Chapter 12

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"And now the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Handled by 16 year old Catherine Clifford." The snotty British dude says. I start trotting with Moto and he jogs happily beside me. I stop and stack him up, which is getting all of his paws square. The juge does his final pass over and we go to the end of the lineup.

The results of the best in show dog is really tense. "And our best in show dog for the herding group is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi!" This British dude, who I now LOVE says. I reach down and pet my dog on the back. We go back to headquarters, where Jonas is standing there with, you guessed it, Starbucks.

"How'd you do?" She asks. "I got best in show in the herding group. I can't wait to take Opie in the working group." I grin. She spits out her drink. "SHUT UP!" She smiles and hugs me.

I give Mo a treat and put him back in prison, aka the cage. I get Opie out next and do a final brushing. Jonas once overs me with a lint roller, thank god. We don't need Animal Control coming because the abominal snowman is in the ring trying to show a dog!

"Have you ever realized doing this is like getting the boys ready for the Billboards?" I ask. "I wasn't with, but I imagine it was just like it." She giggles.

I put Opie's leash on and we head to the ring.

I think to myself. "Oh my god. I'll never stand a chance against those terriers."

But Opie has some will power in him. I take him up to the the table and he stands like a statue. I start taking him through his pattern and he obeys. But when I pull out the treat to stack him up, his sits back and brings his paws to his chest in a beg. "No no. Come here." I say, trying to surpress my giggles.

He dopily comes up and stands. The judge thanks me and I walk back into the lineup, bursting into a fit of giggles. In the end, we were in the top 5 but that's okay. Opie really isn't a showmanship dog.

Jonas is dying of laughter when I get back. "That was the cutest thing I have ever seen!" She chuckles. "The one time he actually does a trick, he does it at the time I don't want him to!" I laugh along with her, and rub Opie's head.

Then It's back to puppy prison with him and onto Moto again.

I take Mr. Mo out of the ring and we head right in. The best in show starts and Moto and I did the same as before. He happily trots alongside me, then stacks and heads back into line. I've never made it this far into a showmanship show before, so this is perfect.

The judge starts putting us in the order of our placings. "You. I want you in front." He smiles. "Thank you so much sir." I grin and pull my corgi to the front.

"Our best in show winner is CC's Unpredictable with Catherine Clifford as the handler and owner." They say. I go up and accept my award with so much pride I feel my heart wanting to explode.

They take the picture and I bring Moto back. But I stash my ribbon in my dress, my trophy behind my back, and stick Moto's medal in my bra.

"It didn't turn out well." I sigh. "Oh honey. Give me the trophy." She smirks. "What? Jonas, you're hurting my feelings." I pout. "Take the medal out of your bra and the ribbon out of your dress." She giggles. "Okay FINNEEEE." I moan and pull out the winnings.

She takes a picture of us with my phone and about a thousand more with her other camera. I take a selfie with my boys and their ribbons then the newscast wants me back out on the floor so they can interview me.

"Folks I'm here with the best in show winners Catherine Clifford and her Pembroke Welsh Corgi." A female reporter says. "So Catherine, how do you feel about the big win?" She asks. "It's a dream come true. I mean, I never thought I'd be able to do this." I smile.

"So do you dedicate this win to anyone in particular?" The news anchor asks. "I don't really know. I'd like to say, I won this for my big brother Michael who unfortunately couldn't come watch me because he's in another country." I grin. "And also my best friend Elizabeth who helps me at every show or trial I do." I add quickly.

"There you have it everyone. The Best In Show Winners Catherine Clifford and CC's Unpredictable." The lady says and the thing cuts to commercial. "Thank you." I nod and walk back to headquarters, where Jonas has everything packed up.

"I say ice cream and Facetime the boys." She grins. "Sounds about right!" I chuckle.


"GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?" I yell at Michael. "What?" He grumbles. It's two here and midnight there. "I won best in show with Moto and got interviewed by the news!" I exclaim. He about jumps out of his skin. "WHAT? LET ME SEE THAT TROPHY!" He yells, but gets hit in the face with a pillow. "Shut Up Michael." Luke groans. "Cat won best in show." Michael says. "CAT?!" Luke squeals and sits next to Michael. "What a trophy!" He exclaims.

"It was a lot of work. I was up at 4 this morning, trying to get everything together. I just can't wait to take a vacation." I sigh. "You'll get your vacation in a month when you come with us on tour." Luke smiles. I look at the shirtless boy. "You really think so?" I ask. "We're going to have SO much fun!" Michael yells, bouncing up and down.

I hear a door open and Calum walks in. "Shut up Michael we can hear you all the way next door." He pouts. "Cat won the whole show!" Mikey and Luke say in unison. "What? That's great!" He exclaims sitting on Luke. "Can you ------- keep it down?" Ashton hisses. They all tell him what happened. "That's nice." He smiles and walks out. "Bye guys. I think Angry bear Ashton needs his sleep." I laugh and hang up.

"Isn't Ash just a blast?" I ask Jonas. "He's tired." She smiles.

Well so am I.


"KAIXO!" I yell at my laptop. "What she said!" Jonas says awkwardly. "So today in honor of me winning BEST IN SHOW with Moto last tuesday, we are doing an Ask Catherine and Elizabeth! You tweeted us your questions, we answer them." I grin.

"Okay. From @Ashhhhton5Sauce: What does Michael's room look like on the inside?" I say and put my hands underneath where I plan to put my photo of his room.

"Next one. Do you call each other by nicknames?" Jonas reads. "Cat." "Jonas."

We keep on reading the questions and goofing around until we've shot a pretty good video.

Now it's time to shoot the Billy Unger one.

"Kaixo guys It's Catherine!" I wave.

"Anyways, this LOOOONGGG overdue video is meeting Billy Unger, and my experience."

"So it all started out in Chicago after Dallas, where Luke pretty much almost DIED and was close to giving me my own heartache on the big screen. So we get bored and decide to go sight seeing. Then frickin JONAS demands we go to Navy Pier instead of the Museum of Science and Industry." I start.

"So they were doing a meet and greet with WILLIAM BRENT UNGER! Of course we went and got our wristband, and I got this super cute Malamute case, WHICH HE SIGNED! Anyways, Ashton just jumps out of the crowd, like the little devil he is and then we lost him. When we were waiting in line, Jonas just slaps me out of nowhere." I say and Jonas comes up and slaps me.

"Like that." I groan.

Sometimes I hate shooting videos.

A/N: OH MY ORANGES GUYS THANK YOU FOR 300 reads! AH PH MY GOSH THIS IS SO EXCITINGABUBBLE! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! Could we by any chance get to 400 reads and maybe 4 votes by the next update? Love you! Xx


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