CHAPTER 9: Mature Content

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         We almost didn't make it home. I was beyond hard and wanted to take her so bad to where we were at that it was hard (no pun intended), to walk.

          But we finally made it home and we ran upstairs quickly and I pushed her onto the bed as she giggled a little bit.

         I then lock and close the door, and practically sprint towards her then lay on top of her.

        We both begin taking each other's clothes off then I get back on top of her as we are now both naked.

         I slam my lips onto hers and start dominating her mouth with mine while our tongues both fight for dominance with each other's.

         "You feel so good, baby." I tell her against her lips.

         She starts moaning and I can tell she wants to reply, but before she can, I start kissing her neck and sucking a little bit at her sweet spot where I will be marking her. Which I think she knows it too.

         I begin kissing her hungrily down the valley of her breasts, then I take in one of her nipples into my mouth where I begin to suck and flick it with my tongue while I'm squeezing her other breast before I do the same as I did with the other one.

        While kneading her breasts I begin to kiss my way down towards her clit where I can already tell she is wet.

         "Fuck baby, you're so wet." I tell her.

         Then before she has anytime to reply, I enter one finger deep and hard into her wet pussy while also flicking her clit and then sucking on it quickly. Then flicking it again as I start pumping my finger in harder, deeper and faster. Then soon after, move to two fingers inside of her, which makes her scream even louder.

        "Mmmmmm. You taste so fucking amazing. Now, come all over my hand baby." I tell her.

        "Ahh baby, fuck!" She begins to loudly moan.

        I start pumping my fingers in faster and faster and faster, rubbing her over sensitive clit with my thumb.

        "Come for me baby. Come on. All over my hand, I want to taste you more before I fuck your brains out." I demand.

        "Okay...Mmmmmm. Fuck!" She begins to moan louder. "Baby, I'm coming, oh my god I'm fucking coming......FUCK YES! Ahhhhh." She moaned out as loud as she could and I began quickly licking my fingers while moaning at the sweet taste of her juices.

       I then kissed my way back up again towards her lips.

       I noticed her trying to push me on my back to give me pleasure, but there was no time, this time, I was beyond hard and needed to be inside of her quickly.

       So I pinned both her hands above her head while kissing her and moaning, then opened up the drawer of my nightstand and put on a condom, then before she could say or do anything, I slammed my throbbing hard cock inside of her tight wet pussy.

        Which I'm so happy she told me she has had sex before cause the way I wanted her, wasn't going to be easy to restrain myself from slamming in her pussy.

        I start slamming into her harder and faster, bringing her legs up around my waist so that I could go deeper and harder.

       Both of us are panting, kissing and moaning really loud.

       "You feel so good." I tell her.

       "" she says between breaths and moans.

       I continue going faster and harder until I tell her to get on her hands and knees cause I want to fuck her from behind and without any hesitation, she quickly turns around and gets up on her hands and knees while I pull her ass closer towards my cock and a little more in the air so I can go deeper.

       I thrust hard and deep back into her pussy from behind, I then go deeper and harder and faster and faster.

       Just listening to my balls slamming against her was fucking hot as hell.

      I thrust into her harder and marked her. She screamed for just a second but then it quickly turned into so much pleasure and that's when she said the hottest fucking thing ever.

      "Fuck me harder!" She moans loudly.

      "FUCK!" I moan out loud. "I'm coming baby!"

      "Me too baby." She screams.

      We both come together, with both of us moan out loud and I lay down on my back as she collapses onto the bed. With both of us trying to catch our breaths.

       I pull her closer towards me while she lays her head down onto my chest and we wrap our arms around each other and give each other a long passionate kiss as we say 'I love you' to one another and then we fall asleep in each other's arms.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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