CHAPTER 13: Transformation....

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        The ball was coming up and along with everything else, Maya needed to be trained. So I thought who better than me.

       Well, of course others offered, including her best friend, however, she was MINE and besides, who better to teach her how to fight among other things, than me, her Alpha?

       So today, I wanted to teach her about the transformation between changing from human to werewolf and other way around.

      So we headed into the woods that are in my backyard and where we do a lot of training for especially hunting.

       Once we got to the spot, I could tell she was nervous. Though I wasn't sure of what, as she seemed to have closed off her mind linking.

      "Okay. Now, Maya. I'm not going to lie to you. When you transform from human to wolf, you will feel a little bit of pain, but that is only until you get used to transforming. Cause after a few times in doing it, it will not only get better and less painful." I assure her.

       She nods her head a little bit. Then looks at me.

       "Okay." She says while I can still see something is worrying her.

       "Okay, another thing, you need to work on keeping your mind link to me and the others, opened at all times. Or at least, most of the times. And before we start doing anything, I want you to tell me right now, what you're worried about." I told her.

        "Well, it's just that I've been worried about turning into my wolf." She begins to tell me.

       "Like the pain?" I ask.

       "No. I'm worried that I might now be as beautiful as the other ones. And that I wont be as strong enough to be your Luna." She tells me as a little bit of tears start forming in her eyes.

      I can't believe she'd feel that way. When she is already beautiful and sexy as fuck, that I know she will be great. Also, she has no idea just how strong she is and her wolf.

      I walk up to her, cup her face with one of my hands and lift her head to have her look at me and as I look into her eyes, I begin to tell her, "You are already beautiful. So your wolf will be also. And as far as your strength, trust me, you will have no trouble in the strength department. However, today will not be about strength. Today, we are going to focus on transforming and letting you familiarize yourself with your inner wolf and body." I tell her with a smile and kiss on the lips.

      "Now, take off your clothes." I tell her as I back a few steps away and begin taking my clothes off and setting them down on the ground.

      "Why do I need to take my clothes off?" She asks, all of a sudden feeling shy.

       "Because, my love, you don't want to rip your clothes or shred them while transforming." I chuckle a little bit.

       "Okay." She says. Then I see her begin to remove her clothes as well and sets them aside before looking at me, standing in her naked curvalicious body, in front of me and trying to tell my inner wolf and cock to calm the hell down and that we will satisfy our needs later.

       Which I'm sure she heard me and has opened up her mind link cause she turned red and bit her lip nervously, while trying to cover up her body parts.

      "Okay. Now, close your eyes and imagine yourself as a wolf." I tell her as I close mine and suddenly turn into a wolf in front of her.

       She then closes her eyes and begins to imagine herself as a wolf. Though as soon as she does and starts transforming, which as I'm listening to her wince and cry in pain, I see her transform until she's in her full wolf.

      Which I must say. She is the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen. And she has a rare color. Her fur is deep purple along with her hazel green eyes. She was beautiful.

      "Stop checking me out." She mind links me.
      "I can't help it if you look beautiful, my love." I tell her.

      "How do I look?" She asks me.

      "You look great. Now come on, let's go have you take a look at yourself." I tell her as I begin walking off and she follows right beside me.

      Once we get to a lovely creek, I have her look at her reflection.

      "Wow. I look beautiful. I can't believe it. This is awesome!" She says.

      I walk up to her and start giving her nose kisses. Well, okay, I was actually licking her.

      "You are beautiful. Which is also another thing about being a wolf. You gain a shit load of confidence." I tell her.

      We ended up spending most of the day of her transforming and things to remember in how when she's upset, especially mad, not to transform into her wolf and let her take over. Cause if she does, that's when things could get more dangerous and she could kill something or someone.

       She seemed to catch on really quick to everything though and did better than most do on their first day.

       The next thing we needed to do, was to teach her in how to hunt as well as most importantly, how to fight. Though I could tell she was exhausted and didn't want to overdue it.

       We took a bath together and had her lean against my chest as we washed each other and made love before falling asleep in each other's arms.

       I never thought I ever would've found my mate. Especially, to know that she was human. But I'm glad I did and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her as well as have a family with her one day. She is all I ever want and need forever.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :):)

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