Chapter 4

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Michael's POV

"WE'RE ON TOUR!!" Ash yells into his camera. "SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO STUDY!" Catherine yells from the bunks. We walk in to see her hunkered over a textbook.

"The Principals and Practices of Veterinary Medicine?" Ashton laughs. "You're 16!"

"Well excuse me. I didn't drop out of high school to go be in a band!" She retorts. "I graduated." He replies.

"Whatever." She replies and closes the curtain. Ash reopens the curtain and something starts clicking. Then a bucket of some purple substance spills on his head. Cat howls with laughter and pulls out her phone.

"I thought you would do that! So I did what any Lab Rats geek would do. Just like Chase in Episode 6, Bro Down, of Season 2, I got revenge on you for interrupting my study time. I set up a Rube Goldberg machine hooked up to that bucket which i filled with water and food coloring, and my secret ingredient, to then drop down on you. Beat that little drummer boy!" She smirks.

"Is that.. Dog pee?" Calum asks, walking into the room. "EEEEEWWW! OH MY GOD EWW! THAT IS SO DISGUSTING!" Ashton shrieks and runs to the showers.

"You are evil!" I start laughing at her. "Can you leave? I'm learning how to properly anesthetize a horse." She asks. I nod awkwardly and she continues reading.

I sit on the couch and start playing Fifa. "How are you guys related?" Ashton asks. "Apparently she's just a nerd, and I'm a gamer." I say and continue playing.

Cat's POV

The door creaks open and someone comes in. "Whoever that is, I have instant, permanent pink hair dye." I threaten. "Relax! It's me." Luke laughs. "Well in that case, the pink would set nicely on your hair." I smirk. "Hey!" Luke whines.

I ignore him and continue reading. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Reading." I reply. "What are you reading?" He asks again. I sigh abnoxiously. "How T0 Express the Anal Glands." I say loudly. "Is it bad that I actually want to stick around to see that?" He laughs.

"What time is it?" I ask. "8:57 why?" He replies. I jump out of my bunk and take off running. "Michael! Don't hog the TV!" I squeal. "Hang on just one more inning." My brother replies, not looking up. "You asked for it." I shrug and lift up the back of the couch, causing him, Cal and Ashton to fall off.

"What's gotten into you?" Mikey complains. "Lab Rats on in 1 minute!" I shriek and change the input.

"Can you just as us nicely?" He asks. "I did. But I could always just go back to reading how to squeeze stuff from a dog's butt." I reply. "Lab Rats it is!" He replies.

"What do you think?" Davenport asks. "I think you're begging for a gang of bikers to do rotten things to you." Chase replies.

I start laughing. Just then, Douglas comes on a screen in the lab. I gasp.

Holy Monkey...

Luke's POV

I look over to Cat, who's eyes are as wide as saucers. She's all scrunched up and glued to the TV. "Oh my God! Douglas is back!" She squeals as it cuts to commercial.

"Who's Douglas?" I ask. "Douglas is Davenport's brother, who kidnapped them, on many accounts, and he is working for a guy named Victor Krane- SHUT UP IT'S BACK ON!" She says and looks at the TV again.

Everyone starts laughing. "I can't believe you're actually a 16 year old girl. You act like a college student in school, a 13 year old when it comes to pranks, a pro wrestler when it comes to getting something you want, and a 6 year old when it comes to TV!" Ashton laughs.

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