CHAPTER 19: MY Luna Forever!!

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        My god, what the fuck is that annoying beeping sound? If that's an alarm, please, shut it off.

         The beeping continued as I tried opening my eyes that felt really heavy and had felt almost impossible to do.

         I also felt really tired and really sore as well. What the hell happened?

         I start looking around and see that I'm in my bedroom, in bed, hooked up to two I.V.'s and a breathing thing I've seen people on life support use. But....

       As I begin looking around the room, I notice Maya isn't here. Oh my god, Maya? Is she hurt? Is she dead? I thought. I need to go and find her.

       I quickly sit up, pull out the I.V.'s along with the tubes in my nose and the round sticker things on my chest, then start to get up and feel a sharp pain in my shoulder.

       I quickly look over and notice my bandage that is wrapped around my shoulder, has red stains from the blood seeping through. Though I don't care.

       I start standing up on the floor and quickly fall to the ground, landing on my injured shoulder and yelling out in pain.

       Then I see the door burst open and notice Chase and Ray come running inside and trying to help me up and sit me on my bed.

       "No!" I growled. "I need to see Maya!"

       "Lay back dude. Calm down, we're looking for her." Chase says.

       "What do you mean, you're looking for her?!" I demanded.

       "You've been out for two weeks. She left last week, she ran off into the woods after seeing you weren't waking up. She start apologizing and blaming herself for Ian hurting you and for a weak Luna, but we tried telling her otherwise and tried stopping her. But we couldn't. We lost her sent a few days ago. And she won't mind link with us. But I promise we'll find her." Chase tries assuring me.

        Though I trust and believe him, I'm her Alpha. I'm her mate. Meaning, I need to find her.

        But fuck, I am so weak. Which I know happens cause she isn't here with me. Which is also why my wound is taking longer to heal than normal. I need her back here.

        Then all of a sudden, I smell her. She is getting closer. She's also, sad?

        Then right as Erika comes bursting through the door to announce that Maya's coming back, I tell her I already know.

        The next thing I do, is get up. And despite Ray's and Chase's efforts to trying to keep me in bed. I end up pushing both them back and stumble a little bit, but catch myself from falling while trying to head downstairs and out in the backyard, where I know she's coming from.

        Everyone's behind me, at first surprised and yet happy to see me awake, then I hear Chase yell down at the guys while coming down the stairs, to stop me.

        Though by the time they all catch up, they come to an abrupt stop beside me as they see what I see.

        "Maya." I say under my breath with a smile.

        Maya is walking out of the woods with her arms wrapped around her waist and stomach, as her head is down. Though I can tell she has been eating which is good. However, it lokks as though she hasn't really slept neither and her clothes are dirty.

         Maya then looks up at me and stops as she get's half way to us. She looks scared. Is she afraid I'm going to yell at her or something?

        Though I am a little upset that she left, but I understand why.

        So without waiting any longer, I quickly walk down the steps and she begins walking  up to me as well, so we can meet half way.

        As soon as we are in reach of each other, I don't say anything. Instead, I just wrap my arms around her, while ignoring the pain I'm feeling right now along with the blood that's been dripping from where I yanked out the needles at.

         She then puts her arms around me in return and are holding each other for a little bit.

         "Why Maya? Why did you leave me, baby?" I asked while trying to fight back tears.

         "Because I caused you to be hurt. And I had to think about how to raise our child without you. Because the doctor made it sound as though you were never waking up.  I was scared that I would lose you. And I love you." She begins to cry into my bare chest as I can feel her, wet tears touching my skin.

        I then start to rub the back of her head, then pull her head away a little bit while cupping her face with both of my hands and looking into her eyes.

       "Baby, I love you. And I'm never going to leave you. Soon, I'm going to marry you and we are going to be a family. And no one will ever change that or take that away from us. You are my Luna forever." I smile at her.

       "And you're my Alpha forever and always!" She replies with a smile then we both share a long and passionate kiss. As everybody behind us starts 'Awwwing' in unison. Which just makes both Maya and I laugh.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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