Chapter 15:

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"Luke can you help me here? Opie's trying to kill me!" I yell. He rushes in and starts laughing. I'm all wet, on the floor, with my soaking wet now 100 pound dog laying on me.

He snaps a picture and moves to help me. He moves the squeaky clean Opie off of me and helps me up. "Thanks babe. Good luck at your interview!" I say, kissing him on the cheek.

"I should be back in time to watch you at the show." He grins. "Don't pressure yourself. It really doesn't matter if you come or not. If you get mobbed or Feldy sets up a surprise interview, it really doesn't matter." I tell him. "I'll be there in time to see you nail the working dogs." He beams.

"I love you wierdo." I say, kissing him. He pulls away and smiles. "I love you too chipmunk." He chuckles. "Luke Robert Hemmings! Stop snogging my sister and come on!" Michael yells. "Good luck." Luke whispers and runs off.

I look at Opie and smirk. "Let's blow dry." I laugh an close the door. He sits like a statue as I start drying him. He always loves the blow dryer.

30 minutes later, my dog is dry, and I am not.

I blow dry my hair and pull it into a teased pony tail. Next I put the black skirt with a white button down on, with gray socks, and the earrings Kelly gave me.

I sit on my bed as there's knock on the door. "Housekeeping!" The lady calls. "One second!" I reply, shoving Opie in his cage, also putting a cover over it. I open the door as they walk in. "I'll go and get some breakfast so I'm out of your hair." I smile, quickly checking the room for anything Mikey and Luke might have left laying around. Nothing. So I put my jacket on and head off.

I skip down to the Corner Bakery kiddy corner to the hotel. How I made it out if the hotel without being spotted is a mystery.

I order my food and sit on the bench. They are surprisingly playing 103.5 Kiss FM right now!

"Hi guys we're back on the air with 5 Seconds of Summer!" They yell. I can hear the boys cheering. "So what is it like in Chicago?" The host asks. I don't know his name so we'll call him Hostess. "We love Chicago. It's great." Ashton answers. "Luke is it true your girlfriend is with you guys?" Hostess asks. "Yeah she's just chilling with us. She missed Michael so she came with." Luke smiles. My food comes to my table. "That's cool! So we want to know your most embarrassing moments." He says. They start rattling off. I scroll through twitter to find....

"@Luke5SOS: @Clifford2.0 What is going on here? #Oathie"

I roll my eyes.

"@Clifford2.0: Dog show today! Can't wait! Watch Opester and I on Animal Planet!"

Pretty soon, after they go off air, I head back to the hotel room. Everything is perfect. I let Opie out and he jumps on my bed. "Are you ready to show?!" I ask. He jumps up and down. "Let's watch some Cartoons before we go." I say, putting on the TMNT.

I put everything in my bag and collapse Opie's crate. The cab driver, Ocey texts me that he's outside. I clip Opie's leash on and drag everything to the cab.

"Do you have everything Miss Catherine?" He asks through his thick Nigerian accent. "Yes I do. Thanks." I smile. I do another check and he starts driving through the venue.

He talks about his kids and his wife and I talk about my mom and the guys.

We get to the venue and he parks. I pay him really quick. "Do you need any help carrying anything?" He asks. "No thanks. I've got it." I say, nodding to the fancy giant suitcase I got. It's supposed to lug hay bales around.

"Very well then. Call me again sometime!" He says, shaking my hand. "Thanks man!" I smile.

Opie trots politely by my side as we walk into the venue. The check in desk in right in the front. I give them my form and they hand me my arm band with a simple "Good luck!"

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