Chapter 7

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"GAHHHH! I'M SO BORED!" I groan.

"I don't know what to tell you." Michael laughs. "Luuuuukeeeyy." I mumble. "Sorry. I'm playing." Luke says, strumming a few chords.

"Okay. Guess I'll go make my own fun." I grin and walk to the kitchen. "Lets see... Baking Soda.. Check! Vinegar.. Check! Brown Air dry clay... Oh no." I sigh. I walk to the bunk room and pull out my mobile chem lab. Bingo!

I take the clay and rush to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" Ashton asks. "Building the ultimate volcano." I reply and put my goggles on. "Can I help?" He asks. "Sure. Put these on." I smile and give him some goggles.

I take a glass and start forming the clay around it. Ashton starts making little indents in it.

After about an hour, we have the volcano built like we want it. "Alright we need to pour the sodium bicarbonate into the Acetic Acid." I explain. "Wait. First red food coloring." Ashton giggles like a school girl and puts the whole thing in the cup. "Goggles on." I say like a drill sergeant.

We quickly drop the baking soda in and run to the doorway. The volcano is huge, so I don't want to get caught in the line of fire with that thing.

I pull out my video camera just as a huge explosion happens, causing red foam to fly everywhere.

"What the ---- was that?!?" Michael yells. "RUN!" I yell and we make a beeline for the bunk room door. I run in and Ashton slams the door. "We're going to die!" I squeal.

"What happened to the kitchen?!" Cal yells. "CATHERINE OLIVIA CLIFFORD YOU ARE SO DEAD!" Mikey yells. "Yeah. We're going to die." Ashton exclaims.

They start banging the door and I scream. "Wait, I can build a stink bomb, slide it under the door, and we can hide!" I yell and frantically start digging.

"Done!" I say 5 minutes later. Ashton opens the door and rolls it out. We hear a scream come from the other side of the door and I giggle satisfied. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU IRWIN!" Luke screams.

Ashton goes flying into a closet and I hide in my suitcase. "Where'd they go?" Mike asks. "Oh. A suitcase. I wonder what's in it." Luke says sarcastically and I feel the zipper start to move on the suitcase.

"I found-" Luke starts but I pull him into a kiss. "Luke? LUKE! EW!" Michael exclaims. "TASTE DEFEAT!" I yell and throw a walnut at him, which knocks him in the forehead. "Where'd you get a walnut?" Luke asks. "I have my ways." I smirk.

"You're coming with us!" Mike says like a 1970's cop show. "NOOO! HELP ASHTON SAVE ME!" I scream as Luke throws me over his shoulder and carries me to the lounge.

"I'LL SAVE YOU! smASH TO THE RESCUE!" Ashton yells at the top of his lungs and does a flying tackle at Luke. Luke goes down with a scream and I get up and run away.

"Nice try. Clean up the kitchen." Michael smirks. "Ashton helped!" I complain. He looks over at Ashton and Luke, who are play wrestling on the floor.

"AH! YOU HIT ME IN THE BALLS!" Ashton squeaks.

"I'll send him in." He looks at me with a funny look. Calum is already wiping down the walls.

"I'll get the counter." I mumble and start wiping everything down.

15 minutes later, there is no Sodium Bicarbonate/ Acetic acid solution in sight.

"Thanks Cal." I smile and high five him.

We all sit on the couch and watch a movie, except poor Ashton. He was busy sitting in the kitchen with a bag of frozen peas.


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