Chapter 11

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"ON THE ROAD AGAIN! I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO GET ON THE ROAD AGAIN!" The boys yell in unison. I put my earbuds in and start planning for the next ANKC showmanship show. I'll have so much time on my hands when the boys go on tour. One of the boys hits my ankle and I yelp. "Watch it! I'm still partially out of the line of work you know!" I exclaim. "Sorry." Ashton murmurs.

I can't believe I'm going to be stuck in a van with these four idiots for half an hour!


"Hey guys so we just got out of the moving prison and I'm with derp and dork." I tell my camera. "Rude." Luke says like a common white girl. "WE'RE IN VEGAAAASSSS!" Ashton yells. "Yeah. We're here for the Billboards. I'm doing all of the behind the scenes work. I'M THE EVIL MASTERMIND BEHIND GETTING THESE B******* READY!" I evilly laugh. "Ugh. We're stuck with you?" Calum asks jokingly. "Quiet arse!" I snap back.

"Guys quit vlogging and come over here!" John yells. "Anyways, Mr. Big and Bossy is telling me to get off of the horn. BYEEE!" I shout and close my camera. "So we need to go check in now. Be prepared for a big long line of radio interviews." Liz tells us. "Alright. I'll help pack up the instruments." I say and grab the two guitar cases and one bass case. I set them in the back of the van and help load Ashton's drum kit.

Once we arrive at the venue, I band up with the security guards and escort the boys into the talent check in. "Where's the un-talented line? This is the talent check in." Calum giggles. "What do you think Cat?" Michael says, sticking a camera in my face. "I think you should not be the annoying big brother." I reply in a mono tone.

They go through about 600 interviews, then rehearse the song again.

Now it's time to get the boys ready for the red carpet portion. "Michael hold still." Lou sighs. "Catherine, go make sure the rest of them are dressed." She tells me. "On it." I nod and run off to the ohter part of the dressing room. "Are you 3 clothed?" I ask. "Yes. We have our outfits on." Ashton replies, opening the door.

"Send in the next one!" Lou yells. "Which one is next?" I ask. "Me." Calum says, walking out. "God. This is exhausting." I groan, sitting next to Luke. "I'm hot." Luke whines. "Well take that jacket off! It's blistering out!" I say in a "Duh!" tone.

Michael comes in and sits next to us. "I'm bushed." He sighs. Ashton stops pacing and takes a seat. "I'm nervous and my head hurts." He pouts. "Can you stop complaining?!" Liz asks.

"Okay guys, It's go time." Lou says. I grab my tool belt armed with lint rollers, saftey pins, hairspray, baby wipes, and double sided fabric tape. "Let's do this." I say dangerously.

They walk outside and stand where the girl with the walkie talkie tells them to. "Everyone turn around." I demand. They do as I say and I make sure they don't have dog hair or lint on them. "Ash your hat's dirty." I say and start wiping it off.

Lou does some last minute touch ups and they start walking down the carpet.

Fine it wasn't that easy. Luke insisted on kissing me, then he didn't want to stop. So Lou swatted him lightly with the rolled up newspaper I had in my tool belt and they were off like rockets.

"The hard part is over." Lou sighs. "Not for me. Water?" I say, handing her a bottle. She gratefully takes it and we walk back to the dressing room, leaving the monsters to their manager.


"Kendall's a total idiot." I mutter to myself, while backstage. "One Direction?" Luke sighs. "Whatever. Alright. Good Luck guys." I smile and go down the line, giving cheek kisses. When I get to Luke, he gives me a big kiss on the lips and goes onstage giggling. I shake my head and lean against the metal frame of the stage.

"Catherine Olivia Castro, just what are you doing here?" Someone asks behind me. I turn to see John Legend. "Hey bro." I grin, giving him a hug. "You certianly grew up since you moved from Ohio!" He grins. The music starts playing and they start singing. "Sh!" I exclaim, just as Luke starts the first lines. "Ah. Big fan?" He whispers. "Michael's my brother, and Luke's my boyfriend." I whisper back as they start the chorus.

"We have a lot to catch up on after everything finishes!" John exclaims. "Totally." I laugh as Calum starts his solo.

The song ends and the boys come running off stage. "Anyways, they have to reset the stage fast. Do you want to introduce me to your friends?" John asks. "Oh. Right. Luke, Calum, Ashton, and Michael, meet my 'big bro' John Stephens." I grin. John clears his throat. "Whoops. I mean, John Legend." I laugh.

"John meet my best friends Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin, my boyfriend Luke Hemmings, and my real big bro Michael Clifford." I smile. "Nice to meet you guys. I haven't seen this spit fire in so long! By the way, I love the new single." John smiles. "Thanks mate, see you around." Ashton smiles back and we walk to the dressing room.

"Oh my god. We just met John Legened!" Calum squeals. "Told you I know him." I smirk as we sit on the couch. "That was a performance." Luke sighs. "I loved the jump. Like "SO PUNK ROCK!"" I say the last bit in a high pitched, girly voice. They all burst into laughter.

"All I want to do now is sleep." Michael says laying his head on the couch. I could say the same for myself.


"I'll see you in 2 months." I smile up at Luke. He hugs me one last time, as do the other boys. "Bye guys." I smile, holding back tears. "We'll see you in two months, then you'll get to come on tour with us." Michael smiles, a tear sliding down his cheek.

"Flight 66079 to Dublin, Ireland is now boarding." The loudspeaker says. I give them all another hug and they walk to the gates.

I wave one last time and start walking to my car, trying not to cry.

A/N: So, I'm tired. But my friends are coming over!!

I don't know why, I'm a mega dweeb! 😁



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