CHAPTER 16: Let The Games Begin...

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**WARNING: A little sex scene towards the end! :);) **


For the next couple of weeks, Abel and everyone began to do some intense training, to prepare for the big fight that was about to come. Well at least, since a few days after the house was broken into.

Ian had contacted Abel and initiated a war practically in seeing who would win. Though, Abel, mostly out of anger and not thinking straight, along with his ego, agreed to a deal with Ian. That whomever won the fight, would get me.

Despite the fact that Ian and I are not mates and it's not how it works, I have looked up to see what happens if your Alpha is killed. Which I really don't want to even think about. But if Abel gets killed, Ian can claim me.

Though I know Abel will win, I feel bad that we are all having to fight cause of me. Even Erika could die. Which I would never want.

So for these past couple of weeks, I have been preparing to make sure I do great in the fight.

Today, however, happened to be a relaxing day. Which we all needed badly.

We were all sitting in the living room, hanging out and watching TV when the doorbell rang.

The smell of whoever it was, smelled bad. I almost threw up actually.

As I was about to get up from the couch, Abel came running out of his office and told me, "Stay there Maya." He more like demanded me to, while walking towards the front door.

He opens it up and immediately, I hear him growl. "What are you doing here?! You are trespassing on MY territory, Leave now, and I will let you keep your limbs!" He scowls at them.

I'm curious as to see who it was. Though, I didn't need to wonder too long cause I soon heard two familiar voices.

"We are here to see our daughter." My mom says in a fake nice tone of voice. As does my dad.

"Bullshit! And you are NEVER and I mean NEVER to ever come near Maya again!" Abel tells them.

"Oh, we will get her back!" My dad says, in his real tone of voice of anger. "We will after Ian kills you. Then she will be Ian's Luna." He tells Abel.

"That will never happen! Now I'm going to tell you one last time! Leave and never come back!" Abel tells them again, only louder and angrier.

I don't hear them say another word and Abel then slams the door shut.

I look over at Abel and walk up to him. He is red all over and has closed fists and looks beyond pissed off.

At least that's until I place my hand on the side of his face and have him look into my eyes to calm him down. Which he does and smiles at me before giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Thank you baby for standing up for me." I tell him while wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Of course baby! I will always stand up for you." He says. "You're mine!"

"And you're mine!" I tell him with a smile before kissing him.

Which our kiss, just like always, pretty much, turns into a more lustful one.

"Get a room." Erika teases as she throws a couple of popcorn at us.

"Don't be jealous." I tell her.

Though I did really want him as I could tell he wanted me as well.

"I love you." He chuckles.

"I love you too." I tell him before placing a kiss onto his lips and then take his hand.

"Babe, as much as I would love to make love to you right now, I have to..." He stops when I cut him off and am standing in front of him.

"Before you finish that sentence, need I remind you, I'm your Luna as you are my Alpha and whatever you have to do right now, unless it's life threatening, can wait. Because if you don't go upstairs with me and fuck my brains out, then, you won't get any for a while." I say with a grin as I notice his jaw dropping from shock. As does everybody elses.

I then start heading upstairs as he stands there still looking at me in shock. But then replaces it with a grin on his face and instantly I hear him sprinting up the stairs to me.

Once we got inside. He slammed the door and locked it as I turned around to face him with a seductive smile and we both began to tear off each other's clothes, literally.

Then he pushes me onto my stomach onto the bed and smacks my ass.

"I'm gonna make you so sore baby. You won't be able to walk right for the rest of the week." He tells me.

I look over my shoulder while moaning a little bit, then saying, "Yeah? Prove it baby!" I tell him.

He growls a little and I notice him lick his palm while rubbing my pussy lips to make sure I'm wet enough and then puts on a condom quickly as he slams his hard erected cock inside of my pussy, making me moan out loud in ecstasy.

He starts pounding away at my pussy, hitting my gspot with every hard, fast and deep thrust. Groaning and then places his hand around my neck gently to turn my head and starts kissing me.

Then after doing doggy for a while, I then stand up and push him onto the bed and climb on top of him, immediately sitting on top of his cock and taking every inch of him as I begin moving up and down, bouncing on his cock. Moaning even more and louder than before. Then right as we are both about to cum, he grabs my hips and quickly turns me onto my back then slams into me again, even harder than before. Pounding away at my cock until we both cum and moan loudly, 'I love you' to each other. Then he collapses on top of me, breathless while still inside of me and my arms and legs are wrapped around him.

We then both begin to kiss each other and telling each other how great and how fucking hot it was also, before falling asleep and taking a nap.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) The fight is soon about to come up! :);):)

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