CHAPTER 6: Is That A Wolf??

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A few days has passed since that night he kissed me.

Yes, I was a little scared after him grabbing my wrist. But yet, deep down, I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

I became more angry with myself than with him. And I know that wasn't fair. Cause also, for some reason I can't explain, I feel something when I'm around him. I want him. I need him. I can see it in his eyes as well.

You know what? I need to talk to him. I need to apologize for that night and the way that I have been behaving towards him lately. So maybe tonight after I get off work, him and I can talk.

It's finally 9 PM and I just got off work. So I start walking outside, while Caesar locks the door behind me and I begin heading out through the parking lot, to walk home.

While walking home, I suddenly get the feeling that somebody is following me. Though when I look behind me and around, I can't see anyone.

I start then to walk a little faster until, out of nowhere, I start to hear the breaking and cracking of branches coming from the left side of me, in the woods.

I stop when I hear a low growl. It sounded like a beast from a movie or something. Then suddenly, while still looking out into the woods, I see a pair of red glowing eyes staring at me. I begin to panic as I don't know what kind of a creature would have eyes like that.

I begin to start running, but don't get too far when out of nowhere, a huge black wolf comes jumping out of the woods and stares at me while showing me his teeth a little bit and starts to slowly walk towards me.

What the fuck? I thought to myself. I thought I would need to worry about humans attacking me at night, not wolves.

Oh my god. What do I do? Obviously I can't out run it. I couldn't out run even a snail. Then again, I can't play dead neither.

I guess the only option would be to run and give myself at least somewhat of a chance. That way, when it does capture me, at least I can say I tried.

So without any hesitation, I started bolting towards the left into the woods, not really knowing where I was going.

I could hear the branches snap and break as I was running. I could hear myself breathing while trying to not trip. I knew the wolf wasn't far from me.

I stopped at a tree and tried to catch my breath, though I knew it wasn't a good idea.

The sound of leaves rustling on the ground and the sound of the same low growl I had heard not that long ago, was getting closer. I could also tell by the footsteps it was taking, was getting closer, if not was already here.

The pair of red eyes appeared again through a bush that was a few feet away from me and just as it was about to jump out from the bush and pounce onto me, I closed my eyes tightly until I heard another growl and snarl, coming from the right.

When I open my eyes, I notice another wolf had pounced on the one following me. He was biting it's neck, it looked like. And they both began going at it with one another.

Could my eyes really be seeing this right now? And where the hell did this other wolf come from? And why was it protecting me?

Though this wolf that had help save me, looked bigger than the other one for sure.

After only a couple of minutes of watching them fighting one another, the wolf that had been trying to kill me, ended up limping off somewhere into the woods.

The wolf that had saved me, it looked right at me and growled a little bit while beginning to walk slowly up to me.

I began walking backwards until my back hit a tree.

The wolf get's even closer now and fearing that he might kill me, I start thinking about what I should do next. But soon my thoughts get interrupted when I start to feel the wolf come up to me and snuggle up to me on my legs.

Though freaked out a little bit, on the other hand, it's pretty cool to have a wolf come up to me and not want to kill me.

So I begin to softly and gently pet him for a little bit.

"Thank you for saving me." I quietly tell it.

It nestles it's head even more closer to me as I continue to pet it.

I must admit, I'm surprised and a little bit shocked. But at the same time, I think this is really cool. Almost seems a little bit unreal. But fuck it, I'm just going to go along with it.

Except, after it being almost an hour since I've been off of work, I realized I needed to get home before anyone worried.

Before leaving towards the house, I thanked the wolf again as he started to walk beside me until I got onto the sidewalk safely and continued walking home.

After I get home and walk up the stairs and take a shower before getting into my PJ's, I was thinking about that wolf for some reason. It had saved my life when it easily could have killed me itself, but didn't.

However, I guess the real question would be, why didn't it kill me? Why did it save me?


I was out on a run, in my wolf form, trying to get some fresh air and to begin thinking about things and how I was going to tell Maya about all of this, when I heard a female scream, not too far away from me.

It was her. It was Maya screaming. But why?

Then without hesitation, I took off as fast as I could go with her scent letting me know where she was at.

'Hold on love, I'm coming.' I said to myself.

As I finally got to her, I looked in the direction she was looking at with a terrified look upon her face and saw a wolf who looked familiar. However, before I could sense who it was, I started letting my possessive and protective instincts kick in.

So as soon as that wolf, jumped in the air to try and leap out from behind the bushes, to attack her. I immediately jumped towards him and began to bite him and let him know if not REMIND him of whose territory he is on.

Then after the wolf limped off somewhere away from her, I looked at her and she looked scared, though not nearly as much as she was with that other wolf.

So I began slowly walking up towards her and try snuggling close to her to let her know it was okay and that I wasn't going to hurt her. Which I soon realized that she no longer was afraid of me and began to softly pet me. It felt good.

Then, it wasn't too long after doing that that I noticed she started to leave quickly, like she was in a hurry. I bet she was heading back towards the house and as I noticed her begin to walk, I walked beside her, up to the sidewalk to make sure she was alright.

She thanks me again and starts walking towards the house.

She has an amazing ass! I can't wait to mate with her." My wolf said.

But I needed to remind both him and myself that other steps need to be made first. Which I knew had to be soon. Time was running out.

Tomorrow, I thought to myself, would be the day that I would tell her everything.

Next chapter, coming tonight or tomorrow! :)

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