CHAPTER 3: It's Partttyyy Time!!!!!

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Saturday had finally come and I couldn't wait. Not so much cause of the fact people will be drinking there, cause I'm not much of a drinker really. But the fact that I will be going to my first actual high school party and am also celebrating the fact that I got a job at this cute little diner called Debbie's Diner. It's owned by this cute older couple who said I could start working on Monday.

I was excited. I loved diners and little mom and pop shops. Also, another reason I was happy was because it was only a half an hour walk from the house and I would work Monday through Saturday, after school until 8 pm. I was excited.

I finished getting ready and decided to wear flip flops along with a pair of jeans, my hoodie, of course, as well as a tank top while keeping my hair down.


After arriving to the bonfire beach party, we were dancing, talking, I was getting to know a few people and we were all just having a great time. Which by the way, I realized something a little bit after we got there. I was the only sober one I think.

I looked around a few times for Abel but didn't find him.

Wait, why would I care about him? 'Don't even think about it Maya.' I began telling myself.

Then after being there already for almost two hours, Abel finally shows up with a girl on his arm who I was told by most people in the school that she was his girlfriend while others, including Chase, Erika, Ray and Corey, who told me she is a slut that likes Abel a lot. But they are mostly just fuck buddies.

Which I don't know why it would make me even the slightest bit jealous or anything. It wasn't like him and I are together or anything.

Yet, somehow, I still feel as though there's something about him. Since the moment I first laid eyes on him, I felt something. I don't know why or what it is but all I know, is that I have NEVER felt it before in my life.

Throughout pretty much the entire time we were there, I caught him glancing over at me a lot.

We were all sitting around the bonfire when I looked to see if he was still looking at me and he was. Though while kissing that slut he was with.

It was almost like he wanted me to watch. Almost like he knew I was jealous or something and wanted to play off of it just to piss me off. But then again, why the hell would I be jealous again?

Not being able to take it anymore, I get up and head over towards the cooler to grab a Pepsi. As soon as I grab one, I let Erika know I was going to take a walk on the beach and start to walk off.

After walking along the sand, letting the water roll up and over my feet a little bit, I stop while I take a drink of my soda and stand still, looking out at the ocean.

I start to close my eyes and try to listen to just the sounds to help clear my head and relax when I hear someone coming.

"Hey there gorgeous." Ray says. "Why are you over here by yourself?" He asks.

"Just thought it would be nice to get away for a little bit. Clear my head." I tell him.

"Ah. I see. So it has nothing to do with Abel bringing that slut here?" He asks while looking out the corner of his eye at me.

Is it that obvious that I'm jealous?

"No. It's just, it seemed like a nice night, you know with the moonlight bouncing off the water. It's pretty. And besides," I begin to say while looking up at the sky. "The stars are beautiful. They look like the one's you see in a movie." I smile as I look up and admire the beautiful site.

"You really are something else, you know that? I mean, I don't mean to pry or anything. It's just, I honestly thought it was about Abel." He says while taking down the rest of his beer.

"Why would I care what he does and with who?" I replied.

He chuckles, "Alright. I won't push it. But I do want to say, that he likes you a lot and this Nancy shit is just so he....." he began to talk but stopped all of a sudden. Almost like someone cut him off. He looks back towards the bonfire.

"You okay?" I asked him.

He looks back out towards the water then back down at his empty can.

"Yeah. We should be getting home." He says.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because it's late and we are your only ride home." He chuckles, "Come on. Let's go." He says while taking my hand.

Though I'm curious as to what he was going to tell me, I decided not to push it anymore, just like he didn't with me about Abel.



I didn't want to go tonight to the bonfire after I heard that Maya was going.

But later on, after going over to Nancy's, to get my 'needs' met, she brought up how she still wants to go.

Finally, I decided that we should just go. The guys and I have been planning for this for over a year now and I'm not not going to go cause of some girl. Fuck that.

After arriving, however, I notice Maya almost immediately. She's talking to several people and laughing. Damn, I love her smile and her laugh.

Immediately, I begin to shake those thoughts out of my head as I walk over and start saying hi to people.

I get over to the group of people she's talking to and say 'hi' to everybody. I even look at her and give her a nod that said, 'Hey'. She smiled at me with that beautiful smile of hers.

Which shit, there I go again. I need to pull myself together.

I really wanted to smile back at her but before I could get a chance to, Nancy came up beside me and looped her arm around mine. Which immediately made me see the look on Maya's face. She looked jealous, but mostly hurt.

Shit. I never should've brought Nancy here. I didn't mean to upset her. But then again, wait a minute. Does this mean, she likes me? More importantly, do I like her?

I was staring at her most of the time while most of us were sitting around the bonfire. She caught me staring at her the majority of the time. And I know, she blushed a lot though she looked away.

The next thing I see is Maya talking with some dude that was making her laugh and obviously trying to get into her pants. Which made me more pissed off. I wanted to break his fucking jaw right then and there.

So I decided that it was fair game. So I turned Nancy's head and we started making out while I looked over at Maya to make sure she was watching. Which she was.

Then she had that hurt and jealous look on her face again. Though at this point I was pissed off as hell, I didn't give a shit what she was feeling.

The next thing I see is her standing up and walking away. ALONE?! WTF?!

It wasn't too long after she went off walking, that I noticed Ray went after her. Which he knows she's MINE!

I listen to his conversation with her and then start linking with him. I tell him assertively to take her home, or else. Which he obviously did because he takes orders from me. And besides, after finding out about that slip up Chase almost did, the first day she came here, I need to make sure that doesn't happen again.

Next chapter in a few minutes! :)

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