CHAPTER 14: I Feel Like A Princess!

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The time has finally come. It's the night of the ball and I have finally gotten down my transforming from human to wolf and vice versa. As well as the fighting as both human and wolf, and have been also doing some exercises to control my temper, though lately, whenever I have gotten upset, I take it out sexually on Abel. 

A few days ago, I had picked out my dress and he paid for a hairstylist and makeup artist to come and pamper me. Which was very sweet.

After they were done and I took one final look in the mirror at myself, I couldn't help admiring how beautiful I looked.

I took in a couple of deep breaths as I slowly turned the bedroom door handle and opened up my door and began walking towards the stairs.

As soon as I got to the top of the stairs, I saw Erika, Chase, Ray and Abel all stand around, talking to each other and laughing, while waiting for me to come down.

Though right as I began walking down the stairs, I notice Erika elbowing Chase as she's looking at me with a huge smile on her face as well as everyone else's as they too begin to turn around and look at me with such shock.

Well, everyone but Abel was smiling. Though that's because his jaw was dropped wide open. Then a smile started to appear on his face.

"Wow!" Chase says. "You look amazing!"

"Thank you." I tell him.

Then I get a few whistles from a few of the other guys as Abel glares them down and being the jealous and over protective sometimes boyfriend. Though I have to admit, at times, when he wasn't hurting anyone because of it, it kind of turned me on.

"You look so beautiful, baby. I can't wait to show you off tonight. You'll be the most beautiful Luna there tonight." He tells me as he kisses my cheek.

Which of course, makes me blush. "Thanks baby. You look great as well." I smile at him.

"Come on. We need to get going before we're late." He says.

All of us then start walking out towards the limo he rented for us.

I swear that I felt like such a princess. Almost in a way like Belle from Beauty and The Beast. With Abel as my beast. 


After pulling up in front of his parents house, we got out and started walking towards the house, me and Abel hand in hand as well as Erika and Chase.

Once we got inside, there were very few things that Abel's parents had left around the house that was theirs, however, there were mostly fancy nice decor, furniture, etc.

Everything was beautiful though. This night was starting off amazing.

After almost two hours of walking around and him introducing me to people, he asked me to dance with him, to which I did.

Then while dancing, right as the music ended, we kissed each other passionately. Then began to clap along with everybody else who were all looking upon the stage now at both of Abel's parents who were about to talk into the microphone.

"Thank you all for coming. Tonight is a very special night because we are celebrating the fact that our son, Abel, has found his lifetime mate and his pack's new Luna. Abel and Maya? Would you both please come up here for a minute?" He asks while looking at us in the crowd.

Abel held onto my hand tightly to assure me that there was no reason to be nervous.

Both Abel and I walked up the stage and stood beside his parents as his dad handed Abel the microphone.

"Good evening everyone. As you all know, from of course, my father already just now telling you, that I have found my mate. She is my pack's Luna and is the most amazingly beautiful and kindest person, inside and out, I have ever met and I appreciate you all for coming out to welcome her. Have a good rest of the night and enjoy the party. Thank you!" Abel says then kisses me on the lips.

Everyone begins clapping again and we start walking off stage as the music starts up again.

Then after a few hours of dancing, few glasses of champagne and meeting new people, I was really tired. So I asked if we could go home, to which he agreed and we headed back home.


Though once we pulled up to our house and walked closer to the door, we noticed one of the windows had been broken and the front door had been forcefully kicked in. Shit, were we robbed?

At first, Abel gently pushed me behind him as Chase also did with Erika and Ray and a few others followed Abel inside to check out and see if the place was empty or not. While Erika and I stayed outside by the front door, waiting for them to say it was okay to go in.

Which a half an hour later, they told us we could come in.

The placed wasn't trashed as bad, but still, there was shit on the ground that was broken as other things just scattered everywhere and all over the house.

I looked around for Abel, who I finally found standing in the doorway of the back patio door and was staring at the bloodied, skin shredded, lifeless bodies of two of his men that were supposed to be guarding the house.

The weirdest part about all of this was that it wasn't a burglary as we later on found out, nothing was taken. But whoever did this, they were looking for something and definitely were werewolves.

We weren't sure at first, who it could be. Even when we tried smelling to see if the scent was familiar, there seemed to be a lot of different scents so it was hard to pin point anybody specifically.

At least, that was until I found something in mine and Abel's bedroom, on my side of the bed. Immediately, I collapsed onto the bed and all I felt at the moment, was fear that I thought I would never feel at this level it is at now, again.

Next Chapter will be posted soon! :)

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