Chapter 14

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"What are you doing?" A female voice asks. I turn around to see Perrie Edwards. "A prank." I smile. Luke sneaks up behind Zayn and squirts whipped cream on his head. His voice cracks and he turns around.

Luke has already stopped laughing and he starts running. "Wise choice." I murmur. Luke runs up to me and kissed me suddenly. "Take this kiss. It might be the last one you'll ever get from me! Look Catherine, When I die, I want you to move on to a new boy. Don't hold back!" He shrieks.

"What are you talking about?" I snap. I'm 678% done with him right now. The concert ends and the 1D boys come offstage.

"Luke you'd better run." Zayn growls. Luke lets out a tiny scream and he makes a break for it.

I break into laughter. Michael and Ashton run by, Ashton giving Michael a piggy back ride. Ash trips and they fall on the tile. I cringe and keep filming. "IT'S EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!" Calum screams and runs like a maniac. Perrie gives me a funny look. "Well don't look at me! I had nothing to do with this!" I exclaim.

Luke runs around screaming like a baby with Zayn chasing him. Zayn tackles him, and pins him down. I burst into laughter and watch them argue.

"IT WAS MICHAEL! I SWEAR!" Luke screams. "Whaaaat?" Michael says like a minion. They look at each other. "CAT DID IT!"

"Oh h*ll no!" I shout, running behind Perrie. "Look. Nobody is killing Cat." She explains. "Thank you." I exclaim, brushing myself off.


"Cat wake up." Luke whispers. I groan and swat at his hand. "Get your clothes on. Come on!" He exclaims. I roll out of bed and onto the floor. "Okay." I sigh and run to the bathroom. I quickly change into a pair of black skinny jeans, a white shirt, Mikey's flannel that says Idiot on the back and my jacket.

We link arms and I grab Opie. "So guess what I'm doing tomorrow?" I ask. "What?" He smiles. "The real reason I brought Opster is because of a big AKC show here." I explain. He gasps and jumps up and down. "Yay!" He squeals. I laugh and keep walking.

A few drunk teenagers stumble past us. "Navy Pier?" Luke asks. "Of course." I grin. He smiles his cute little Hemmo smile and we head in that direction, Jackson flanking us. Gotta always have a security guard!

I bite my lip and grab his hand. He smiles bigger and we keep walking. We sit down on a bench in front of the lake, just enjoying each other's presence.

It seems like hours before some stupid teenage girls yell "OH MY GOD IT'S LUKE HEMMINGS!"

A mob of girls appears "Hey guys?" I ask Jackson and Luke. "Yeah?" Jackson replies. "First one back to the hotel is a rotten egg!" I shriek and they run after me. Opie drags me by the leash.

We get to the hotel and collapse on the couch in the lobby. I lay my head back. "God dang." I pant. "I wish I could've hugged all of them!" Luke grins. "Yeah well too bad. It's dangerous when there's one of me and 50 of them." Jackson breathes.

There is a long silence. "So films?" Luke asks. I nod. "Thanks Jackson." I grin. "No problem!" He smiles.

We get into the elevator and wait around. Just then, the lights go out and it stops. "Fabulous!" Luke exclaims sarcastically. "So much for films." I groan.

"I'll call Jackson." Luke sighs, pulling out his phone. The elevator lights up with the light of his phone. Opie is cowering in the corner. "Come here you scaredy cat." I laugh. He runs up to me. I start scratching his forehead.

"Hi. Yeah we have a slight problem. The elevator lost power and got stuck. Okay.... OKAY OH MY GOD!" He squeals, turning red.

He hangs up. "What did he say?" I ask. "He said don't do anything and that he's talking to the staff now." Luke mumbles.

We both sit down.

"So..." I say. Luke nods. "Do you want to watch the Titanic on my phone?" I ask. "Sure." He smiles.

At least this elevator has wifi!

I scoot closer to him and pull up the movie. Pretty soon, i become aware of how late it is and my eyes start to droop. "Come here." Luke laughs holding out his arms. I set my head on his shoulder as we watch the movie. Opie is practically laying on top of me.

It gets to the good part where Jack meets Rose. "I'm assuming everyone dies in this movie?" Luke whispers. "You'll see." I reply. "But boo! Pleeeaaaasssseeee tell me?!" He asks. I shake my head. He starts whining as I stay mute.

Finally he gives up with a pout.

After a while, my phone freezes and Michael's face comes up. "Hey Mikey!" I answer. "Catherine Olivia Clifford. Where are you?!" He demands. I freeze. "Um well, funny story. Luke and I went out on a date. We had a bodyguard! Opie came with then we had to run from a mob of girls, we were about to go up, but then the elevator got stuck. So now, Luke, Opie and I are trapped in the elevator. Jackson is working on it. Don't worry. We're watching Titanic." I explain.

"Okay i gues- WAIT YOU'RE WATCHING TITANIC? THAT'S GOING TO GIVE LUKE NIGHTMARES!" He shrieks. "I'll shut it off. Goodbye." I tell him and hang up.

"Okay no more Titanic." I say and get out of the movie. "Do you want to watch Paranormal Activity 3?" I ask. "How are you not scared of these movies?" He asks. "I've worked on the set of horror movies, been to haunted places, and I've worked for Ghost Lab. Nothing scares me anymore." I state. "There's got to be something!" He exclaims. "Well I do have one fear." I sigh.

"What?" He smirks. "I've always been afraid of falling in love. I got rejected by so many girls and guys when I went to school, that I never really had a boyfriend or a friends. Jonas actually was the one who defended me after the one dude, Josh, decided to ask me out, only for him to not show up, and for me to be the laughing stock of the school. That's how we became friends. He came to school the next day limping, with a black eye and his arm in a sling." I laugh, recalling the memory.

"So I'm your first boyfriend?" Luke says in shock. "Yeah, and my first kiss, and my first love." I smile. He hugs me tightly and looks at me. "I'm sorry we can't be the movie couple everyone expects out of their first relationship." He frowns.

"Are you kidding? I'd rather have to run from Fangirls, cuddle in an elevator, and not see my boyfriend for 2 month periods or longer all the time then date an average guy." I grin.

"Yeah, and I guess I'd rather go to dog shows every weeked, watch endless marathons of Lab Rats, and have the fear if I kiss you, or touch you the wrong way, here comes Mikey with a hacksaw, knocking at my door!" He says and I start giggling. "But I'd do all of that then date a model." He finishes.

I lean in and kiss him.

Suddenly the lights come on and the elevator starts moving. Opie barks, causing us to jump apart. The door opens and the fire department comes into view. "Are you guys alright?" One of the firefighters asks. "Never better!" I exclaim. A patch of lilac shoves through the crowd and Mikey runs up to me.

"Cat! Are you okay?!" He asks. "I'm good." I tell him. He sighs in relief. "You might want to call mom, she's worried sick." He says. I groan. "Okay. Thank you everyone for getting us out of there." I grin. "Yes. Thank you so much. We really appreciate it." Luke says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"You're welcome We're just glad everyone is okay." The chief says. I nod. "Well I guess since everyone is alive, go talk to mom." Michael says, handing me his phone.

I groan. "Good luck." Luke says.

This is not going to be good.


The Beagle won it all! 😄😄

Congrats to all the competitors!

Wait AC why would they be reading this?

Shut up conscience.

Comment your favorite breed down below!

Mine's the Alaskan Malamute, The Sheltie, The Beagle, and Swedish Vallhund.

Ps pray for me my constitution teacher is satan in disguise.


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