Chapter 8

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Jonas and I are currently playing leapfrog in the dressing room.

"WHAT'S UP DALLAS!?" Ashton yells.

Did I say we're in Dallas?

"Let's go watch the boys." I groan after Jonas fell on me.

It is so much fun watching the boys jump around and sing and do what they love.

Right when they were in the middle of singing Heartache on the Big Screen, Luke went white. Like a sheet. He signals for the boys to stop playing. They look around confused.

"What's going on?" I ask Jonas. Her hand flies to her mouth as Luke falls to the ground, unconscious.

The curtain closes and the fans start an uproar.

Jonas and I run onstage and stand next to the lads, who have crowded around Luke.

The emts are already checking his vitals and putting him on a stretcher.

"Is he okay?" I ask. "He's really tachycardic right now." The emt replies.

"Oh no." I sigh. "What's tachycardic?" Jonas whispers. "A way higher than normal heart rate." I reply.

They lift Luke offstage and Liz goes with him.

"Well lads, show must go on." Michael sighs.

Jonas and I scamper backstage as they start explaining to the crowd.

When the concert is over, we race to the car, no questions asked. Ashton starts driving to the hospital.

"Luke Hemmings. Where is he?" I ask the nurse. "Are you close family?" She asks in a nasally voice. "I'm his girlfriend and these are his best friends." I reply. "Nice try. Go sit over there with his 15 other "girlfriends."" She smirks.

"Lady! Does this ring a bell?" I snap, holding a picture of the lads, up to their faces. "Sing something." She snaps. The boys sing a tiny part of She Looks So Perfect. "I still don't believe you guys." She says in a mono tone.

I lunged at the receptionist and Ashton and Jonas quickly grabbed my arms.

"They're with me." Someone says from behind us. I slap my friend's hands away and walk up to Liz. "Is he okay?" I ask. "His heart rate is very dangerously fast and they are working to get it down as fast as possible. He may have a heart attack from it." She replies.

"Can we see him?" asks Ashton. Liz nods and we follow her to the room.

I brace myself for the horrible sight and open the door. But instead we saw Luke looking around sleepily.

"Where am I?" He asks groggily. "Am I in heaven?" He asks again. "No, you're in a hospital dumb***." Jonas snaps. I smack the back of her head. "Be nice. How are you feeling Lukey?" I ask sweetly.

"Cat? Why am I here?" He grumbles. "I can answer that." The doctor says, walking in. "Luke, when you perform your heart rate becomes higher than normal. That is actually a normal thing that occurs to most people when they engage in physical activity. However, today, your heart rate climbed too high too fast. If you hadn't sensed something was wrong, and stopped, you would've died. You're a lucky one son. We are trying to figure out why that happened, but for now, sit tight." Dr. Hypo smiles and pats Luke's back.

About half an hour later, Dr. Hypo comes back.

"Good news. All of the tests have come back negative. Were you nervous before you went onstage?" The cardiologist asks. Luke nods. "They also drank like a whole pack of red bull." I add.

"That's what happened. Nerves mixed with high amounts of caffeine and physical activity are a dangerous combination. Your next concert, cut back on the caffeine a few hours prior and do some meditating and you should be alright. We request you stay the night though, just to be on the safe side." The doctor explains.

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