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  • Dedicated to The 5SOS Fam

"On course right now is Catherine Castro and Opie, a Alaskan Malamute puppy." The announcer says. I put my dog on the wait table. The buzzer starts and Opie starts running.

"Hup! Hup! Hup! Through! Tire! Hup!" I keep shouting commands at my little dog. When we get to the fire hoop however, someone screeches "OH MY GOD IT'S 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER!"

I hold my breath as Opie looks into the distance. Then he jumps through, and the timer stops. I give him a bunch of slappy pats and praises. Our time is 20 seconds!

I walk out of the ring and sit in one of the chairs with Opie's paws on my lap.

Oh my! I think I forgot to introduce myself!

I'm Cat Castro, the born, bred, and raised Ohio girl! Just.. Kinda out of place being that I've lived in Sweden for 5 years, and I moved to Australia just last year. (I was 15 when I moved). My puppy Opie is my baby that I've had since my birthday. We are the agility experts.. In training!

Anywho, Here i go getting cheesy with the descriptions, but I have blonde hair, gray/green eyes, and I'm 5'6". I'm a very big nerd. I actually lost my contacts a while back, so I have my big porthole glasses now! People really think I'm a nerd now!

"Gosh. That screaming was horrible wasn't it?" Some person asks. "Tell me about it!" I sigh and turn to see 4 boys smiling at me. "Hi! I'm Luke and this is Calum, Ashton, and Michael." A cute blonde boy with incredible eyes grins. I eye his lip ring a bit skeptically but shake the weird feeling off.

Michael has multi colored hair, Calum is cute but has a tattoo, and Ashton is relatively normal.. For what I can see. Punks... Ugh.

They are still staring when I look at them again. "Can I help you?" I ask. "You can by staying there and looking gorgeous." Luke smiles. I think he may be lying.. I don't get called pretty. EVER.

"You know what. You look a lot like Michael. Doesn't she Ashton?" Calum asks. I was about to reply, but my phone buzzes and I pick it up. It was My best friend Jonas.

Jonas: Are you at the ring?

Me: Yes.. But help! There's 4 punks trying to flirt with me!

Jonas: You'll survive. I'm coming there now.

"Watcha doing?" Ashton says, peering over my shoulder. "Punks?! Hurtful. For your information, we are a band called 5 Seconds of Summer." He smirks. "That's nice." I reply and fix my eyes on the little ring.

One girl was going pretty well, but they maxed out their time.

The kids next to me are really irritating me. Finally my friend comes up and sits next to me. "Hey! Do you have the course memorized for the jump off?" She asks. Haha! You probably thought Jonas was a boy. No, her name is Elizabeth, but she was obsessed with the Jonas Brothers when we became firends, so we call her Jonas! "Yes." I say and start reciting the course. "Great." She smiles.

"Hello. Hello. Hello. Is anyone home? Hello. Hello. Hello?" Calum keeps repeating and poking me. "What?" I snap. "What's your name and how old are you? I'm asking for little Lukey over there. He may or may not have a bit of something for you." Calum smiles. Luke smacks him on the back, making me laugh.

"My name is Catherine Castro. I just turned 16." I say. "Hey your right around our age! Luke is 17, Cal and Michael are 18, and I'm 19." Ashton grins. Michael is frozen in place as soon as I say that. I really want to know why though.

"Really?" My mouth falls open. There is no way these boys are around my age. I would've guessed at least 20.

I soon get absorbed into a conversation with them. Soon, Jonas tells me I have to get ready for the next round. "See you later!" Luke smiles. "Bye!" I wave, scoop up my heavy little puppy, and walk off. "I told you you'd survive!" Jonas laughs.

I roll my eyes and give Opie a drink.

Ashton's POV

I chuckle to myself and take yet another picture of Luke who has this lovestruck look on his face.

Michael is staring at his phone. He hasn't said a word since Catherine introduced herself. "Mate are you okay?" I ask.

"I had a little sister that was kidnapped when I was a 3 year old. Her name was Catherine. We all thought she was dead though." He says, confused. "Well does this picture spark something?" I ask and show him the picture I took earlier. Mike and Catherine were both looking at the ring. They honestly looked a lot alike.

"Whoa." He breaths. I show him another picture I took of just her profile. "She even has the same profile as you! And you're a natural blonde!" I exclaim. "But her last name is Castro. It's probably just a fluke." He shakes his head.

"Calum! Do you think Catherine is Mikey's kidnapped sister?" I ask. "Totally. The resemblance is creepy." He replies.

Mike shakes his head.

Catherine's POV

I can't stop smiling, redeeming my trophy, ribbon, and prize. I WON!!

"Hey Catherine!" I hear someone say. I look over to see Michael jogging up to me. "Hello." I smile.

"So congrats. This sounds really really weird, but I just wanted to ask you if your real last name is Clifford." He says. I give him a confused look. "No. My name has always been Castro." I say.

"Oh. I had a baby sister named Catherine once. I never remembered her because She was kidnapped when I was 3. You look a lot like me, and I was just curious." He smiles. "My mom and I need to have long talk. Can i have your number so we can touch base?" I ask. "Sure." He laughs and hands me a slip of paper.

"See you around Michael." I wave and walk away.

A/N: Soo um. First chapter! Enjoy! Thank you for reading!


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