CHAPTER 12: Safe In The Arms Of Love

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I really enjoyed meeting Abel's parents. They were genuine, nice and very welcoming as well.

The story about how his parents met and how much it's like mine and Abel's in a way. It gave me hope. Not that I ever doubted us before.

It was good also letting them know a few things about me too. Well, except for the life I left behind to be here. I just didn't feel it was the right time. Though I know soon I will need to tell Abel. But for now, I'm just going to enjoy our moment together.

When we got home, the house was empty. So we went upstairs and cuddled together, after making love of course and just lied in bed with my head on his chest and him lightly caressing my arm up and down.

We were sharing a beautiful quiet moment together until he asked me the question I had been dreading.

"Babe?" He asks.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Why did you leave your parents?" He asks.

I was upset on one hand for him asking, cause he was ruining a perfectly romantic and nice moment with that question. Though on the other hand, I can't be mad at him for asking.

I took in a breath before beginning to tell him, while also trying to promise myself, in my head, that I won't cry.

"My parents never wanted a child. For as long as I can remember, they were always emotionally and physically abusive towards me. They became even more disgusted and hateful towards me after I tried telling them the many times my dad's brother had hurt me and assaulted me. Because they took his word over mine and started calling me names like whore and slut. Then one day, he committed suicide. And believe it or not, that's when things with my parents got worse. They started blaming me for his death and saying all kinds of terrible things. Then the beatings also had gotten worse." I stop for a moment to catch a tear rolling down my cheek before continuing.

"I couldn't tell anybody at school. So when I finally got a job, I started saving up, which also helped out a lot from keeping them from abusing me more. But I swore to myself that I needed to stick it out until I turned eighteen, then I could leave and never look back." I finish while wiping away more tears.

Then I feel him lift my chin so I can look at him. He's smiling but also has a sympathetic look upon his face. I then feel his thumb light caress the side of my cheek.
I tiredly smile at him back.

"I promise that I will NEVER let anybody hurt you. Especially your parents, okay?" He tells me in a serious tone of voice while also looking into my eyes.

I nod my head as I try and hold in the tears that are badly wanting to escape from my eyes right now.

"I know." I quietly tell him.

We both look into each other's eyes and share a long passionate kiss with each other, before I lay my head back down onto his chest and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

I haven't really told anybody, other than Erika about what all happened. But something about him made me feel I could trust him and that I felt safe with him.

It was one of the moments where I felt like I was finally home and finally at where I was always meant to be at as well as who I was always meant to be with.



It's been a few days since Maya had told me about her parents and what they did to her.

Which made me feel sick to my stomach and disgusted. I could never treat my kid that way.

I wanted to kill both of her parents. I wanted to slash their bodies and shred their skin up with my nails. But I know that Maya had told me that cause she trusts me and also, was opening up to me. So I thought, for now at least, that I would drop the topic for a little bit.

I had a lot on my plate right now. One of our biggest rivalries was getting closer to our territory, then the ball that was coming up to announce Maya as my mate and the Luna of our pack. Which not to mention, she needed to be trained. As well as shown how to turn from wolf into human and vice versa. We had to do it soon, otherwise, things can go bad real quick.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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