed Abel and I wasn't able to save him. Then while trying to help out Erika, I couldn't save her neither.

        After I woke up, I began trying to convince myself it was all just a dream.

        Though I guess, Abel was able to read my mind and could tell also that I was nervous and scared as I felt him squeeze my hand a little bit more and reassured me with a smile that everything was going to be okay.

        Then we finally reach the area where the fight was going to take place at. To which, once there, he kissed me then we all formed into our wolves.

        Which right as soon as we did, Abel nudged his head my neck a little and we noticed Ian's pack was already in their wolf forms and were slowly approaching us.

         All of a sudden, seeing Ian. My inner wolf, got defensive and pissed off. Especially when I saw Nancy beside Ian. I knew exactly what I wanted to do to her and Ian.

        Though Abel told me beforehand that Ian was his but that I could do whatever I wanted to do with Nancy. 

        We looked at each other for a minute later and then the next thing I knew, we all began growling and running towards each other.

        There was biting, tossing far distance, limp bodies, blood was being shed all over the place. The dead grass was being stained with blood.

        I was definitely kicking Nancy's ass. Which I thought was weird, cause I thought her inner wolf would make here more tough. But she is terrible at fighting. She is still an all talk and no action kind of a person.

        Then finally, after grabbing her neck and tossing her several feet away, I look at her, waiting for her to get up, which she soon does get up on all fours and then right as she runs towards me, out of nowhere, Erika jumps onto her, knocking her down and then I see Erika biting down hard onto Nancy's neck before clawing at her and takes a huge chunk out of Nancy's neck, leaving her to bleed out.

        I look at Erika and give her a 'thank you' look as she says, ''You're welcome''. Through mind linking.

        As I look around me, I see a few of our pack, dead. Though more of Ian's pack were dead.

        Then I looked around as everyone continued fighting. Then I finally saw Abel and Ian fighting.

        To which as I began to run closer, I noticed both their furs were covered in mud and blood. Mostly blood.

        Which really, just pissed me off even more to see my Alpha fucking bleed as much as he was.

         Then I notice that Ian had then hit Abel with his paw with so much force, that Abel went down to the ground hard, making a loud whimpering sound.

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