CHAPTER 4: Can You say, Crazy??!!

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        It's been almost a month since I have been here and since that night at the bonfire, Abel and I both have been avoiding each other.

        I have started to pick up more shifts at the diner, though I heard he's more pissed off about the fact that I'm working.

       But why would it matter so much? I mean, with this job, I can make enough to move out on my own. Leave him alone.

       I have tried asking Erika and the guys at the house why he hates me so much. All they have told me though is that he doesn't hate me. It's the opposite of hatred that he feels for me. He's just afraid.

       I want to believe them, especially Erika. But it makes me think back when I was with Ian, my ex. I always made excuses. Like he doesn't mean to hit me. I shouldn't have made him mad. But I can't think about things like that.

      So I finish getting ready for a double shift tonight, cause one of the waitresses got sick. Which is fine by me. It's more money.

      When I get inside, there is a lot of people waiting, both outside and inside to be seated. I have never seen it packed as much as it is tonight.

       As I throw my stuff in my locker in the back, I quickly start getting to work and helping out Debbie. Apparently, tonight was a big football game at our school and we won thanks to our quarterback, Preston. Damn, this is not a good night to be short handed, but I know we're gonna kick ass. Cause lucky for us both, I'm fast and can multi-task really good.

        By the end of the night, I was exhausted and had only two hours left to go. Which luckily, the crowd died down.

        I told Debbie to go and rest in the 'employee lounge' we call it, though it just has a small round table barely big enough to seat four people at, a small counter and lockers to put our stuff in.

       There was a few customers inside. One of them was still Preston and a couple of late partiers who were loud, rude and obnoxious.

       I was caught up in wiping down the counters that I didn't notice the people who walked in. I looked up and saw it was Abel and Nancy, sitting across from each other. What the fuck? Can't he just leave me alone? I swear, I'm more pissed off at myself than him cause I am the one that somehow feels something for him. 

       I know, I shouldn't care. But I fucking do and this is bullshit. Me hearing about how he likes me and is so afraid to admit it, blah blah blah blah blah. I'm done. I'm over it.

       However, while at work, I still have to be the great waitress I am.

       I don't want to have Debbie do it. She's got arthritis and I know she needs to rest right now. So......I take in a deep breath, keep my head down and don't make eye contact and start walking over towards their booth.

       "Do you guys know what you want?" I ask, avoiding eye contact.

       "Wow. You work here?" Nancy asked in disgust.

       "Are you going to order something?" I ask while ignoring her question.

       "I don't know. Is there any food left?" She remarked with me knowing damn well she was fucking insulting me and my weight.

       "Look. Either order something, or please get out." I tell her, still trying to keep my cool.

       "Fine. I will have an iced tea with lemon, no sugar and three ice cubes. Also a grilled chicken strip salad with light Italian dressing on the side." She says all fake nice like. Ugh, girls like her piss me off. That's why they're moody all the time, they're not eating. Sometimes I just want to throw a piece of steak at them and say, 'EAT!'

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