Chapter 10

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"Mikey I can't believe you're going to perform at the BBMA'S!" I exclaim sitting on his bed. "I know, I just wish we could take Moto along. The little guy's grown on me!" He grins.

Speak of the devil, Moto plops right down in Michael's suitcase. "Moto. Out!" He exclaims. Moto drops his rope bone in front of him and gives Michael the puppy eyes.

"Must. Look. Away." He says dramatically. "Moto!" I exclaim, patting the space beside me. "I'll make sure mom and dad take care of him. But after you guys go to Vegas, I'll be making a pit stop in Ohio. I need to stop by an old friend's house." I smile. "Alright. I guess you can catch another flight home." He laughs. "Anyways, I'm going to go see what Luke's up to." I giggle, running downstairs.

I open the door and crash straight into Mr. Lucas the Penguin himself. "Oh hey. Didn't see you there." I grin, and give him a kiss. He doesn't kiss back, but instead gives me an angry glare.

"Why are you cheating on me?! Am I not good enough?" He snaps. "Luke Wh-" "You were out with Ashton last week and I busted you." He narrows his eyes. I look back at him with just as much venom.

"Ashton and I went out to grab frozen yogurt while you were in the studio because he was having a really bad day. He told me he was thinking about self harm. He said he hated himself and was starting to believe the twitter hate. I'm not cheating on you and I have no intention of it." I explain.

"I have a hard time believing you." Luke replies, walking forward. I take a step back and hit the wall. "I have a hard time believing that." I say stepping up to him. "Luke, you are absolutely amazing, selfless, hot beyond measures, kind, funny, talented, and the best boyfriend ever. I can't believe that I even have you." I sigh.

"I can't believe I loved you." He shakes his head, looking down. "You love me?" I ask in disbelief. "LOVED. Past tense!" He exclaims, sniffling. "I love you too." I hug him. "Now we're in Present tense." He grins, resting his forehead against mine and tangling our fingers together. "I think in the future tense, there's a makeup kiss." I wink.

Just as we're leaning in, someone clears their throat. Michael is leaned against the doorway, arms folded across his chest, smirking. "Bravo. Good show! Now let's keep this rated G, and not have a big makeout session just in case there's a cameraman in the bushes." He chuckles. "With that said, hang on one second." I say, grabbing a rock.

I throw it and hear it make contact with something. There's a short yelp, then a pap goes running out of the bushes and into an awaiting news van.

"Rats. I'm going to go stay inside until this passes." I sigh. "That sounds good. Are you done packing Mike?" Luke asks. "Yeah, let's invite the lads over and do a twit-cam or something." Michael grins and we go inside.

"This just in, Luke Hemmings and girlfriend Catherine Clifford's cheating scandal! We have more right after the break." A female reporter says on the telly. I moan and bury my face into the couch cushions. "I hate my life." I groan.

The story comes back on and I sit back to watch the horror movie. "Is Luke Hemming's girlfriend cheating on him with his very own best friend? We turn to Nancy who has the story." The reporter says.

"Thanks Cathy. So about ten minutes ago, our spy shot a very interesting video outside of the Clifford's house. We have the video with full audio right here." The new reporter says. "I HATE YOU LUKE!" I shout.

"Hey Cat! Look! You're on the TV!" Dad yells.

Luke comes in with a plate of pizza. "Did I miss it?" He asks. I give him a "WTF?!" look and turn back to the tube. "Wow. Look how cute you are when you're pissed!" Luke teases. "I could say the same for you." I quip back and watch some more. "Wow, pretty steamy huh?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

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